Chex Quest HD!

Started by Chukker, April 18, 2016, 08:51:39 AM

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A new trailer has been added to the Steam page as well, the end includes a tease of PvP:

Seams like this might be dropping soon.


DOORS? I love opening doors! 10/10 best game ever :erawelahw

And the new music sounds dope, Andrew! Will it be released later on in FLAC/MP3?

And I see it's missing Strife's tracks from CQ3. Couldn't release those because of rights reasons I assume?


Hitting things with spoons is my favorite! I think I'll try this. :erawelahw
:whale :caineware :ninjaware :whale :caineware :ninjaware


Was hoping for the super bootspork would look a bit more intense.


Quote from: mryellow362 on May 08, 2020, 08:27:49 AM
Was hoping for the super bootspork would look a bit more intense.

The weapons are the one area where I'm disappointed, the scaling just looks plain awkward.

Slightly cringe marketing aside I do respect that they seam to acknowledge this as a new returning invasion rather than retconing Chex Mix into the old story.


and from the looks of it the multiplayer is probably going to be a zorchmatch


Quote from: drooben on May 07, 2020, 01:24:04 PM
Hey Folks,

The Chex Quest soundtrack is now available on Spotify:

This includes gameplay tracks from CQ1, 2, 3, and new credits and cinematic tracks from HD.

Cheers, Andrew

Awesome, the OST of CQ HD, gonna listen it now!  :whale

Nice trailer ^^
But yeah, the hud of the weapon is small, mabye more improvement or new stuff later anyway!  :D

LAZ Trooper

I agree with the zorchers not looking right. Also that new trailer is somehow both hilarious and super cringey at the same time.
Use the CQ IRC channel! (were it working...)

Current Projects:
Chex Quest: The Great Invasion (on hold)
Chex Quest Skulltag Pack - mapper
The Chex Crusades: Return to Bazoik
Map of Epic (unannounced. If you notice this and ask about, good for you. You won't get any information. And I am out o


HD is now live on Steam! For free of course.

Anonymous (ChexGuy331)

posted this in the discord, will post again (with additions) here. I did not play past the first level, nor did I finish the level at all - so please keep in mind these are very early impressions but I still believe these issues are important to address.

options are very limited:
for me, the mouse sensitivity is just a bit too high on the default setting but far too low on the lowest.
there's no control rebinding.
audio also feels very unbalanced, flemoid sounds are low but doors are quite loud.
FOV is a bit low (again, for me) and also unadjustable.
video options consist of resolution, anti-aliasing, and vsync only.

on my (admittedly dated) rig, performance takes a bit of a hit when I see the hatch-opening cutscene.

animations in general are very slow and...lifeless? this is something I've felt since the reveal trailer, and while they have notably improved a little since then, they still seem to be missing a little something. this is easily the most jarring aspect of the game currently, and one that will leave a lasting impression because first impressions based on visuals hold a lot of weight.

just a thought from me - the AI consisting of moving towards the player in a straight line means speedrunners are going to have much less fun with this game because enemies will bodyblock the snot (ha) out of the player.

one-liners reminiscent of build engine games are definitely making chuckle a bit, looking forward to hearing all the new characters.


Chukker, I think you will need to release patches soon about the remake.


Flight School Studio is actually the company that completed development and will address bugs that come up. If you have bugs to report, email them to:


I have to wonder how trivial it would be to just edit the save or something and unlock the extra characters early. They clearly didint care about having a secure system since they arent using DLC.


Update: I take great nerd cred in announcing that I have day 1 cracked Chex Quest HD to unlock all characters before any codes even dropped. Turns out its remarkably easy lol.

Method 1 (the easy way):
Dump the attached "GamePersistantData.sav" file into "C:/users/<YOUR NAME>/Local Settings/Application Data/ChexHD/Saved/SaveGames".

Method 2 (how I generated this file):
You will need to unlock console commands, personally I used "Universal Unreal Engine 4 Unlocker". Once unlocked open the console in game and type the handy code the devs left in "UnlockAllCodes".

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hey, to the team, I'm glad to have been around to play this.

It's a fun, simple little game that honestly surprised me with the new level layouts and cool touches. Wasn't able to get 100% secrets yet, but I'm looking forwards to just taking my time with it some more.

Genuinely just laughed at all the little things the game had.


However, if you had told me Xbolt had written some of the monitors, I would have believed you.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!