Chex Quest dubstep?

Started by R.Mee Studios, May 17, 2012, 02:51:43 PM

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R.Mee Studios

Hey guys!! I haven't been here in a while but I've been thinking about you guys!! :D School has been super super busy. Only 2 weeks left!

The question I had is, do you guys know if anyone has done dubstep remixes of the CQ soundtracks? Even if they haven't HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE?????

Anonymous (ChexGuy331)

Not very, because dubstep incorporates dying whales as its core sound. Since whales and human sanity are endangered species, we must cut down on dubstep.


Ignoring the obvious hater XD

The amount of people who could actually do good dubstep (I can't stand some of it because it honestly DOES sound like dying whales or something <_<) and that like/know what CQ is? one, or none. I've tried, but it just takes knowing what you're doing, and I don't.

Good luck finding any.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


yeah, just curious, how many people here like dubstep and how many don't? (Don't need to wars going on here, just curious about the count)
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.

R.Mee Studios

I just started listening a few days ago and I like some of it. I'm kinda picky. I found a free site where you can make your own so I'm gonna practice for a while and then see what I can come up with as far as remixes go.


Tisk tisk, you guys haven't heard of whalestep? Don't make fun.

R.Mee, what site is this? Sounds goofy. Dub's not too hard in FL Studio, though a good LFO and drop obviously take a little work. If someone put their mind to it they could definitely remix CQ.
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods

R.Mee Studios




I'm very particular about what I like, but I like it.

And I've tried. I can make the LFO quite easily, its just making a good baseline that sounds good with the LFO that's hard.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!