CQ Half Life Mod

Started by Atariangamer, October 06, 2008, 04:46:10 PM

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In the CQ3 topic, some discussions were being thrown around about moving CQ out of the DooM engine and into something higher quality. Manny brought up a Doom3 engine, Replica holds fast to GZDooM, I'm suggesting Quake or Half Life (but quake will be the easier mod, by far). So, thoughts on this, materials, programs (like sourceports and data files/editors), and junk like that would go here...

Just told this to TMOB and TGA...here it is:

Quake would be very possible, as we have mebe one or two modelers...and the maps arent that hard to make, but they are fairly complex...but makin straight/enhanced CQ levels is no prob.

The reason I'd rather have a HL mod is the fact that it has cutscenes, dialogue, and other things that can make it more puzzle like, and therefore awesome. It also has a simpler architecture, and has more advanced activation, making it a sure thing for an epic story line. Also, it has a better lighting system, and has ways to be upgraded into highres via packs. It also uses skeleton animation for models, not frames that get smoothed (like in GZDooM/Quake). It would be much better.

While quake would be the easier to mod, Half Life would produce the better results, and could provide a HUGE stepping stone into a Source remake of it, which would really gain the attention of more games, bringing Chex Quest more publicity
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Half-Life 2

*covers self with lead shield for nucular bombs are exploding*


I'm still with GZDoom. GZdoom has hires compatbility, and pesonally, I don't really think models are good unless its doom 3 good. No one here has the ability (besides Chucker) to make good models anyways.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Chex Quest - Doom = Nooooooooooooooo!!!
GZDooM is the best choice, No models, ever!

Thats where I stand. ^^


Captain Ventris

Quote from: Nomekop on October 06, 2008, 05:49:46 PM
Half-Life 2

*covers self with lead shield for nucular bombs are exploding*

You must be a Republican.

It's Nuclear. Seriously.

Manny Cav

I'm suggesting something either from scratch or that is open-source, a la Doom (it's imperative we don't use anything that requires one to have another game that costs money). I'm pretty sure Quake is open source. I'm not so sure about Half-Life. There is no reason to make an enhanced GZDoom version, since that is what The Ultimate Chex Quest is going to eventually be, anyway.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010



from my research, Quake is fully opensourced. It has no tools for story implementation, so I'm gonna say thats out. Half Life has development kits, and with a bit of tweaking it could be ran standalone. I agree about the GZDooM thing, as TUCQ is basically an enhanced version. What I'm saying is something more like what VioFlem is trying to be: a full story, with the same ideals and basics, set in the CQ universe, in a new engine. Who says we have to leave the main story, but enhance it, extend it, high define it, and such.

(what I've noticed is that TMOB, BC, and TGA all support me on this, but all else is no go)

Now, a nice looking mod IS capable in GZDooM...several ZDooM mods and TCs have fully utilized scripting, models, highresolution, and so forth. But IMO, the mapping is the main limitation. Can you make a nice door like the one in the CQ Intro? not really. Can you do bright mapping? slightly. Can you do 3d model NPCs? barely. how about regular NPCs, with activation? not much.

GZDooM would restrict it to just that. Doom. with something more flexible, more is possible. I really DONT wanna get into the source engine, as that takes a good bit to make work. a page I found is here. It shows that the "GoldSource" Half Life engine can be modified to do most anything. It just requires maps, models, and C++ coded DLLs to help the engine interpret how to use and activate the models and maps. TMOB knows C++, and could help us when the time came. Chukker (if in on this project) could help us with graphics, and the Slimeinator could help if Chuck wasn't available. mapping in BSP isn't that hard, though it takes awhile to get the generics down hard enough to get results. However, I did make a simple map or two in 4 hours after opening up the editor for the first time. I see great potential here.

Now, a gzdoom project would be possible...but it would have to be totally different from TUCQ, which will be hard as all that he is doing is dressing it up, like we want to. But thats not entirely what I envision. I am thinking of placing the CQ universe and cannon storyline into a Half Life like atmosphere and situation:

The experimental teleporter goes bad when you place the test object into it, and it inverts the two dimensions (cereal and flem) for a few seconds. In that time, the flemoids get set in, and you return to conciusness in a slimed chamber, and all the guys you saw are slimed to the floor or wall, and you get them out and they help you continue a bit. Then you meet some flemoids, get the zorchers, and then go into the hanger where you start off the normal CQ storyline, then get flown back to ralston, then you do that there, then you get sent to the IFoC ship where you start that story, and then finish up.

