Chex Quest Fan Forums

Chex Quest => Chex Quest and Related Topics => Topic started by: Manny Cav on June 20, 2008, 09:14:34 AM

Title: MOVED: New Mod!
Post by: Manny Cav on June 20, 2008, 09:14:34 AM
This topic has been moved to Board Rules ( Topics regarding other members' fan projects should be posted in their respective forums, and topics regarding your own fan project should be posted in the main Fan Projects forum if you don't have your own subforum yet.

EDIT: Oh, for Pete's sake, I think I just accidentally nuked the topic by moving it to Announcements. That wouldn't be a problem, except that non-administrators aren't allowed to make new topics there, and seeing as I accidentally tried to move it there, I effectively sent it to eternal limbo. I'm sorry about that. If you want to remake your topic, you can do so in Fan Projects ( In the meanwhile, I'll see if there's any reasonable way to salvage it, but I doubt it after that debacle.
Title: Re: MOVED: New Mod!
Post by: Manny Cav on June 20, 2008, 09:35:23 AM
I was able to get the posts in the topic, but not the topic itself:

Quote from: Batmanifestdestiny
Hey everybody :)
  I'm just coming in and announcing a new mod in the making!
Is it a level pack? - No
Is it a music pack? - No
Is it a joke? - No!
all of those things are great, but I'm making a FULL CONVERSION!
I was inspired by hearing about the prequel to CQ that was being made in Wolf3D, so now I'm modding Wolf3D!

Here are the things that I know:
All of the graphics will be changed
You play as a flemoid
Your weapons will be various appendages that shoot or smack with slime
you will be fighting people who have zorchers.

Here's what I don't know:
The name of the game
when the first beta will come out
where to get CQ graphics
who can make custom graphics (as in moving cheerios and what not.)

Hope you like the news! :D
Quote from: The Atariangamer of 1993
Lol, that will be like a precursor to Flemoid Quest.

Cool that someone else will try it...and if you have success, try working on a CQ one!
Quote from: Manny Cav
A nice array of CQ graphics can be found (more shameless advertising) here ( Look under "Flemoidus Cycloptis Ultricus", "WAD Floors", "WAD Graphics", "WAD Sprites", and "WAD Textures" for images obtained from Chex Quest and The Ultimate Chex Quest. You can also use a WAD editing program like eXtendable Wad Editor ( or SLumpEd ( to browse through WADs to look at and export graphics from Chex Quest WADs, but before you take custom graphics made by someone else from a WAD, be sure to ask the original WAD creator's permission to use them.

Also, I feel compelled to move this to Fan Projects. I think that's what I'll do.

I'm afraid that that's the best that I can offer. All of the topic references (like the topic number) just go the Board Rules topic in Announcements.