Favorite Zorchers

Started by Batmanifestdestiny, June 27, 2009, 06:22:46 PM

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What is your favorite zorcher?

Super Bootspork
Mini Zorcher
Rapid Zorcher
Large Zorcher
Zorch Propulser
Phasing Zorcher
LAZ Device


The ultimate question that I don't think has been asked yet....What's your favorite zorcher?

please visit my website.

Use the CQ IRC channel!


Phasing Zorcher.



This question has actually been asked before. but that was way back last January when this new board was created. http://www.chexquest.org/index.php?topic=66.0
I'm glad this is being asked again seeing as we have all the new members who can input.

Phasing Zorcher for me. closely followed by BootSpoon.
CQHD Community Dev


Phasing Zorcher, with the Zorch Propulsor as a close second.
:whale :caineware :ninjaware :whale :caineware :ninjaware


I was originally thinking Phasing, but then I realized that I always just tear my way through each level with the bootspork as soon as I get it ;D

please visit my website.

Use the CQ IRC channel!


For general use, I use the Rapid Zorcher. If it's not available, then the Large Zorcher.


Zorch Propulsor. Although Large Zorcher is a close second, followed by Bootspork.

I think the Phasing Zorcher is really cheap, and overrated. Anyone can grab one, pick up ammo, and blast away at everything you see. Don't need precision to use a Phasing. They're even worse in Deathmatches.

As I've said before, Rockets and Shotguns (aka Propulsors and Large Zorchers) require precision, or at least are more fun for me to use than a Phasing. It makes me feel better to know I actually shot something by aiming at it and firing. I liked the Propulsor a lot in the original CQs as well, since they had splash damage. More care was necessary to fire at it without being slimed.

But to every man his own.
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods


Forgotten I may be, my legend will live on.



Large Zorcher in CQ...shotty in Doom...epic win all around.

but then bootspork...i can get through everything but a boss with it.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Just hand me over that Zorch Propulsor and it'll make my day =:-)

The Slimeinator

Zorch Propulsor. Especially now that it doesn't damage its shooter.
Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5

Manny Cav

It would have been alright to bump the other topic, but as long as it's being asked here....

I personally don't have a "true" single favorite zorcher, since I use different ones become my instant favorite depending on the situation, so I just went big and voted LAZ Device because it's the closest thing to a favorite I have. ;D
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


Quote from: Manny Cav on June 28, 2009, 10:17:50 AM
It would have been alright to bump the other topic, but as long as it's being asked here....

I personally don't have a "true" single favorite zorcher, since I use different ones become my instant favorite depending on the situation, so I just went big and voted LAZ Device because it's the closest thing to a favorite I have. ;D

Once again, just another example of Manny being Manny.
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods

Anonymous (ChexGuy331)

Phasing Zorcher, mini in terms of appearance, bootspoon in terms of awesomeness, and bootspork in terms of superawesomeness.