Question about DooM Builder.

Started by Frizkie, July 31, 2008, 04:19:44 PM

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So I've got a .wad of my E1M1 and I exported D_RAVE into the wad because thats the music I wanted for it. I also renamed D_RAVE to D_E1M1. Which program do I need (Skulltag, Legacy, GZDoom, ect) to run it? If you know, could you give me a step by step?


If it's in the wad, just run the wad through any port. What type is it? MP3, midi, etc? If its not mus. Then run it through zdoom.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Quote from: Replica on July 31, 2008, 04:30:07 PM
If it's in the wad, just run the wad through any port. What type is it? MP3, midi, etc? If its not mus. Then run it through zdoom.
OK, I've got that. I used TUCQ Phase II Beta III wad for my textures and all that. How do I use the TUCQP2B3.wad in ZDoom?
Would putting the TUCQ wad renamed as doom2.wad in the zdoom folder and running my wad?

The Slimeinator

Quote from: Frizkie on July 31, 2008, 04:36:35 PM
Quote from: Replica on July 31, 2008, 04:30:07 PM
If it's in the wad, just run the wad through any port. What type is it? MP3, midi, etc? If its not mus. Then run it through zdoom.
OK, I've got that. I used TUCQ Phase II Beta III wad for my textures and all that. How do I use the TUCQP2B3.wad in ZDoom?
Would putting the TUCQ wad renamed as doom2.wad in the zdoom folder and running my wad?

You can't, and no.
Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5


Quote from: The Slimeinator on July 31, 2008, 04:44:40 PM
Quote from: Frizkie on July 31, 2008, 04:36:35 PM
Quote from: Replica on July 31, 2008, 04:30:07 PM
If it's in the wad, just run the wad through any port. What type is it? MP3, midi, etc? If its not mus. Then run it through zdoom.
OK, I've got that. I used TUCQ Phase II Beta III wad for my textures and all that. How do I use the TUCQP2B3.wad in ZDoom?
Would putting the TUCQ wad renamed as doom2.wad in the zdoom folder and running my wad?

You can't, and no.

Can I run them through Legacy?

Manny Cav

I don't think you can use The Ultimate Chex Quest Phase II beta 3 in ZDoom, at least not with good results. I think the patch that's circulating around goes only for ZDoom. Besides, TUCQP2B3.wad isn't even an IWAD, so renaming it to doom2.wad sure as sunrise wouldn't work.

If you're asking what source port you need, it depends on what mapping mode in Doom Builder you used to make your new map. Which mode did you use?

Also, Replica, if he took D_RAVE from skulltag.wad, then it's probably MUS.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


Another friendly tutorial:
alright, lets take it from the top (since I know where you're gettting D_RAVE from ;))

1. Open XWE, and bring up skulltag.wad
2. Do a quickfind for D_RAVE, or just find it.
3. select the song, then click 'entry>save as...'
4. Keep the file type as .LMP, and save it as D_E1M1
5. Bring up your wad, and switch to the music filter (button at the bottom)
6. Click 'entry>load', then select D_E1M1.LMP
7. the song will get loaded, and should come up with a green-note-on-white-paper icon
-. If not, click on it. If you see the data, and the icon changes, you're alrite
8. save the wad, then run it.

That should work. In ZDooM/GZDooM, you can use a MAPINFO lump to define level orders, music, episodes, and skys. Thats a bit too ahead of me, so just use the defaults. In DooM2 (or TNCQ2), the songs linked to the maps are named (like D_ROMERO), so you would want MAPINFO or a list of the songs and their maps...

AH! Frizkie! I was just finishing it! lol

Well, to run that, you can do this:
1. place all the wads into the zdoom folder (I suggest gzdoom, tho)
2. select your two wads (yours and tucq)
3. click and drag the two to the .exe
IMPORTANT! Make sure you drag it over using the TUCQ wad, or your level will be written over...

or just use a simple bat file

gzdoom -iwad doomu.wad -file CQUESTP2B3.wad *yourwad*.wad

to make bat files, open notepad, paste the above into it, then save it as 'mywad.bat' with the type set to 'all files'...but tucq doesn't work very well with gzdoom...i'd suggest using legacy, but i already wrote this...

URGH!stop posting! 4 people posted while I typed this!
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Quote from: Manny Cav on July 31, 2008, 04:47:41 PM
I don't think you can use The Ultimate Chex Quest Phase II beta 3 in ZDoom, at least not with good results. I think the patch that's circulating around goes only for ZDoom. Besides, TUCQP2B3.wad isn't even an IWAD, so renaming it to doom2.wad sure as sunrise wouldn't work.

If you're asking what source port you need, it depends on what mapping mode in Doom Builder you used to make your new map. Which mode did you use?

Also, Replica, if he took D_RAVE from skulltag.wad, then it's probably MUS.

Wow, I completely forgot that the TUCQ wasn't even an Iwad,  ??? :-\ ::) :P   I used the Chex Quest mapping mode - I downloaded TheGreenAvenger's TUCQ.cfg. So, I guess it is .mus. Yes, you were right, I was asking what source port. With that info, ^^^, what would I use?


Legacy...But im about to leave and cant tell ya how...xbolt should know...slimenator should know...ask them.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


GOT IT! THANKS ATARI!!!! Phew, it worked. Thanks!


Alright, well my level runs FINE. It's still not playing the music though.

EDIT: Double post... sry sry sry sry sry sry sry!  :o :'( :-\

The Slimeinator

That's easy. You need to fool with your Sound Settings.
Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5


No, it's playing music, but not the one I wanted.

Manny Cav

Why don't you post a link to your WAD or send it to someone so we can look at it and see what's wrong so we don't have to stumble through posts like this?
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


Yeah, good idea.

Keep in mind that... this is my first map ever. It's not that great.
To run it, create a new folder, put a shortcut to GZDoom in it, aswell as this wad and the TUCQP2B3.wad. Highlight both wads, and click on the TUCQ wad and drag it onto the gzdoom shortcut. viola.