Does anybody remember CQ2P2&3.wad?

Started by Manny Cav, February 10, 2008, 06:42:26 PM

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Manny Cav

Does anybody remember CQ2P2&3.wad? It was a PWAD with it's one level as it's entire content that replaced E1M1. It was an underground-lake type environment. I remember downloading it, but I don't remember where, and I can't seem to be able to find it again. I'll host the PWAD for y'all to take a look at it.

Download (8.55 KB)

EDIT: The link should work now.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


...I think it came from some old site...try all the links on the invisionfree board. I do remember something like that.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!

Manny Cav

I looked through xbolt's history topic, the Chex Quest Links topic in Chex Quest Discussion, and everywhere else that I could think of that had Chex Quest links. I didn't find anything that contained that WAD.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


hmm...what was since5's site? I think it was his...

I found a site had like snow on the front page, and it had chex quest extended edition on it, plus some zorchmatch maps, and some other stuff. most of the wads were broken with all Chex Quest games I had. I just barely got it to work by adding in all mods thrown together...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!

Manny Cav

His site is, and I also downloaded all of his stuff and it wasn't there.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


I had that wad. AND I HATED IT! It was pretty drab...
Still looking at my maps every now and then...

Manny Cav

Really? I thought it was alright for a one-level WAD. Not a lot of material or decoration, but I thought it was alright. Do you remember from whence you got it?
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


I don't reember where or when I got it... It simply showed up once. Hmm... But why do we have to know?
Still looking at my maps every now and then...

Manny Cav

It's a bit of a personal thing. I would like to remember where I got it from.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


he's been asking ever since he made TNCQ...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Oh you found my old WAD! Thank you! Yes, I made that! Sorry about not posting earlier...


O-O Twas You? wow...he's been asking for a LOOOOOONGGGG time. Hmm...I now need to get a dl and play to try n remember it...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!

Manny Cav

Ah. Did you use to have this download at one of your old sites?
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


yes, it was... I made it when I was inexpericed with doombuilder... It uses the origianl chex wad and was suppossed to be the adventure after the chex warrior rescued the citizens...