The Vilecore Conversion Thread (Keeping Track)

Started by Boingo the Clown, February 24, 2016, 08:57:06 PM

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Boingo the Clown

Now that Truedude is helping out with the conversion of Vilecore over to a T.U.C.Q. version, I figure I need to keep track of what is going on.

I hope this helps.


MAP01: Finished
MAP02: Finished
MAP03: Finished
MAP04: ~99% completed (Just needs some textures created)
MAP05: Finished
MAP06: Untouched
MAP07: ~50% completed
MAP08: ~15% completed
MAP09: Finished - Converted by TrueDude
MAP10: Barely Started
MAP11: Finished - Converted by TrueDude
MAP12: Finished - Converted by TrueDude
MAP13: Finished - Converted by TrueDude
MAP14: Finished - Converted by TrueDude
MAP15: Finished - Converted by TrueDude
MAP16: ~99% completed - Converted by TrueDude
MAP17: ~99% completed - Converted by TrueDude
MAP18: ~90% completed - Converted by TrueDude
MAP19: ~99% completed - Converted by TrueDude
MAP20: ~90% completed - Converted by TrueDude
MAP21: ~90% completed - Converted by TrueDude
MAP22: Finished - Converted by TrueDude
MAP23: Finished - Converted by TrueDude
MAP24: Untouched
MAP25: Untouched
MAP26: Untouched
MAP27: Untouched
MAP28: Untouched
MAP29: Untouched
MAP30: ~10% completed
MAP31: ~99% completed - Converted by TrueDude
MAP32: Untouched

DooM Monster Replacements

Cacodemon: Temporarily replaced with Cycloptis sprites. I will need to make new sprites.

Lost Soul: Flemoidus Gryo. Same unfinished sprites I made years ago. I really need to finish making them.

Chaingunner: Temporarily replaced with Commonus sprites scaled larger than normal. I will need to create Flemoidus Dervish sprites.

Hell Knight: Temporarily replaced with Maximus sprites scaled 50% smaller than normal. I will need to make new sprites.

Pain Elemental: Flem Balloon. Currently using a sketch I made as a makeshift sprite. I must make actual sprites.

Revenent: Currently using quadrumpus sprites. I will eventually make modified sprites for a Quadrumpus with Armour.

Arachnotron:  Trudude has offered use of his own sprites. They look good.

Mancubus: Temporary sprites added. Intentionally bad to show they are temporary.

Archvile: No sprites. Currently not working.

Cyberdemon: No sprites. Currently not working.

Spiderdemon: No sprites. Currently not working.

Other Items

Exploding Barrels: Using a drawing I made as the main sprite.  Not animated. Currently using the Heretic pop pod sprites for the explosions.  I need to make some more original sprites for them.

Various Torches and Lights: A lot of these were reused as other objects in CQ, so things like captives appear where torches should be. I have created new objects to use as substitutes with placekeeper sprites.

Other Miscellaneous Items need to be created to replace DooM objects.

A Credit Screen or Secret Tribute Room (like in E1M2) needs to be created.


I've mostly finished the conversion of MAP15. After some editing Boingo plans to consider it finished and add it in.


Are you leaving the Baron as the normal Maximus?

Boingo the Clown

Quote from: noob1234 on February 25, 2016, 08:40:41 AM
Are you leaving the Baron as the normal Maximus?
Yes. The Baron of Hell is replaced with Maximus.

Actually, the barons are normally replaced with the flembrane, which is not appropriate for the levels, so they will have to be swapped with the Maximus.

I noodled around with MAP15 and I am ready to call it "finished".


This is actually pretty interesting. What would be the replacement for the SSG?


If you want, I could create some sprites for the miscellaneous DooM items. I'm not all that amazing at pixel art but I can create decent stuff.
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to

Boingo the Clown

TrueDude sent me his converted version of MAP13 a few days ago, but I just got around to tweaking it today.  My changes were relatively minor. I replaced the teleporters with standard T.U.C.Q. version, and I found two missing textures and two misaligned textures.

That's it.

It is otherwise the same as when TrueDude sent it to me.

8) That make four officially completed levels. 8)

The two invisible cyberdemons are a bit of a pain though.  I will get around to making sprites eventually.

