CQ Half Life Mod

Started by Atariangamer, October 06, 2008, 04:46:10 PM

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Legacy is dead, Not all of our comps can support Quake and Half Life is All Cr*p.
So what if there's models? Chex Quest looks better when images are flat. Most of the time. 3D floors in levels are excempt from this rule, as they enhance the playing experience. Models... Most of the time they look like Cr*p, or they don't look CQ (Which also means they are Cr*p).
GZDooM is easy. Classical. Fun. I'm never straying. Immah sticking with Replica and Arch.
Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, BRAIN!

The Green Avenger

Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


See, the reason I'm going away from GZDooM is because I just dont get it, just too much activation...Mapping in Legacy fits the normal doom mapping MUCH better, and I've never seen a glitch in Legacy to this day. GZDoom, while an advanced port of DooM, is still doom. It has its limitations.

And there are Quake sourceports...I've used them. HalfLife had a high resolution pack included, and if the effort was there, a Half Life mod could be upgraded to Source, and be much better.

Models...I've seen only one model ATTEMPTED, and IMO it didn't do TOO bad...it kept a cartoony feel while keeping it lowres and lowpoly.

And Flurb, half life has been ported to a few consoles. If this ever took off into something big, we might could do that too. And Half Life is a great story engine, as it is all intertwined with the game play.

...IDK, srsly, just lock it...I got one who understands but is splitting the middle, 2 on my side, 1 who sees it my way, and the rest against it.

This is not trying to be Chex Quest...This is to be something totally different, just taking place in the CQ universe.
(and as I said earlier, this wouldn't be getting so much flak if I had just mentioned that I was attempting a HL mod...but I add CQ to that and it explodes into "no, GZDooM")..

The point is to get away from DooM and its derivatives for ONCE. We have the beginings of a CQ themed Wolf 3d, and doom pushed up to its limits in GZDooM mods...however, I suggest a step across to something else, and its like I just commited treason. I didn't like GZDooM...I thought it would be good for TUCQ, but when I tried mapping I was like "Stick to Legacy". Well, little did I know that now almost everybody hates Legacy, and is going for GZDooM. I couldn't follow y'all, cuz I just couldn't map in this new format. whats the point of 532 features if ya cant use them? so I tried Wolf...I suck at graphics, and thats what most of the whole idea of that was...a graphics replacement. So I just dropped it. and all the times I brought up Legacy, I was getting told by everyone to go to GZDoom. I"M NOT USING GZDOOM. or ZDooM. and Legacy hasn't gotten there yet, so I decided to move on. I said "Half life is pretty good" and when I popped the idea of using a newer engine to create a chex quest themed game, I get dragged down to GZDooM again...

THAT MAKES NO SENSE!!! If I say "I want a new engine" why take me back to what is the current standard?! This is not a discussion of a higher resolution and quality Chex Quest, this is a discussion of a Half life mod for CQ. Dont say "Use GZDooM" cuz it is not what the topic is.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!

Manny Cav

Quote from: Flurb on October 07, 2008, 02:22:57 AM
I think we should eventually start a new Chex Quest from scratch. One day, someone should, somehow, buy the title "Chex Quest" from Chex and bring it back to life. Sure, we can make our own modes and play Zdoom and watnot, but I think a whole new chex quest would be great. Not just for the PC but for systems like the PS3, Xbox 360, ect.. I wonder how Chex Quest for the Wii would work. Original and new stories, actual cut scenes, weapons level up as you use them, maybe somewhat of an RPG with different characters to play as (with individual strengths and weaknesses). Maybe even Chex Quest Mobile.
This here pretty much summarizes what I was talking about when I mentioned making a new Chex Quest from scratch.

Also, Atariangamer, I will typically honor requests from the topic starter to have a topic locked. I want to make sure you're serious about this, though. Just because some don't agree with your point of view doesn't mean it is "getting flak." Not everyone here thinks or has the same opinions as everyone else, so naturally, there's just not going to be universal agreement on every single topic brought forth. You can't blow a head gasket because a few, or, yea, several people think about something differently than you do. You created this topic to collect opinions, no? We live in a diverse world, and the many members of this website reflect that. Instead of having angst towards members or their differing opinions, let us have tolerance, or better yet, respect for those opinions.

I swear from the direction of this topic, though, that it looks more like a discussion on a presidential debate (don't get any wild ideas) than a discussion about a new Chex Quest engine or project. Serious, WUT?
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010

The Green Avenger


I seriously can't believe I just read that.  Not taking flak?  How many posts ago did you stop reading this topic, after AG's first post?  Every time he's trying to help his IDEA along, someone says, in effect if not literally, 'No, man!  Changing CQ away from DooM is one of the Deadly Sins!  And you're such a n00b for not seeing this.'

