Chex Quest Fan Forums

Chex Quest => Chex Quest and Related Topics => Topic started by: Melodic Spaceship on December 23, 2023, 08:19:51 PM

Title: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Stable release up for download!)
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on December 23, 2023, 08:19:51 PM
This is a project I've already brought up in other corners of the internet, but I figured it would only be fair to properly announce it to the actual Chex Quest community. Here's a screenshot of it:

Basically, this is an attempt to backport the official Chex Quest 3 over to vanilla. This is not actually a mod of the original Chex Quest, but rather of Ultimate Doom using a trick involving secret exits to shorten episode lengths and with a special DeHackEd patch applied which is mostly a recreation of Chex 3's DECORATE stuff. It can also run as standalone in some ports.

I released a trailer for it a few months ago on YouTube, which can be found here (the description and pinned comment also contain a bit more info about the mod):

So far, the entirety of the first and second episodes have been converted to vanilla (though a few levels may still need to be touched up a little) as well as the first three all of the levels of the third episode. For the first episode, since I couldn't cut down that episode's length to any lower than 7 levels I also added small levels before and after the "real" 5 levels which serve as rough representations of the intro/ending cinematics. I'm hoping they can eventually also have MIDI versions of the intro/ending cutscene's background music but I'm not that good at music transcription despite my other music skills. I made a MIDI version of the intro and ending music for that myself.

I'll try to post updates about this project to this thread whenever further developments happen.

Music upload:

Release candidate trailer:

Downloads (1.0):

Note: Due to an oversight when preparing the finalized 1.0 release, the changelog marks it as "NOT FINAL". It is indeed the finalized 1.0 despite what the changelog says. This will be corrected on the next release.

For DOS:
For source ports:
Modding version:
For KEX Doom:

Also see the website ( for more information, links to old versions and a modding guide.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: Richie on December 23, 2023, 09:34:13 PM
This is awesome!  Just let me know if you need a sub-forum.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on February 29, 2024, 07:34:38 PM
I just began work on Provincial Park. So far it's just the "raw" conversion plus the preparation of the needed textures.

One thing I would like to mention is that in order to get the "raw" conversions that I then clean up and edit down for vanilla compatibility, I programmed a special converter script to convert Hexen format maps (which is what CQ3 uses) to the original Doom format. Initially, the maps were converted by opening a map in chex3.wad, selecting everything and copying it, and then pasting it into a Doom format map. This didn't work as well since SLADE (which is what I actually use for mapping as well as WAD management) doesn't properly re-adjust values like line specials to work the same way in the Doom format. My own converter script handles this properly by mapping certain combinations of Hexen format specials, arguments and activations to specific Doom format specials.

I might consider releasing the conversion script I made too sometime, but do note that it's written in the Ruby programming language which is hard to set up outside of Unix-based operating systems (though not impossible).
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on March 06, 2024, 10:14:56 PM
And Provincial Park is done! This level was a bit of a doozy, considering it was the first time I had any problems with the vanilla sprite limit. (Vanilla Doom can only show a certain amount of sprites on-screen at once.) To get around this, I had to remove a bunch of the trees (and other decorations) in the problematic areas.

PSA time: Vanilla limitations cuts down hundreds of trees each year for its own benefits. Boycott vanilla limitations today.

I think I might start on Meteor Spaceship almost immediately now.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: Boingo the Clown on March 07, 2024, 07:21:23 PM
If you really need to you could use transparent textures for some of the trees ...

... but beware of the dreaded visplane limit.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on March 07, 2024, 11:16:19 PM
That's an interesting suggestion, but it might feel too inconsistent when they're in the same level as sprite trees.

Anyways, Meteor Spaceship is already done, unless I missed something! This level was so much easier to do compared to the previous one. The only two areas that had any problems were the flemoid power strand room and the Snotfolus boss room, which both had VPOs but both could be fixed by removing a bit of mostly cosmetic detail in some places.

Since I have all the levels done, I might release a public beta soon. I still would like MIDI renditions of the CQ1 intro and ending cutscene's background music.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: uni on March 08, 2024, 10:06:45 PM
Looks awesome! Would love to be able to use this in DSDA-Doom, using GZDoom feels weird to me... >w<
Are you using CRL to vanilla bug-test this? :Р
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on March 08, 2024, 10:34:28 PM
I was using the original ChocoRenderLimits, because I couldn't get CRL working on my system. I'm probably gonna have to switch to it once I can get it working, though.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on March 11, 2024, 07:05:30 PM
Well, I went ahead and recreated the intro cutscene soundtrack myself to the best of my ability. You can download the MIDI here if you want to listen to it:

I'll likely also edit this post if I finish the ending cutscene soundtrack before anyone replies.