I added TrueDude's Flemoidus Arachnus sprites, making the arachnotron functional.   They fire invisible shots however.   ::)

MAP03 is essentially done, and has been since before Christmas.  I just need to make one door texture and rebalance the ammo supply and it is finished.

Maybe tomorrow ...

Note: When I talk about rebalancing ammo, what I mean is this; the DooM trooper, sergeant, and chaingunner drop ammo when they die, but the commonus, bipedicus, and dervish do not.  In DooM, the ammo drops help the player stay stocked, but without them in T.U.C.Q. the player is left with a chronic shortage of ammo.  This means I need to add additional amunition to compensate for the lack of drops. 

There needs to be 1 minizorcher recharge for every 2 commoni, 1 large zorcher recharge for every 2 bipdici, and a minizorcher recharge for every dervish. 

Additionally, since the chaingunner drops a chaingun when he dies, and the player can pick up a chaingun when he kills his first chaingunner, a rapidzorcher needs to be placed in the vicinity of the first dervish the player is expected to encounter as an equivalent.


Quote from: Boingo the Clown on March 02, 2016, 11:22:01 PM
The two invisible cyberdemons are a bit of a pain though.  I will get around to making sprites eventually.
Why can't you just replace them with Snotfolus or Maximi?
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to

Boingo the Clown

Quote from: Awesomedude249 on March 03, 2016, 09:48:00 PM
Why can't you just replace them with Snotfolus or Maximi?
I have an idea for new new flemoid.

What is worse than a flemoid?

A big flemoid.

What is worse than a big flemoid?

A big flemoid with a cold who sneezes a lot, especially if he sneezes gigantic flem balls that splatter all over the place.


Quote from: Boingo the Clown on March 16, 2016, 05:02:53 PM
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on March 03, 2016, 09:48:00 PM
Why can't you just replace them with Snotfolus or Maximi?
I have an idea for new new flemoid.

What is worse than a flemoid?

A big flemoid.

What is worse than a big flemoid?

A big flemoid with a cold who sneezes a lot, especially if he sneezes gigantic flem balls that splatter all over the place.

I did that once. All the Flemoids had colds. Their health was lower but they slimed //a lot//. :-)
It was fun.


Quote from: Boingo the Clown on March 16, 2016, 05:02:53 PM
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on March 03, 2016, 09:48:00 PM
Why can't you just replace them with Snotfolus or Maximi?
I have an idea for new new flemoid.

What is worse than a flemoid?

A big flemoid.

What is worse than a big flemoid?

A big flemoid with a cold who sneezes a lot, especially if he sneezes gigantic flem balls that splatter all over the place.

Ooh, I like the idea. Mind if I make some sprites for it?
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to

Boingo the Clown

MAP03: Quadrumpus Court ...

... is now finished.

As per 75's request, here are some screen shots.

The quadrumpus in the screen shots is not the normal quadrumpus. It is the quadrumpus with armour, the replacement for the DooM revenant. I plan on making new replacement sprites sometime soon ... or eventually at least.

Boingo the Clown

Just a quick work in progress pic

The pic shows my replacement for the exploding barrel.

QuoteThe flemoids fear zorch energy, so they encase it in flem, creating these flem pods. However, there is so much zorch inside that the flempods are unstable. If you shoot them with your zorchers, the extra zorch energy could be too much for the flem pods to contain, and they will burst, zorching any nearby flemoids ...

... but watch out! The bursting pods also send flem flying in all directions!  If you stand too close to one, it could slime you!

This is a very crude version. I will have to do a lot of work before it is game worthy.


Quote from: Boingo the Clown on April 12, 2016, 06:00:47 PM
Just a quick work in progress pic

The pic shows my replacement for the exploding barrel.

QuoteThe flemoids fear zorch energy, so they encase it in flem, creating these flem pods. However, there is so much zorch inside that the flempods are unstable. If you shoot them with your zorchers, the extra zorch energy could be too much for the flem pods to contain, and they will burst, zorching any nearby flemoids ...

... but watch out! The bursting pods also send flem flying in all directions!  If you stand too close to one, it could slime you!

This is a very crude version. I will have to do a lot of work before it is game worthy.

If THAT's a crude version, the finished one will probably look amazing. ;D
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to


What an incredibly elegant solution to the constant Chex Quest problem of having two types of damage that damage the player and the enemies differently. (Zorch vs flem)