Sticking with the older version on Zandronum.

Started by Danfun64, April 27, 2013, 12:43:55 PM

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I don't know about GZDOOM, but when running TUCQ on Zandronum, I get this error message:

" "player.colorset" is an unknown actor property"

I guess I will have to stick with phase 2 beta 3 and the zdoom fix for now...


You can actually comment out the player.colorset properties in DECORATE with no bad side effects in Zandronum, and it should work fine after that if I recall correctly.

That feature is not supported by Zand because Zand has a more flexible system for player colors; Player.ColorSet's only use is to make a set of colors for use in zDoom Multiplayer; Zandronum doesn't understand what those sets are, since it just uses the Red/Green/Blue sliders for player colors.

Even if you did want to use those color sets for something, they would probably be useless since the chex player isn't green, and the engine would likely just recolor the slime that shows on chexter in the pain and death states.

[spoiler]If you want to implement player colors; the best way to do it is to use Chukker's Player.ColorRange setting in Chex3.wad, which tells Zandronum that you want various shades of blue to recolor instead of green[/spoiler]

If you find that it doesn't work with those modifications, feel free to reply again, I'm sure I can get it working in Zand.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord:



I'll take a look

EDIT - Delete this post
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord:


TUCQ R 5 in Zandronum:

I had to comment out the colorset and the plasmaball 1 and 2 decals in DECALDEF. These 2 changes shouldn't effect gameplay, since the player.colorset is only useful in ZDoom, and the 2 decals in question just replaced existing decals with nothing, in Zandronum they don't have decals to start with.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord:


You know, I find it kind of funny that a major user of these forums can get away with double posting :P


There's a rule about double posting?

Seriously, its not enforced that much. That being said, its still not something we want to see anywhere, but really, look at the size of this community. Do you really think we care that much?
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.


Wanted to make sure you saw the update, the last one was "I wasn't sure if I could do this", the one after it was "I did it", though I can edit it and put it all in one
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord:

Boingo the Clown

What the heck?

Did I somehow miss this thread? Did I forget about it somehow?

Since I did that little IWAD trick, T.U.C.Q. seems to run nicely on Zandronum, except for the exit on E1M2, which uses fraggle script.