There are many sites and topics devoted to DooM level editors, wad builders, and editing tutorials.
This is not one of those topics.
This topic is dedicated to other resources on the internet (mostly free) that can be used for creating graphics, sounds, music, and all the other good stuff you need for making your DooM/Chex Quest mods.Feel free to add any resources you happen to know of, and I will add them to this list.
Graphics:G.I.M.P. (
*FREE* paint program on par with Photoshop. Loaded with features. Excellent for pretty much all of your graphics editing needs.
A *FREE* high-quality clone of Poser, capable of using nearly all content designed for Poser. This 3D program allows you to load, pose, and render human figures, along with props and environments. Being Poser compatible, D|S can take advantage of the massive amount of free and paid Poser content available on the internet. It is not very well suited to the cartoonish style of Chex Quest, but very well suited to realistic higher resolution characters for the newer DooM source ports.
A wiki with links to *FREE* content that can be used with Poser or DAZ|Studio (listed above).
BRICKS 'N' TILES[/color] (Original site no longer exists.) ( via The Wayback Machine.) (
Seamless architectural texture generator. Takes image files of structural elements (i.e. bricks, blocks, tiles, planks, etc.,), creates variations, and tiles them together to create seamless textures.
WALLY ( (Original web site no longer exists. File at Quake Terminus.)
Designed for editing images for Quake textures, but also works for making images usable in DooM/Chex Quest. Features the ability to generate marble tiles. (NOTE: An older 16-bit program. It may not run on newer versions of Windows.)
Old shareware paint program from 1995. Lacks features seen in newer paint programs (most notably layers), but is excellent for editing images for DooM/Chex Quest.
Manual: (
*FREE* 3D modeling and rendering software. High quality and fully featured. Some versions can be used to create MD2/MD3 models.
Krita is a *FREE* modern paint application geared toward comics and animation that makes good use of graphics tablets.
A *FREE* program that generates particle-based explosions and saves them as 16-frame sprite sheets.
A fractal landscape generator and renderer. Useful for creating skies and distant mountains (probably too realistic for CQ). A *FREE* version is available.
INTERPRITE- Forum Post at
- Download Link:
- Video Tutorial:
A utility that interpolates between frames of pixel animations to create additional frames and smooth out the animation.
A pixel art and animation program suitable for making sprites.
A *FREE* online utility that generates titles and messages for DooM engine games, including Chex Quest, in PNG format in various sizes and colours.
DOOMTREE ( (DooMworld thread)
A *FREE* utility that procedurally generates trees that can be exported as sprites or voxels. It has a seed and 21 parameter sliders allowing for a huge number of trees for your project. Scroll down to find the latest version.
A *FREE*, open source, cross-platform sound editor for recording and editing sounds.
AS3SFXR (Flash program, no longer works.) (
Randomly generates sound effects similar to those in older games. Great for pickup, power-up, and shooting sounds.BFXR (Flash program, no longer works.) (
A newer version of As3sfxr with more options. It also remembers sounds you generate during your session, in case you want to go back and listen to them again.
A *FREE* program similar to AS3SFXR and BFXR, but written in JAVA script. Generates random sounds similar to older games.
A *FREE* program for designing sounds or generating random sounds.
Voice changing software. Allows you to alter your voice, making it possible to create dialogue for multiple characters.
The download section has a free version called "Morphvox Jr." with only three voice options ("man", "woman", and "little folk").
A *FREE* MIDI editor. Fully featured. Allows you to compose and edit MIDI (.mid) files.
Open-source MIDI editor for composing and editing MIDI files.
Music-making program. It's great for creating MIDIs and all sorts of other music, but it's not free.
A *FREE* music archive with music for games and videos.
Random Level Generators:SLIGE ( (Download no longer works) ( (Has a link to a working download)
A random DooM level generator. Has not been updated since 2001.
A random Doom level generator. Also supports some other games. Much better than Slige.
A modified version of Oblige with extra features.
A new fork of Oblige with many improvements. The URL listed above links to a thread on the DooMWorld forums. The link to the GitHub with the most recent version(s) of the program is at the bottom of the first post.
