What is your preferred control set-up for Chex Quest games?

Started by SlayaDud, June 14, 2011, 04:22:27 AM

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Hey guys I was just curious what your preferred control set-ups for Chex Quest games including online are because I would like to find the one the feels the best on my laptop. I would appreciate your guys's help.


Well, when I'm playing singleplayer, I use the arrow keys to move, as I did in 1996. However, for online Zorchmatch, I use WASD + the mouse.

Welcome to the forums, by the way! :whale


Pretty much what he said, with the exception of some newer SP mods, which play a bit better with mouse freelook.

However, you being on a laptop complicates the standard WASD+Mouse...try turning your mouse sensitivity settings in ZDooM/Skulltag pretty high, and play a bit using that control scheme. the high sensitivity should compensate for you not having much room to move the mouse on.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Chex Quest is the reason why I always use arrow keys over WASD.  Basically since Chex Quest was my first FPS, I really gotten used to it.

Also welcome SlayaDud to the CQFF!  :whale


My setup is pretty funky.

I use WASD + Mouse, but different then they do.

A-Left Strafe
D-Right Strafe

Left Mouse - Shoot
Right Mouse - Move Forward
Mouse 3 (Pressing down on the middle button, not scrolling it.) - Backwards
Scroll Down - Previous Weapon
Scroll Up - Next Weapon

I built this because my hand couldn't handle the Arrow keys/space/,/./shift keys. (Handle as in I feel pain in my wrist after a couple years doing it.)
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.

LAZ Trooper

Quote from: xbolt on June 14, 2011, 04:37:55 AM
Well, when I'm playing singleplayer, I use the arrow keys to move, as I did in 1996.
Quote from: Atariangamer on June 14, 2011, 09:29:04 AM
Pretty much what he said, with the exception of some newer SP mods, which play a bit better with mouse freelook.
These. My right hand is always either mouse or arrow keys, and my left hand does spacebar, ctrl, alt, , . / a, z, s, x, q, w, whatever keys I have.
Use the CQ IRC channel! (were it working...)

Current Projects:
Chex Quest: The Great Invasion (on hold)
Chex Quest Skulltag Pack - mapper
The Chex Crusades: Return to Bazoik
Map of Epic (unannounced. If you notice this and ask about, good for you. You won't get any information. And I am out o

Anonymous (ChexGuy331)

WASD+Mouse, always. In single-player I disable jumping and mouselook.


WASD + R = Jump + C = Crouch + Mouselook

Mouse Config:

Left Button: Fire
Center WheelUp/Down: Goes through arms.
Right Button: Use Linedef
Center Wheel Click: AltFire

E = Taunt

I'm thinking of trying E = Crouch and T = Taunt


Same control scheme I use for all games (even modern ones like TF2 and UT), the jump/crouch controls are from Duke Nukem 3d. They don't work very well if I have to fire and jump at the same time, or jump and turn, since I have to move my left hand from the mouse to hit A or Z.

Arrow keys - movement. I can't use WASD. Partially because I'm left handed, but it's also because the WASD keys don't line up as well as the arrow keys do, i.e., the w key isn't directly above s, it's slightly to the left, which feels strange after playing for years using the arrows.

Mouse - turning and looking

LMB - Primary fire
RMB - secondary fire

wheel up/down - next/previous weapon

Jump - A
Crouch - Z
Taunt - U (default)

Use - Space bar - not a smart bind because I have to choose between opening a door and firing/aiming, or opening a door and moving.

Skulltag was a lot easier on my old mouse, which had 5 buttons. I looked at five different stores, and none of them had a mouse that didn't hurt my left hand, and that had with 5 buttons and a solid (clicky) wheel, so I had to buy a 3 button mouse.

sometimes I use the wheel button for jumping or crouching, if the map requires a lot of that. I don't do it very often because that button is uncomfortable and flaky on my mouse, sometimes I accidentally scroll instead of hitting it.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord: https://discord.gg/AgNhjem


Quote from: 75 on July 05, 2011, 12:52:16 PM
Arrow keys - movement. I can't use WASD. Partially because I'm left handed, but it's also because the WASD keys don't line up as well as the arrow keys do, i.e., the w key isn't directly above s, it's slightly to the left, which feels strange after playing for years using the arrows.


When I use WASD, one fingers on the right edge of W, and the others on the left edge of S.
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.