Chex Quest - The Movie: Suggestion Thread

Started by The Green Avenger, December 09, 2008, 10:11:39 PM

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The Green Avenger

All right, so I have admittedly not done anything worth noting involving Chex Quest for a while, minus a few small edits to my older maps.  Right now I am majorly stalled, and the possibility of me finishing the first episode of CoFP before I go to college is getting smaller and smaller.  I need something new to do just to get me back into Chex Quest, and this is my idea.

Using the original Chex quest maps, I want to go back to basics and make a fragglescripted movie giving a quick-take on the entire CQ storyline.  Yes, it could be quite an undertaking, but, given what I want to do at the end of my first episode of CoFP, I need to brush up on my DeHackEd, XWE, and DooM Builder anyway.

Basically, I'm not asking for approval, for support, or even for someone coming in saying 'If you really want to do this, switch to GZDooM' (News people: Senior year, no time to learn ACS, if you want anything it's gonna be for Legacy.  Just cuz it's Legacy don't mean it ain't awesome.).  Crud, I don't even want partners, I've never had any to work with me on CoFP.  All I want is in-jokes that I can use in the movie.  I already have a few of my own that I plan to add to the mix, but I want you to give me ideas as to funny situations, jokes, and general CQFF related stuff I can add.  As I do not intend for anyone to play the game (By movie, I mean movie, no gameplay.), I have some room to work.

So, here's where you can tell me what you would like to see in the upcoming movie,m and I'll tell you how impossible is and how horrible a person you are for suggesting it.  Not really, I really want to know what the community would like to see.

That is all.
Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


In Chex City, one of the lamposts is purple.
In the Meteor Spaceship, there is a mass of Flemoids. One of them is a Red Bicedipus.

That's all I can think of at the moment.
Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, BRAIN!

The Green Avenger

Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


The Green Avenger

Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


This is certainly a creative and good idea. :)

The Purple Lamppost could have been the true mastermind behind all the invasions. And what about that suspicious Fry Cook from Chex Quest 2?? O_o


I got a great script for this thing...i'll hafta write it down and give it to ya.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


I'd like too see the script too (once finished), out of curiousity.

The Green Avenger

lol, YES! @ the fry cook.  :P

I'm thinking I might even do one of those old fashioned 'doorway chases' from old movies, where there are a whole bunch of doors and two people keep on going back and forth through the doors following each other :P
Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


Lol!  This sounds like a great idea!

Maybe someone gets lost in the maze in the Arboretum?
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods


If A Chex Quest Movie Was Made, it'd have to be on Bazoik.  Probably made in the same style that Doom was made too.
Time Is Relentless, History Abhors A Paradox

Manny Cav

If we want the entire storyline, then he'd also have to "shoot" on other locations like Chex City, and he may also want to use the Chex Quest 3 locations, as well.

As far as ideas go, perhaps some cameos of CQFF members would be nice, as well as animations of the intro and end videos of Chex Quest.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010

The Green Avenger

I likely will use CQ3 locations.  That would involve some texture porting and modifying the CQ3 maps so that they look right in Legacy, but it is possible.  The into/outro movies might be harder to do, but possible.

As for Chex City, yes, I will use that.  I should use all of the maps, but we'll see how that goes.  For now, I'm just shuffling and creating things for use in the movie.  If any of you want to contribute to this effort (like, if someone could make a decent-looking purple lamppost :P), feel free.  I'm looking to do the scripting myself, though.  Graphics is where I need help.

As for cameos from the CQFF, it might be possible.  I'll look into it.

For now, I'm just going to work on a preview to upload to YouTube to show I'm serious.  :D
Visit Chex Brigade, home of Chaos on Flemoid Prime!

The art of winning an argument is not so much proving your own point as it is systematically dismantling your opponent's point, leaving yours as the logical alternative.


Time Is Relentless, History Abhors A Paradox