The shot in the arm that the community needs? Important, please READ

Started by celebi23, June 06, 2008, 07:19:35 PM

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Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


I don't think there's anything I can add to what the others have said about the first two questions. As for why I like it so much...

It was one of the first computer games I ever played. (Not quite THE first, but pretty close.) My grandparents got the game in their cereal, and gave it to me. (I was around six or seven at the time.) I don't remember playing it a whole lot back then, because I was too scared to play it. (A kid, too scared to play a kid's game. Imagine that! :D ) I did greatly love the intro movie though. Some of the lines from it have found their way into everyday usage in my house. "We NEED a volunteer..."

Another very funny thing I remember: I had never heard of Doom when Chex Quest came out. So one time, I saw it being played at a friend's house and thought: "Hey, that looks a lot like Chex Quest!"

Anyway, so fast forward about ten years. I find the disc on my shelf, and decide to blow the dust off and play it again. The intro came on, and I was chuckling the whole way through. Then I played my way through all the levels, and then did the same with Chex Quest 2.

So after I finished them both, I looked them up on the internet, and found Boingo's TUCQ. Then I found Loremaster's CQ Alliance site, and downloaded his and Since5's levels. And so I thought: "Hey, this is cool! Maybe I should try something like that..." So I downloaded the Doom Builder editor, and a week later I joined the CQFF and said, "Hey, I made some new levels. Try them out!" And people liked it. So I kept making more, and that's where we are today.


This is awesome, I thank you greatly for doing this! :)

I love CQ so much and it has a very close part inside me. I remember playing chex quest in kindergarten very well. Then in sixth grade or so I played CQ and doom! This game is awesome.


Thanks, Replica, for kicking me in the pants. xD My e-mail is so swarmed with spam that I rarely get anything anymore.

This is fantastic! ^_^ Not only are we getting a taste of the true beginnings of the Quest, but we also have a chance to shed some new light on the game.

Quote from: thecreator on June 12, 2008, 05:00:01 PM
I have a couple of questions you may be able to help me with:
> Has the ChexQuest fan base grown, declined or stayed the same since it's release?
>Did PCZone magazine name ChexQuest as one of the Top 5 Doom Mods a few years ago. I saw this posted in, "ChexQuest In Print"
>Speaking for yourself, why do are you such a big fan of CQ?

- Chex Quest has certainly had its ups and downs. For a while I thought the fandom was dead, but a few years ago, I became really surprised at how quickly CQ is gaining momentum again. So I believe that its fanbase has steadily been growing over the last several years, especially with the introduction of so many fantastic mods (not to mention Charles's new flemoid!).

- Refer to the other posts before mine for the answer to this question. I'm not a regular reader of PCZone magazine, i'm afraid. ^^;;

- I'm a big fan not only of Chex Quest, but of freeware gaming in general. For this reason, CQ stands out to me as one of the greatest freeware games ever created. It was on par with most commercial games at the time of its release, and it offered a completely original concept that, even today, no other game has imitated. Its non-violent, fast-paced, and comfortably easy gameplay made it an absolutely flawless choice for its target age group, and for that reason, guys like us still remember the first time we pulled it out of our cereal boxes as little kids. It was a fond memory for all of us, and still continues to be a source of entertainment as we learn how to develop our own modifications for it.

Not to mention, from a marketing perspective, Chex Quest was a huge success, boosting sales of Chex cereal by over 200%. So many food companies try to promote themselves with complicated online code systems and other gimmicks... but all you really need is an awesome game and you'll get people hooked, both on the game itself and the product it was attached to.


1. i dont know if it increased or decreased
2. yes
3. im personally hooked on it because growing up All i had was a crappy old computer and few games worked for it. therefore since CQ did i becames easily hooked to it and now i like it because its free and i have no money :P
I'm Pikazec2012 and this is my favorite site on the internet! (yes i know im 3 years behind on this meme)

Manny Cav

We need to get the attention of all Chex Quest players here over to this now-important topic, so I am sticking this topic for the time being.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


To answer your Questions.