Random Music Generators:ABUNDANT MUSIC (
*FREE* online music generator. Creates very pleasant and natural-sounding music that would be very much at home in a game such as King's Quest from a random seed. Exports to MIDI. Exported file does not use the same instruments, and will need the instruments changed in an editor.
*FREE* downloadable music generator.
*FREE* online music generator. Produces entire albums of music, including song titles, and even false author names. Generated music downloadable as MP3 or MIDI.
*FREE* java based music generator.
*FREE* online music generator. Produces music in several different styles up to 30 seconds long. Generated music downloadable as MIDI, MP3, WAV, or FLAC
A very nice voxel editor.
Recently moved to (
SLAB6 ( (scroll down)
A voxel editor capable of saving voxels in KVX format for loading into your wad or pk3
ENDOOM(ENDOOM is the text/ASCII art screen that appears when the game exits to DOS.)
TED V1.2 (
An ENDOOM editor. Requires DOSbox to run.
ENDOOM editor. Requires DOSbox to run.
An ANSI/ASCII text editor. Not specifically made for ENDOOM, but is easier to work with than TED. Exported files can be imported into TED and converted to ENDOOM.
Other Utilities:DOSSBOX (
A DOS emulator. Essential for running older programs that run only in DOS. (NOTE: Only emulates DOS. Will not run 16-bit Windows programs.)
Free Game Asset Collections:CC0 TEXTUREShttp:// (
A large repository of *FREE* public domain textures.
A collection of skyboxes for Quake, rendered in Terragen. Can probably be used in DooM engine games as well.
*FREE* open-source game assets, including graphics, textures, and sounds. Many are public domain.
A large repository of textures. Many of the textures are seamless. All of the textures are free. Many (but not all) of the textures are also public domain.
It's mostly DOOM stuff, but you can find some Chex 'okay' stuff if you dig deep enough.
Instructions on how to paint slime. Kind of important for Chex Quest mods.[/s]
Anvil studio is AWFUL, I recommend Aria Maestosa for midi composition instead
if trackers are more your deal, you may like Milkytracker (Old school DOS feel) or Modplug Tracker (modern)
For 3d modeling my favorite program is Blender (it's free, too, but it has a huge learning curve, you MUST read the first few chapters of the manual)
Note that only CERTAIN releases support md3 export, which is what is used in gzdoom/zandronum, if you want a quick all in one package containing md3 export and everything else, grab this (7-zip required to extract this
However note that Blender 2.49's interface is very different from the newer versions, you may have a hard time learning on this one, I recommend you download the new version, follow the tutorials, and try to figure out this older version afterwards.
You could also find an .md3 export script for a newer version of Blender.
All of these sound good; any of them available for Linux? I'm too lazy to go check myself :P
It has been almost a month since I started this thread, and it hasn't been stickied, in spite of my repeated requests.
I will make a copy of the first post over on the TUCQ forum. Then I can sticky it myself.
I never got a message about it, or I would have earlier. :whale
Oh good. :) has free game resources, including graphics, textures, and sounds. Most resources are open source, and many are public domain.
Mere minutes ago I found a wonderful public domain squish sound, that will be great in T.U.C.Q.. I also grabbed some temporary place keepers for textures I am still working on, so I nobody will have to look at blue checkerboard walls before the real textures are completed.
There's always Realm667.
Its mostly DOOM stuff, but you can find some Chex 'okay' stuff if you dig deep enough.
I just found a little program that creates particle based space explosions and saves them out a sprite sheets.
Explosions are not Chexy, but they are DooMy.
hmm, very cool, I like the explosion generator
Lol, the timing. I was just looking for some sample particles to use in a graphics application for class.
RotSprite (
Extremely convenient sprite editing utility. This can take your sprite and rotate or enlarge it while keeping it looking the closest to the original sprite as possible. Very useful for HD projects.
You might want to add FL Studio for Music, I've used it to create MIDIs and it's very easy to use, it's not free but is great for MIDI creation and making all sorts of other music
Then give the link and add the note that it is not free.
*NOT FREE*Music making program. It's great for creating MIDIs and all sorts of other music, but it's not free.
Also, just tested Wally and it can run perfectly without any extra measures (compatibility mode, virtual machine, etc.) on Windows 10
I ran into this just yesterday.
