[IFOC] Server Hosting: New Topic

Started by 75, May 25, 2024, 03:00:56 PM

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Since the old topic is in the old part of the forum that isn't visible anymore, I'll make a new one

Server admin: Acts19Quiz

If you want to play on the Zandronum servers, you can download Zandronum here: http://zandronum.com/download

IFOC also hosts Odamex (another multiplayer DOOM source port, more 'Vanilla-oriented' than Zandronum) Chex servers. Currently, two servers are up: Chex Quest: The Pentiultimate Breakfast, and a pre-release version of Chex Quest 3 v2.0 for Odamex (a Zandronum server for pre-release CQ3v2 is also up). Odamex can be downloaded at odamex.net.


- You may not cause the game to be unplayable for other players (e.g., exit blocking).

- Do not abuse vote kick

- Don't be a jerk

- CQFF Discord invite link: https://discord.gg/rtt986qTre

Hostname : ifocserv.net
All of my wads and pk3s that I'm hosting can be found here


Here's some history to make me feel old,
- the old topic was originally posted on 8/14/2011
- I switched to Linode on 8/12/2012
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."


I'm planning on handing over ifocserv to Acts19Quiz, the domain and the server.

I guess it's a good thing I didn't end up hosting the CQFF.

Some things have changed in my life over the past year (all good things) and to be honest, I don't really play video games that much anymore. It wasn't an easy decision to hand over the server, I definitely have a lot of good memories playing Doom/chex on there and hopefully you do too!

I think the server will be in better hands with somebody like Acts19Quiz who actually plays the games sometimes. I don't have a switchover date right now, but it should be happening pretty soon.

There shouldn't be any loss of files on the ftp, but there might be a bit of downtime while I transfer the linode and the domain name to him.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."


I've transferred the domain and linode server to Acts19Quiz, right now the DNS change is processing, so the domain isn't quite working, but hopefully that will be resolved in the next few days
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."


The DNS change is processed, Acts19Quiz has both the domain and the linode server.

Anyway, ggs everyone
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."