1.I  do not know. But It's been shrinking since i've joined. But thats not exactly 100% that they dont like it! Strife for instance forgets about us some times, But i'm sure he still likes Chex Quest.

2. I beleive so.

3.Chex Quest is the first game I've ever played on the computer. I loved it when I was a child. I use to draw maps on to paper and cut and paste pictures of the flemoids I've drawn on my wall. When I've one day a year and ahalf I got up and played ChexQuest again! I then surched for Chex Quest, and got Chex Quest2 and TUCQ. Soon after I got doom builder and started working on my own maps. Wich I now want (Like Arch129) to be a game designer! and if posable later in my job, Recreate chex Quest as a new game. ChexQuest has always been in my top 10 favorate games. I have a attachment to ChexQuest that I could never lose. Just like love for a puppy.

@Strife, Good to drag you back! :D
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


We're writing the article now. Dori Molitor will be the author.
It will appear in the "HUB" magazine probably next month. I'll send you the url when it comes out.

Thanks to everyone for your input.

The article will demonstrate the passion you have for ChexQuest and your love of games. Hopefully it will bring you some much deserved recognition. I'm planning to put the url in it.

The "HUB" is a marketing magazine aimed at senior level corporate marketing leaders. It also has a strong readership from the press.

I'm still available to comment on any questions you have about how ChexQuest came about. Unfortunately I don't have much knowledge of the programing, etc..

Todd Waters

[attachment deleted by admin]

The Green Avenger

Yeah, I know that I'm late, and that I'm probably far too late to say anything useful, but this is sort of a redmption post.  Why?  Up until today, I never read this thread.  I hang around the Fan Projects section, and occasionally browse the off-topic section, but this completely passed me by.

As for me:

>I'd say it had a big boom at the beginning, dropped to near obscurity, then was forcefully resurrected by the modders who would just not let it die.  Lately, for the last few months at least, we have been getting a few new members, as well as a little increased site traffic.  By what we know, most of these things are just bots, but they can't all be, not for the increase I've seen.

>Don't ask me, I've never read a gaming magazine in my life.  If the other members of this forum say there was an article, I go by them!

>Wow, well, this could take a little work to put into the right words.  Chex Quest is awesome, first and foremost.  It was my first FPS, although I have been an avid gamer for years, far before ever having played Chex Quest.  My first exposure to Chex Quest was actually a CD version that someone had been playing at a friend's house.  We thought it was cool, but, as I remember, they turned it off to show me Commander Keen...

Fast forward to 2004.  Yep, this was the first time I had ever actually played CQ for myself.  My brother and I were bored, and he suggested that we look for a freeware FPS to mess with.  We ran a Google search on it, and came up with result #1 being the SciFience rip-off version of CQ.  I played it, and loved all 4 levels.  Yeah, I mean four.  SciFience seemed to have been good enough at ripping off this great game that the geniuses inserted something that caused a segment violation at the beginning of the Caverns of Bazoik.

I got away from CQ after this, only to come back in 2005 after finding TUCQ.  This is what hooked me as a fan of the game.  It was awesome.  Through playing it, I not only relived my original experience, but I played six levels that I had never seen before, the Caverns of Bazoik and all of CQ2.  I sound the original CQFF soon after, and the rest is history.  I hope to continue in these forums for as long as I physically can.
Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


I'm extremely late to the party, but I'm fashionably late ;D

-The fan base started out with as many people would buy some Chex, see the game, and NOT throw it away thinking it was just an AOL scam, then it grew by word of mouth, then people went to the website, then it exploded.  EVERYONE in my neighborhood was talking about it, kid would say "Have you played it on not so sticky yet?" teenagers would say "I played that game on super slimy mode!" and old folks would say "Dag Nabbit! my grandson's been playing that 'Chest quest' or whatever it was for hours!" and then the rest of the world knew about it. it has not been just growing, it has been lurking and booming wherever possible like a cool nerdy Poison Ivy.

-Yes, it was.