Oh, and I forgot to say this in my last post, but welcome to the forums!

Edit: I did the ending cutscene music! You can get it here:
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on March 12, 2024, 10:19:36 PM
Sorry to triple-post, but...


Download it here:

Edit: Sorry, I forgot to make the link publicly viewable. It should be fixed now.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Release candidate up for download!)
Post by: uni on March 13, 2024, 03:38:35 PM
Oh uhh, Melodic Spaceship: Andrew Benon did indeed make the intro and ending cutscene music. Replying to this in the MIDI metadata. :Р
<COPYRIGHT> | Original likely by Andrew Benson, MIDI version by Melodic Spaceship
QuoteHey Enzo,

Yes — thanks for updating that. The official names are "Intro Soundtrack" and "Outro Soundtrack".




Andrew Benon

Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Release candidate up for download!)
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on March 13, 2024, 06:40:28 PM
Quote from: uni on March 13, 2024, 03:38:35 PMOh uhh, Melodic Spaceship: Andrew Benon did indeed make the intro and ending cutscene music. Replying to this in the MIDI metadata. :Р

Thank you for obtaining that information! I'll be sure to update the MIDI metadata in the next release candidate.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Release candidate up for download!)
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on March 17, 2024, 08:12:50 PM
RC2 has been released! Download here:

Here is a list of changes in this version:

Edit: Had to make a quick RC2.1 release due to an oversight preventing 100% secrets in CQ1M5. Download it here:
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Release candidate up for download!)
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on April 04, 2024, 08:20:55 PM
RC3 has been released! The most notable part of this is the introduction of the DOS package! I assume everything in that package is legally fine to redistribute, but if something isn't please let me know so I can remove it in another update.

Download (for source ports):
Download (for DOS):
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Release candidate up for download!)
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on April 25, 2024, 08:02:46 PM
Please excuse the quadruple post, but RC4 has now been released! There are a lot of changes in this version, but I'll go over a few highlights.

First of all, I went ahead and changed the GZDoom autoload/filter name to "chex3vanilla", except now that's actually a new filter category, consisting of "chex3vanilla.cq3" which is the main WAD you've probably already been using and "chex3vanilla.d2". The latter is another addition to this version: a Doom 2 based WAD called "chex3d2.wad" which contains most of the same resources as the main WAD but is in the Doom 2 format instead.

Unlike "chex3v.wad" it doesn't contain its own levels (not counting the dummy levels) and is solely meant to be the foundation for other PWADs. You can make a PWAD based on this instead of the main WAD if you'd prefer to use the Doom 2 style format or want to make use of the Super Large Zorcher or Megasphere in levels. Due to it only being of interest to modders and anyone wishing to play a PWAD that requires it, it's included in its own separate package. It currently doesn't have a DOS version.

Lastly, the source code of the CQ3HACK utility is now included in the DOS package as per the request of someone over at Doomworld. At any rate, enough rambling. Grab it here:

For DOS:
For source ports:
Modding version:

Full changelog:

Edit: Had to release an RC4.1 due to a glaring issue in the UMAPINFO lump. Download it from the new website:
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Release candidate up for download!)
Post by: Technopeasant on November 17, 2024, 02:47:58 AM
Being a fan of vanilla Doom, this gets me quite excited about Chex Quest again.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Stable release up for download!)
Post by: Melodic Spaceship on November 25, 2024, 05:59:10 PM
Well finally, after all the procrastination when I basically had 1.0 pretty much ready, I think it's now time. That's right, Chex 3 Vanilla 1.0 has now finally been released! While there may be future updates, any more updates past this point will not have demo-desyncing changes, just changes to additional lumps to support source ports and minor texture adjustments (if the texture adjustments can be applied without causing desyncs). This means that everyone is now free to start speedrunning it with demos and everything, which is in fact encouraged because speedrun demos will be used to make sure I don't cause any desyncs.

Anyways, here are the downloads:

For DOS:
For source ports:
Modding version:

Version 1.0 has the longest list of changes yet, which is fitting for the jump from release candidates to stable:

Edit: Just found out that in the changelog files I included I accidentally left the 1.0 section marked as "(NOT FINAL)". This is incorrect, it is indeed the finalized version of 1.0. It's fine if you speedrun it despite it being supposedly "(NOT FINAL)". This will be corrected in 1.1.
Title: Re: Chex Quest 3: Vanilla Edition Dev Thread (Stable release up for download!)
Post by: Technopeasant on December 08, 2024, 03:14:18 AM