An engine CQ should be ported to

Started by TrueDude, March 17, 2009, 07:53:34 PM

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Chex Quest currently has support in both GZdoom and Skulltag, and finally is getting more attention in the DooM community. But there is one engine I still want to see CQ in...

Doomsday. (aka jDoom)

Doomsday works by replacing everything with hi-resolution graphics, textures, sprites (most of the time replaced with 3D models, updated music, and such, adding a more realistic experience to many DooM-based (And possibly Build-based in the future) games and such.

The engine currently supports Doom, The Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Heretic, Hexen, and many other versions of the previously mentioned. Currently, they're adding Doom 64 ported to the PC, and they're even considering adding Strife.

But, Chex Quest hasn't even been considered yet. Maybe if we got working a version for Chex Quest with the engine, they would notice and put official support in for Chex Quest. I'm not very good at updating textures and the like, but I know a lot of people here are skilled at that, and some people were even working on a version for TUCQ.

Let's see if we can do this too!


While a jChex would be awesome, we'd need several things we dont have right now:

-artist (though maybe Chuck would help)
-modeler (We only have Datra ATM)
-realistic musician (unless strife upgrades to some pro equipment, or drooben makes some)
-coder (which we have noone REMOTELY close to this, unless they've been keeping it a secret)

I've played the CQ wad through plain Doomsday, and it looks nice. Just a bit too dark, and all the good effects are wasted due to bleeding flemoids...

It would be pwnz, but unrealistic at this time. But ya never know, maybe the above people will come out and we'll have a chance.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Well, I personally don't likke doomsday, but what ever.

Alright so we could as you said Atarain get those people, but I think you forgeting about all our crew!

-Artist - Do we need an actaul artist? We don't need new textures, we need hich res, and who's better then Lucius?

-Modeler - Yes you did forget about our crew. TGA, Datra, and Super Chex. ;) I'm sure there's more, and maybe Chucker?

-Musics- ...Well... We've got Andrew Benson... maybe, he's left this forum after 1 post basicly, just throughing out ideas though.

-Coder- Again, you forgot about our possy! TMOB and a bunch of unknown named (forgot their name) people know C++. Glassyman is taking a class. (Not sugesting him but...) I think Datra knows it too.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Lucius has made one post in the past 5 months, roughly. If we decided to do a big thing, he might come back and do some work. But he might be doing some IRL stuff and not come at all. (and being an artist helps, ya know)

Datra is the most active. Super Chex did some good work but has dissapeared (again). TGA only attempted something, I never saw him finish it (besides, hes in his senior year preparing for college, I wouldn't put another thing on him just yet)

If Benson could take the time to remix all the CQ music in real instrument MP3 or OGG or FLAC (something), then we'd be good. I would really like Strife, but he's busy IRL and doesn't have the MP3 making capabilities AFAIK.

Datra is taking a class on it, I think. Glassyman...I havent seen him in a GREAT while, so IDK. TMOB I completely forgot about...but IDK if he'd be up to it, OR if jDoom is in C++!

Not forgetting our crew, just tellin what I know.

IT IS A GREAT IDEA. If all of us had the time to come together, it would be perfect, and would be a great emergence into another port. I'm just saying that all of us haven't come together in the past, so why would they now?
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


I would be willing to help a bit if time permitted.  But I wouldn't be of any help if it is not in C++.

Forgotten I may be, my legend will live on.


I'm not too good at textures, or 3D models... but I don't really have any 3D modeling programs to mess with anyways... I'm in a class for C++, but I have hardly enough knowledge for anything yet... and I can't do any music... I'm good with sprites, but Doomsday uses 3D models... Pretty much I can't do anything. :(


Dude, Rep, pretty much everyone whom you just named hasn't been here in at least 2 weeks. Besides 'MOB and Datra and mebbe TGA.
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods


TGA is here, just not interactive...ya gotta talk via Skype or Steam.


We need an idea bank, a place where you can go and check the requirements for all suggestions for projects and submit your ability to help in that area, but remove it when a few weeks pass of inactivity.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


I've never tried composing, but I have the equipment to do so

Also, I can capture sound and music from other sources and put it into WAV form fairly easily and with good quality. Idk if that's helpful, but I'm just throwing it out there.

Also, I may be taking something along the lines of C++ , but, since I'm an ME I'm not sure how much

GIMP represents the full spectrum of my visual editing tools, but I'm learning! I'd be more than glad to help if there's anything I can do.

"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord:

The Green Avenger

I am far from actually being a modeler.  I just threw a few things together.  Only way I could possibly work on anything like this is if someone else could make/implement textures.

Seriously, people, I'm not that hard to contact.  I'm on Skype and Steam, and both are running constantly as long as my comp is on, which is a pretty good amount of time, generally.

Skype: thegreenavenger8051
Steam: greenavenger8051

Seriously, it isn't that hard.  I don't mind if you randomly drop me a line.  I just really don't have time to check on the entire forum ATM, so you will have to inform me about things I should know.
Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


Ah, I have Steam! I'll catch you sometime. I'll update you with my info via PM.

Hm, composing, even with MIDI, I'm rather a neophyte. I can play music, but composing would require me to climb over the learning curve, which seems rather easy to pick up.

Capturing sound/music is easy enough for anyone with Audacity (is that along what you were thinking, 75?) and can easily be turned into WAV or MP3.

Quote from: 75 on March 19, 2009, 12:49:19 AM
Also, I may be taking something along the lines of C++ , but, since I'm an ME I'm not sure how much

GIMP represents the full spectrum of my visual editing tools, but I'm learning! I'd be more than glad to help if there's anything I can do.

That means that you've got quite a spectrum. GIMP is a very powerful image editing tool, and I've become at least an intermediate at it. Photoshop really only trumps GIMP if you need CMYK for printing mass-production stuff and all that. Of course it's got way more than that, but for free, GIMP is all you need. Anyways, I'm sure I could help as well.

And what do you mean by you being an ME? You've got Vista 64, so it's not Millennium Edition, is it?
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods


I just thought of this: imagine when you get to Caverns of Bazoik, the level has a darker, eerie music and theme, with a dense green fog and dust particles in the air.

That would just be so awesome....


...I think such things are possible with GZDoom...even Legacy with a little bit of work.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


The Slimeinator

Fail Legacy only has sector colors.

Zdoom and GZdoom are both far more than capable of it.
Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5