The shot in the arm that the community needs? Important, please READ

Started by celebi23, June 06, 2008, 07:19:35 PM

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I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Hey guys, sorry about not keeping you all updated. I'm gonna shoot Todd an email & ask how the article is going.


My name is Todd Waters and I wrote and developed the origional ChexQuest promotion.

I have a couple of questions you may be able to help me with:
> Has the ChexQuest fan base grown, declined or stayed the same since it's release?
>Did PCZone magazine name ChexQuest as one of the Top 5 Doom Mods a few years ago. I saw this posted in, "ChexQuest In Print"
>Speaking for yourself, why do are you such a big fan of CQ?

Feel free to ask questions about ChexQuest beginnings.

The Slimeinator

A pleasure to meet you, I'm sure.

> Personally, I would say it has grown. The old forum had over 100 members before it crashed.
> Affirmitave.
> I guess it was the first computer game I ever played.
Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5


Well...The first one, its stayed the same recently, with a few finally finding the forums was pretty okay sized...but someone else (richie and loremaster in particular could tell you)...

PCZone may have probably did. Even today, Chex Quest is known by most members of the DooM community, though they might not play it very much.

Well, I like Chex Quest alot, mostly for its ease and fun. Doom is fun, but kinda hard. There are some games really easy, but they have no fun at all! Chex Quest was nice and balanced, enough to keep my short attention for 10 levels! I would say also that Chex Quest if safer for play. I wouldn't show my little cousin some game where you kill people. but I would show him CQ. Also, with things like Newmaps and TUCQ, the mission *will* continue for at least another play.

And one thing I'd really like to get (if at all possible, prolly not though) would be betas...or pre-releases...or tech demos, what ever they are. Any stuff like level concepts, early engines...any thing. I got a thing for stuff not quite finished...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!

The Slimeinator

Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5


Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!

The Slimeinator

Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5


uh...kinda. Beta OSs, Tech Demos, Development versions, you name it, i'd like it.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Todd, nice to see that you've joined the forums :D .  How goes the article?

Manny Cav

I would just like to say: Thank you for your work on Chex Quest, Todd Waters. This game has been a blast for me since I first got it in 1997 (I believe) when I was around 6 years old.
Quote from: thecreator on June 12, 2008, 05:00:01 PM
> Has the ChexQuest fan base grown, declined or stayed the same since it's release?
There was no fan base before the game was released, so I'm not sure how I'm supposed to answer this question, but right now there is quite a loyal following, even among Doom players, as others have pointed out. If you want a fair idea on how big the fan base is and get a good look at the beginnings of the Chex Quest fan community and the Chex Quest Fan Forums at the same time, check out this archived thread. Archival courtesy of rrppo and his Chex Quest archive.
Quote from: thecreator on June 12, 2008, 05:00:01 PM
>Did PCZone magazine name ChexQuest as one of the Top 5 Doom Mods a few years ago. I saw this posted in, "ChexQuest In Print"
Yes, I'm pretty sure they did. You are likely referring to the thread found here. Look at the far right side of the image where it says "PCZONE TOP 5 DOOM MODS".
Quote from: thecreator on June 12, 2008, 05:00:01 PM
>Speaking for yourself, why do are you such a big fan of CQ?
I first got the game when it was first released in 1997 (correct?) in boxes of Chex cereal. I like it because it's such a fun little adventure game. It's a game that's a part of a rare breed--nonviolent first person shooters. It's a childhood memory at this point, playing those same five levels over and over again. They got old after several years, though, but a lot of the members here know of how I searched the internet over when I first got access to it sometime after the turn of the century to try to find Chex Quest 2 after discovering that was no longer functional. I had so much trouble trying to find a working download or to just get the game working. I wanted to play it quite badly after seeing pictures of new levels and Flemoids, but not being able to play the game. I was joyous when I was finally able to download Chex Quest 2 and get it to work so that I could play new Chex Quest levels. The Flemoids, the items... there was just something about that game for the computer. It was one of my most favorite games, and it still is. What a marketing promotion, actually making a good game and packing it in boxes of cereal, and it was a promotion that worked well.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010

The Slimeinator

Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5


Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


This is what I have to say about Chex Quest.

Before I played Chex Quest I can't remember seriously playing any game, what I remember is wakeing up on a Saterday going to the kitchen for breakfest then my father approching me with a Chex Cereal Box in one hand and a Chex Quest CD in the other. I can't remember how much times I have played it sence with Chex Quest 2 too. I remember what I wanted to do, I wanted to make more Chex Quest Games. I drawed many pictures of flemoids posters for Chex Quest 3, 4, 5 .ect. I still have the drawings to this date. Chex Quest gave me a first idea on what I wanted to be when I grew up, I wanted to be a game desinger. When I was about 13, 14 I learned about other Chex Quest levels made by fans which made me want to make levels of my own. I attempted to make levels several times but quit because of me getting fustrated over it, but still I wanted to make levels. After days of practicing and trying I made my first satisfactory level which is the first level of my Chex Quest project "Chex Quest: The Lost Quest". After that I wanted to make more and more levels because I liked it so much. I don't think I be who Im today with out Chex Quest no matter how strange that sounds. Thanks for bringing us your project you worked on.


Welcome to the forum, Mr. Waters. It is a pleasure and an honour to have you aboard.

As for your questions...

1) I would say that it has probably remained fairly constant in size, due mainly to the short length of the game. As the first generation of players gets tired of it, they pass it down to their younger siblings/cousins/friends/etc. who then enjoy it themselves. Several of the members here are too young to have been able to play it upon the initial launch, but are just as enthusiastic and involved in the community as those my age.

2) Yes, they did [as Manny Cav pointed out]. If I recall correctly, it was an honourable mention on at one point as well [though don't quote me on that, I cannot remember very well]. Many DooM players respect the game as a well-made Total Conversion, though they don't play it too much because of the difficulty level.

3) Honestly, the game was my first REAL foray into home computer gaming. Before that, the only time I'd ever played a video or computer game was at an arcade or a friend's house. It was such an immersing game and was so perfectly targeted at my age group of the time [about 8 years old] that I played it over and over. It really was a very well-made game, far exceeding the quality of any other cereal game I've played since. In some ways, it is even better than some commercial games!
Did we really just spend the last decade talking about Chex Quest? Yes. Yes we did.

I regret nothing!