Chex Quest Fan Forums

Chex Quest => Chex Quest and Related Topics => Topic started by: Nomekop on August 22, 2015, 06:12:14 PM

Title: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Nomekop on August 22, 2015, 06:12:14 PM
Hey, so I have a few image files of chex quest stuff, so I'm throwing them into this thread.

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Flem Flier: This guy was a quick thrown together flemoid, to replace the Ifrit from Hexen or the Gargoyles from Heretic. more of a concept than anything, although maybe I could go back to it and complete it.


Armored Maximus: Meant to be an upgraded Maximus, for replacing the Barons of Hell if the Maximi were to replace Hell Knights. However, I never touched the armor after making the basic shape, which was based off of the armored Bipedius.

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Bazoikian Ore and Crystal Zorch: just some ore thrown together for a gametype similar to that of Shotgun Frenzy. Ore could be refined into cereal armor, or into basic zorchers, while crystal zorch could be used for creating more advanced zorchers and ammo.


Upgraded Flem Mine: Some sort of flem turret thing? IDK

I don't know where my massive sheet of all the Flem Balloon frames is, but if I find it, I'll make sure to share it.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Drwalrustein on August 22, 2015, 06:52:32 PM
Hey what about a flem mine dispenser to replace the pain elemental.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Awesomedude249 on August 22, 2015, 07:56:14 PM
That already exists. You can use the super cycloptis for it.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Drwalrustein on August 22, 2015, 08:08:05 PM
I did not know.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Nomekop on August 22, 2015, 10:53:19 PM
aaaaactually that was the original plan for the flem balloon.

which a single shot of is in my avatar.

also I think the upgraded flemmine was supposed to be an arachnotron?
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Drwalrustein on August 23, 2015, 10:29:22 AM
So are you doing the mod to replace Doom with chex.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Awesomedude249 on August 23, 2015, 10:43:30 AM
Yes, he explained it in the shoutbox.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Nomekop on August 23, 2015, 10:44:09 AM
Had been making resources to replace doom 2 enemies.

Then lazy happened.

I /kinda/ understand why most new enemies are recolors now.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Drwalrustein on August 23, 2015, 10:59:46 AM
If you look at most of the beastiary are just recolors.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Nomekop on August 23, 2015, 11:26:52 AM
...are we looking at the same beastiary? while there are the rare few that are recolors, the vast majority have been edited, often with custom parts, or are completely custom.

Not that any of that would be usable for chex quest, considering the two vastly different themes.

Edit: To be fair, I absolutely abhor recolored flemoids in the zdoom chex mods, considering that zdoom itself has the capability to recolor sprites on the fly, which would allow for saving a great deal of resources in file size.

Edit the second: adding Translation "112:127=%[0,0,0]:[255,0,0]" to a flemoids decorate file will turn it into a red version, in zdoom and its decendants, without needing to worry about the exact brightness. If you want to change the resulting color, just modify the RGB at the end, or look at the translation document on the wiki, here.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Drwalrustein on August 23, 2015, 12:53:10 PM
Well I was looking at the strife beastiary which has the least monsters and lots of recolors.
Title: Re: FL's Chex Quest thrown together junk
Post by: Nomekop on August 23, 2015, 03:29:24 PM
...only two of those are recolors.

...I think we may be getting off topic.