-I was introduced to Chex Quest when I was 4, and before then, the only entertainment I really had was Teletubbies, a kids game site on dial up, and a Pitfall game that came with Windows 95 (i wish i still had that game :/), but then my mom got some chex, and my brothers (Kuwabara, Allen, Me, and my brother Michael.) were all like "cool! it comes with a game!! XD" and my mom was like "*gasp* it's based off of that bad Satan game DooM!" and we were like "but, in this game, you teleport the Flemoids back to their home, it's almost like helping them!" so then we played it, first, Kuwabara played it, he loved it, then Allen played it, he loved it, then michael said that he was too cool to play it (he was 7, and going through the "Dude" phase), but then I played it, and it was legendary.  I remember almost screaming when I saw the first Flemoid, then giggling in joy when I zorched it, and I remember the adrenaline rush in level 2, when I would turn a corner and hear the familiar "mneh!" of the flemoids, and I stared in aw when I found the Digital Cafe room with the LAZ device, it was the best game experience that I have had in a LONG, LONG, time.

please visit my website.

Use the CQ IRC channel!


Quote from: Batmanifestdestiny on June 21, 2008, 05:43:00 PM
I'm extremely late to the party, but I'm fashionably late ;D

-The fan base started out with as many people would buy some Chex, see the game, and NOT throw it away thinking it was just an AOL scam, then it grew by word of mouth, then people went to the website, then it exploded.  EVERYONE in my neighborhood was talking about it, kid would say "Have you played it on not so sticky yet?" teenagers would say "I played that game on super slimy mode!" and old folks would say "Dag Nabbit! my grandson's been playing that 'Chest quest' or whatever it was for hours!" and then the rest of the world knew about it. it has not been just growing, it has been lurking and booming wherever possible like a cool nerdy Poison Ivy.

-Yes, it was.

-I was introduced to Chex Quest when I was 4, and before then, the only entertainment I really had was Teletubbies, a kids game site on dial up, and a Pitfall game that came with Windows 95 (i wish i still had that game :/), but then my mom got some chex, and my brothers (Kuwabara, Allen, Me, and my brother Michael.) were all like "cool! it comes with a game!! XD" and my mom was like "*gasp* it's based off of that bad Satan game DooM!" and we were like "but, in this game, you teleport the Flemoids back to their home, it's almost like helping them!" so then we played it, first, Kuwabara played it, he loved it, then Allen played it, he loved it, then michael said that he was too cool to play it (he was 7, and going through the "Dude" phase), but then I played it, and it was legendary.  I remember almost screaming when I saw the first Flemoid, then giggling in joy when I zorched it, and I remember the adrenaline rush in level 2, when I would turn a corner and hear the familiar "mneh!" of the flemoids, and I stared in aw when I found the Digital Cafe room with the LAZ device, it was the best game experience that I have had in a LONG, LONG, time.

I second Batmanifestdestiny's post.  Thats how I got in.


Quoteand my mom was like "*gasp* it's based off of that bad Satan game DooM
My parents where never like that, when I was 7 they bought the complete DooM Colection for me at Toys R Us. XD

Manny Cav

Here's a question, thecreator: Do you have any more of those unreleased images, characters, or other resources laying around like the one you posted? I also wonder if there are any in-game sprites, images, or other resources that were once apart of the Chex Quest IWAD.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010



Hmm... How do I always end up walking in at either the wrong time or too late?  Oh well.

1.) The CQ Community has definitely grown.  I mean seriously, our administrator bought "" to find a place for us! (well, also cause the other forum had a major crash)

2.) I think so.  Chex Quest was a very popular Doom mod, as well as a great advertising idea for General Mills.

3.) Yep, it's just like the rest of you guys.  My dad happened to buy some Chex cereal, specifically because it had a full-blown game with it, and I happened to play it.  However, things change, and for about 8 years I was CQ-free.  Then, I thought, "why not start playing chex quest again?" And bam, here I am.  As a matter of fact, I still have the original cd in my cd rack.
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods