[Music] DNB Remixes of CQ3 music (E3M3 is up!)

Started by Jimmy, July 10, 2010, 08:31:01 AM

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Those of you who are part of the Doomworld or Skulltag communities might know me for my music. Lately I've been writing a lot of drum-n-bass style MIDIs, converting them to really meaty-sounding MP3s, and uploading them to YouTube for the general listening community to feed back on.

Here's one I've wanted to do for ages, in fact, since I discovered the similarity that ChexQuest E3M1's music bore to most drum-n-bass music. It is by a long shot my favorite music track in the game, with E3M3 coming a close second. XD

You can also download this from here.

Yes, I composed this from scratch using Cakewalk Express 3.02 (a program that's just about as old as I am), and then converted it to MP3 using the "Weeds" soundfont and MIDI Converter Studio.

(On a side note, the name of this track, "Departure", is one I came up with myself. Is anybody aware if Andrew Benson gave official names to his contributions to the CQ soundtrack?)

(Also, whoever is in charge of the ChexQuestMusic account on YouTube, I just sent you a friend invite. ;) )

So yeah, feedback on this would be great! ;D Peace.


Yo! Welcome to the CQFF, man!

I'm enjoying this track. Sounds pretty darn good, and in fact may be the first CQ3 arrangement, remix, whatever you may call it.

For pure midi (or actually, a soundfont, you said), this sounds great! Can't complain about much of anything I heard. Except for maybe some volume leveling, its perfect.

Also, you wouldn't happen to have the MIDI source, would ya? I do alot of conversions of MIDI to MP3 manually in FL Studio, and this sounds like one that would be awesome through it...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Welcome to the CQFF!  :whale

That was spiffy!  I hope you could do E3M3 as well because that's my favorite song from Chex Quest.


@Atariangamer: Thanks a heap for the feedback - great that you enjoyed it. ;D Incidentally, which parts specifically had volume levelling issues?

Here's the original midi if you want it:

@arch129: Glad you liked it. :) I've contemplated remixing E3M3's song as well, it might just do that some time. ;)


E3M3 would be cool.

And specific volume leveling...not sure. Just sounded like a few 'prominent' parts were not exactly out front at their respective times. Would require live volume tweaking, though...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!



This is my final render on the path I started taking on this first attempt.

I went a completely different way with the instruments, so IDK what this would be classified as. But its nowhere near as deep as his...and I'd blame it mostly on the drums I worked with, and the bass I chose. I went with a classic electric bass instead of a pure synth bass (like moog or something). It makes it a totally different song than the midi or his attempt.

Who knows, someone might like it, and I enjoyed messing with FL Studio again.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


I really like the way that sounds, Atari. :D The drums, and the guitar that comes in about 2:00 are very awesome. :P

The distorted guitar sounds a bit... odd, though. May just be my taste, however. Overall sounds great! :whale


Yeah, I would have gotten a different instrument, but at the time it sounded ok..

I've been messing with it more and am going to tweak a bit more. Might make a full acoustic version, full synth version, and possibly a better combo mix.

But glad you liked it! Its one of the first major remixes of CQ that I've been able to get a good grip on the sound. Mostly because the design of the original AND the remix were both as a different style instead of the kinda toony way CQ originally went.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Just posting to let you guys know I'm working on the E3M3 remix. It's coming along nicely and may even be finished tomorrow. :whale

EDIT: I'll spoil one more thing. I'm calling it "Settlement". ;D


Awesome, both of you! and welcome to the forums, Jimmy!


The track will definitely be uploaded tomorrow, to YouTube as an MP4, and as a MIDI to my filespace. It's virtually done (length-wise, it's about 3:45 now) but I will make the finishing touches/tweaks to it tomorrow once I get back from school. :P


Aaaaand here it is! :D

This turned out really well - I'm especially satisfied with the finished product (in particular, what the soundfont has done to the original midi).

Talking of which, here's that:

You can also download an MP3 on this page:

Enjoy it! ;D



Sorry, I've been sick.

I think they sound great; but I really have nothing to suggest because I'm awful at composing.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Quote from: Jimmy on July 19, 2010, 07:59:30 PM
33 views and no comments? lol. :P

we have a LOT of lurkers.

If you'd like some feedback, I'll give it to you.

- Intro - Not bad instrumentation, but the instruments you used are rather mild and soft compared to the flutes, and the changes in chords aren't striking enough because of it. It makes all the chords kind of melt together, which is way too laid back for what's going on in the background. It just removes some intensity that the piece really needs.  I recommend a keyboard instrument like pipe organ. I'd love to hear a rendition of the opening on organ. Something to really hammer out that great pentatonic chord progression.

-VERY Nice Bass and drums

-The techno notes in the background are a bit too short, it gets drowned out. It's nice when I can hear it though. I think you should save that sound for a light accompaniment, and give that part to a stronger instrument. During one part of the song the more powerful instrument playing that line goes away, and the short techno blips just can't keep it going.

-Guitar solo is ok, but not great. There were a few good moments, but not quite up to my standard. Very nice choice in samples though.
If you compare your solo to say, miranda's axe in legendary CTF, Miranda's Axe is far more fitting and powerful than yours. Yours just seems kind of like filler around the melody.

I have another recommendation for great guitar solo songs, although this was done by a live band.

"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord: https://discord.gg/AgNhjem