AtarianGamer wants to try something.  He's serious about it, but a whole bunch of close-minded <rephrased to avoid ban> forum members come in yelling about how it HAS to be GZDooM and anything else is taboo.  Just because he says he wants to try something new and different, people start jumping on him for thinking outside the box!  Since when did that become a bad thing?

Though not completely on topic, there is also the view that Legacy is dead.  The whole 'GZDooM owns everyone' quote.  I thought it was just a funny quip about the engine's nice feature, but if you now DARE to use any other engine, even Legacy WITH ALL OF ITS GOOD, CLASSIC CAPABILITIES AND NICE, OLD SCHOOL MAPPING STYLE, you are immediately some sort of retarded moron with an IQ less than that of a dead dog.  It seems to me that some people have forgotten where we came from!  Legacy is the only reason that we got awesome games like Newmaps!  I have yet to see the equal of XBolt's cutscenes in GZDooM.  Sure, there are some tries at cutscenes, but they all fall short of the original feel.  I am sticking with Legacy, however many people call me a newb, how ever many people look at it and say, 'LOL, wut? mod no workz in GZdoomzorz,' I DON'T BLASTED CARE!

I know, I'm overreacting.  I'll be back after my temporary ban, and I won't switch positions.  This is the closest thing to an admin turning a blind eye on a topic that I have ever seen on the CQFF, and I am not happy with it.

-TGA, a very annoyed and frustrated forum member.  Thank you for ruining a perfectly good day.
Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


But the problem is that i was suggesting a new chex quest, and a new engine. I brought forth the 'next gen' from doom, which was quake (and since I like the story side of games) and Half Life. I was never thinking about using any form of DooM. I was saying we need to try another engine. But, all say that they'd rather not take the doom out of CQ, and would just suggest me use GZDooM...I've already stated elsewhere that I dont like GZDooM as much, and I have the inability to map for it, making it impossible for me to "keep up with the times" (no quote, figure of speech). I presented a radical idea to actually bump us away from Doom, and instead got Doom handed right back to me. Do I have a reason to at least get a little hot? ><

And I'm not shooting down the engine of preference, I'm kinda angry that everyone either wants to go to the very top, or stay where they are. Why on earth could we not go anywhere inbetween? Most have said that we cant model...very true, but with the right tools, its almost like drawing. There has to be SOMEONE who has done something with them...I could probably get SuperChex on this with me (if he was around more often)...

but, its an idea, take it or leave it, no discussions about anything beginning or ending with doom if you please. I've changed the topic because thats the direction that seems best to go in, and I'd like to limit the other comments about (G)ZDooM...

(and about my point of view...they just shot down a whole entire ... 10 years of engines (and their games) with the statements that GZDooM is better, and the only good models are doom3 or better.)

EDIT: I see we have set of TGA as well...but he has good points.
REEDIT: TGA is also with me on the Legacy subject...Legacy is a very established engine, good feature sets, and like he said, its where we came from! But, again, if someone asks the question "which engine should I use?", 9.999 times outta 10, its GZDooM. (me an tga are that last little bit) But seriously, WTF? We got ideas, we defend them, we take flak, we shot back...and we're gettin hammered on? ... if so, i'll join tga in that tempraban)
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!

Manny Cav

I will say again: No one is receiving flak, being hammered, being slammed, etc., just because someone else posts something that doesn't line up with their opinion. Again, I don't think anybody here is being closed-minded just for suggesting that he use GZDoom (even though I opposed it). Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and expression of it, as long as it is not harmful or defamatory to another member. If one asks for suggestions or opinions, one should expect to see something that doesn't line up with what that person thought. I didn't see anything in all of the posts that suggested that anyone thought anyone was a dead dog or any other insult. However, this topic has gone considerably downhill, and I see no end in sight, so I am now forced to lock it for reasons unrelated to Atariangamer's request.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


This is ridiculous. Why don't you just make it on what you want? I'm only saying this because quake (2) and half life are not free. If you think you can replicate a CQ game on that engine then by all means go ahead. Just don't expect as many people to play it then. Yes I still use legacy. It's a good source port. Gzdoom is an advanced port which in my own opinion will have more interesting modding capabilities than half life. Overall I am just sick of such bickering on these forums. I came here and to the doom community when people literally PUMPED out artwork and had insight into the creative aspects of game modding. Now almost 90% of the community's output seems to be "making" mods by just thinking of the idea, arguing about which engine to use, and in general passing mediocre-poorly made mods and maps as finished with little attention to creativity.

And I'm not saying that I'm superior here either. I used to know the most around here about mapping, with the exception of boingo, and xbolt's scripting and strife's levels were also actually very original and well done. Now many of you know more advanced stuff that I may not know right away just because I haven't learned them.