I got a wacky idea concerning www.chexquest.com.

Started by Manny Cav, March 06, 2008, 10:59:41 AM

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Manny Cav

After trying to find old websites, I got to wondering about www.chexquest.com. I thought that mabey whoever designed that site, whoever uploaded it, or someone else might have the original material that was uploaded to the server. I'm wondering if there's some way to fall into contact with whoever or at least someone who designed the site and see if there's a way to retrieve the web site material, games, web pages, and all. Does anyone know who created the site, or someone else responsible for its content?

Also, while Googling around, I came upon this. It appears to be a WHOIS page of some sort on the domain www.chexquest.com. If we take this as Bible truth, then the domain www.chexquest.com was registered on 1998-03-07, and won't expire until 2013-03-06 (or 2012-03-06, as another place says, but the 5-year figure just makes more sense). I read in a thread on the old board that Richie could never register www.chexquest.com because General Mills kept renewing it. This may account for that.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Well I know it's been there since before 1998.


Yeah...I think it was 1996, 1995. But, really...is there an archive somewhere of all sites hosted? It would be mighty stupid if there wasn't. Who do you think would have it, though?
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!

Manny Cav

Quote from: atariangamer on March 06, 2008, 09:19:45 PM
Yeah...I think it was 1996, 1995. But, really...is there an archive somewhere of all sites hosted? It would be mighty stupid if there wasn't. Who do you think would have it, though?
One of Dacicus' posts had a link to a http://www.archive.org/. The earliest scan of http://www.chexquest.com/, in 1998, was too late.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


I've already been in contact with General Mills and they know absolutely nothing about Chex Quest.  This was a few years ago.  I e-mailed them, and they e-mailed me back.  The reason I can't grab the domain name is because they appear to have it set to autorenew.  It renews automatically every time it expires.

Manny Cav

...Cheap.... They don't even know what Chex Quest is, as they claim, but they still auto-renew set on the domain. However, I have suspicions that you were fed some who-shot-John. It just doesn't seem plausible that they don't know what Chex Quest is. And why would they auto-renew a domain that they didn't plan on using for too long, unless they planned on using it as a redirect to some other site for many years to come? Sounds fishy.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


The truth is probably more innocent than you think. It's likely that, as Chex was being acquired by General Mills while Chex Quest was produced, that the website was "lost in the shuffle" so to speak, and they left it on auto renew. Likely the only people who even notice it are the techs and the accountants, neither of whom really care enough to tell the boss.

Simple case of "Lost in the vast bureaucracy"
Did we really just spend the last decade talking about Chex Quest? Yes. Yes we did.

I regret nothing!


we need to try and get back on them to release the domain! i wonder how many people are being redirected to milsberry and are searching that site for CQ!

Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Quote from: atariangamer on March 10, 2008, 10:57:18 PM
we need to try and get back on them to release the domain! i wonder how many people are being redirected to milsberry and are searching that site for CQ!


I'm a bit scared to negotiate the release of the domain name, though.  Since General Mills is a massive company, I worry that they would rediscover marketing ability in Chex Quest and force us to shut down.  It's possible that I need to take off my tin foil hat, but I'm a worrier by nature.



That presents a problem...but if we really had a good team, we could negotiate to get the rights to create the game for them, ya know? like, releasing TUCQ! (if boingo would finish it).

This place would then fill up, and we would be better off...but if not...we're screwed...

I'm just semi-optimistic.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


They couldn't shut us down Richie. Why worry so much? Onestly, ChexQuest was free, and is under the licence that dooms Modding is under. There for they can't shut us down. Besides we're a fan group, who wouldn't want fans for the game?
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


I think we shouldn't really worry about it one way or another right now. ChexQuest.org is a pretty good URL to have too.
Did we really just spend the last decade talking about Chex Quest? Yes. Yes we did.

I regret nothing!


You guys gotta understand - I might as well wear a tin foil hat sometimes.  I know there's nothing to worry about.  ;D


yeah...mebe later, if we get more power...we could try it, but right now...we're a speck in the mud.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!