Outworldz: Free textures
A large repository of textures. Many of the textures are seamless. Many of the textures are also public domain (but not all).
Alferd Spritesheet Unpacker (
If you don't like manually cropping out sprite after sprite after sprite from a sprite sheet, this tool has come in handy for me countless times. Highly recommend.
Quote from: TrueDude on March 06, 2017, 02:32:47 AM
Alferd Spritesheet Unpacker (
If you don't like manually cropping out sprite after sprite after sprite from a sprite sheet, this tool has come in handy for me countless times. Highly recommend.
Getting that right now.
Cropping spritesheets is the worst.
Now all we need is a program that exports each frame of a certain character from a wad automatically so you don't have to do it manually. :D
Wintex 3.4 can do it, but it doesn't work in newer versions of Windows.
All you had to do was click the extract button, and it would extract all resources from a wad and store them in its directories.
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on March 06, 2017, 11:34:49 AM
Now all we need is a program that exports each frame of a certain character from a wad automatically so you don't have to do it manually. :D
If you mean sprites you could filter using Slade with the * wildcard character and then right click -> Gfx -> Export as PNG
If you mean a font definition (e.g., DBIGFONT), I think there was something made for that, let me know and I'll look for it.
EDIT: Thanks Boingo and Replica -- I forgot he probably wanted pngs!
Remember to convert the pngs from Indexed color to RGB in your favorite image editor if needed (GIMP, etc.)
Quote from: 75 on March 06, 2017, 05:40:27 PM
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on March 06, 2017, 11:34:49 AM
Now all we need is a program that exports each frame of a certain character from a wad automatically so you don't have to do it manually. :D
If you mean sprites you could filter using Slade with the * wildcard character and then right click -> Export:
( (
If you mean a font definition (e.g., DBIGFONT), I think there was something made for that, let me know and I'll look for it.
Oooh, I never knew that! Thanks. I'm working on a video called "Chex Quest in Real Life" and I need sprites for all the flemoids and their rotations.
I assume you would want to convert them to BMP or PNG first, in order to have them in a form editable in a paint program.
Boingo's right. I think that exports .Imp files, no? You want to go down to graphics (gfx) at the bottom, then click on "Export as PNG", which is at the bottom of the new drop box.
Good point guys, I updated my post.
Random Music Generators!
Make new music for every level you make!
*FREE* online music generator. Creates very pleasant and natural sounding music that would be very much at home in a game such as King's Quest from a random seed. Exports to MIDI. Exported file does not use the same instruments, and will need the instruments changed in an editor.
*FREE* downloadable music generator.
*FREE* online music generator. Produces entire albums of music, including song titles, and even false author names. Generated music downloadable as MP3 or MIDI.
*FREE* java based music generator.
*FREE* online music generator. Produces music in several different styles up to 30 seconds long. Generated music downloadable as MIDI, MP3, WAV, or FLAC
From Darkstone:
A free program for designing sounds or generating random sounds. (
I just ran across a tutorial on how to draw slime.
It looks very appropriate for Chex Quest.
All hail Aliotroph, a.k.a. Mad-Eye, for he hath found another source of Public domain textures for we, the humble, to use!
A *FREE* music achive!
Here is a video regarding sources of 3D models and animations.
Not very useful for CQ style stuff, but could be useful for more realistic or DooM like stuff.
Here is some good advice about level design
Here is a random dungeon generator for a rogue-like game inside earlier versions of Cookie Clicker.
The maps are not in DooM / CQ format, and can only be used as visual examples.
The maps are block based, which makes the good for creating Wolfenstein 3D style levels.
Interprite can interpolate frames of pixel art animations, and make some quite nice results (especially with Doom sprites). May work on some Chex sprites as well.
Download: (
Tutorial: (
Aseprite (
A pixel art application suitable for making sprites.
I guess I had better add Krita.
Krita is a FREE modern paint application geared toward comics and animation that makes good use of graphics tablets.
Whilst looking for a DooM meme called "WooD" (DooM logo upside-down, Marine with the chainsaw in a forest), I stumbled across a utility for DooM that generates tree sprites or voxels. Since it can be useful for Chex Quest as well, I will add it here. (
Scroll down to find the newest version.