Thats all.

heres a site with a few editing programs

here's the SDKs for Half Life
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


First off, You can probably make a door like that in GZDoom, it would just take 5 or 6 hours to get done... It's really not important to make. WTF, of cource you can make a bright map. :P I don't see why models are so important to you. Half life models sucked some what, and the main problem is that we don't have a good model maker any ways. IDK about you guys, but I had another project that I was talking about in another topic on the closing of JOL, which is sorta like this for GZdoom.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.

Manny Cav

Ah. So Half-Life is open source? We can just download the engine? Also, I don't get the "...><," as I never said anything that suggested I was against what you said or that I didn't support it.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


well, it seems that replica is sure full against using Half-Life or anything that is not DooM.

Now, for the existing CQ levels, yeah the door isn't important. But I'm not talking about just the original CQ levels...this is a totally different thing. I'm talking a rewritten storyline, and other small tweaks that makes this not just a higher res CQ, but a whole nother CQ encounter all together. (what I dont get is why we are considering our current engine next gen)

And IDK if you can just download the engine...but there are ways to get it. I need to find someone and ask them flat out. Developing on it sure is free...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Doom serously... NOTHING ELSE!



If I said I was gonna make a Half Life mod, but gave no details, would all this be happenin? no. But as soon as I mention CQ, it goes all off.

unless someone actually believes me and a few others can actually do this...go ahead and lock it. it is obvious that either noone gets the point, or they just dont wanna go there.


I am a storyteller, I tell stories and give visions, which helps make up for my lack of art skill. I can tell and mostly show what I want, but need help getting it done. But due to the amount of GZDooM guys around here, I find it hard to get anywhere on even telling the story (which I got a great deep one in mind, but im gonna hafta hold it till I get at least a modeler, or learn some skills)

TGA is facing the same problem with his mod. He is trying to get an engine that was never designed for storytelling to focus on a story, but while not having the pwnzorz maping skills or stuff like that. however, he has done a great job and has made a very sucessful mod, IMO. having seen a few screens and listening to descriptions, hes got a great thing goin.

all im saying is cut me a break. I might be pressing the matter, but SRSLY. When I pop a question about a next gen something, my mind is in something next gen, not our current materials...but instead of ideas or *constructive* criticism, I just get a bunch of "GZDooM, no models, hires, <3 CQ"...the idea is possible, no? why not try it, give it a chance, or do like George Lucas did with Indiana Jones and work on it, let it gather some dust, then pull it back down and finish it? Yeah, I can tell most of us cant do coding, artwork, modeling, mapping (heck, I cant do it much), but why just shot it down? I get Legacy's mapping style. I get DooM's mapping style. But we have moved into GZDooM, and now that I dont get it, I cant do much. I do understand a few things, and I try to apply them, but comeon...gimme a chance. But if another person says "NO, GZDOOM!"...Manny Cav, I want you to lock it, delete it, something.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Quote from: Captain Ventris on October 06, 2008, 07:42:04 PM
Quote from: Nomekop on October 06, 2008, 05:49:46 PM
Half-Life 2

*covers self with lead shield for nucular bombs are exploding*

You must be a Republican.


Bad joke. Not funny.

Now then! Back to the subject at hand. I think, (and Boingo has said before,) that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to capture the cartoonyness of CQ in 3D models. In Chex Trek, the models were good, but they just didn't feel like Chex Quest to me.

Just my thoughts. They may not be your thoughts, (apparently they aren't,) so I'm not saying don't go for a HL mod, I'm just saying that it will probably feel more 'real' (for lack of a better term) than the original.


I think we should eventually start a new Chex Quest from scratch. One day, someone should, somehow, buy the title "Chex Quest" from Chex and bring it back to life. Sure, we can make our own modes and play Zdoom and watnot, but I think a whole new chex quest would be great. Not just for the PC but for systems like the PS3, Xbox 360, ect.. I wonder how Chex Quest for the Wii would work. Original and new stories, actual cut scenes, weapons level up as you use them, maybe somewhat of an RPG with different characters to play as (with individual strengths and weaknesses). Maybe even Chex Quest Mobile.