So every so often I get in the mood for some Chex Quest and play it quite a bit, and I'm in that mood again so I've been playing because I love the game so much.
Anyways it looks like the last time I posted here was back in 2010 so has anything big happened since then? is the latest Chex Quest 3 version still 1.4?
Also I wanted to ask about the names of the music in the Chex Quest soundtrack, I'm not sure if there are other links to it and I forgot where I found it, but I have a folder in my Music, but some of the tracks don't seem to be in any of the games (I think it said they might be from fan games or something?), I want to make a playlist with Chex Quest music for when I'm playing MMORPGs, I want to have the levels in the correct order by game and I think I've got it right so far, here are the names of the songs.
CQ3 (These are the song names I have in the folder and the ones that I'm not sure if they are the correct name or not.)
Chex_Quest 3 (PC); D_E3M1
Chex_Quest 3 (PC); D_E3M3
And then there are some random songs that don't seem to be in any of the games with names like NAVAL, COMMAND, and OUTPOST does anybody know what those are from? I think it's a bit strange they were on the soundtrack and yet they don't seem to be in the games.
Thanks for any help!
Quote from: pikmintaro on February 02, 2015, 11:05:54 PM
And then there are some random songs that don't seem to be in any of the games with names like NAVAL, COMMAND, and OUTPOST does anybody know what those are from? I think it's a bit strange they were on the soundtrack and yet they don't seem to be in the games.
Hi! Welcome back!
And you seem to have the songs in the right order. The other songs are from the "stolen" (unofficial) Chex Quest 3.
And maybe you got it from the Chex Quest Gallery? (That's where I got mine, and those songs are in it for me too.
Also, nothing official has happened... I guess Scott Holman visited the forums, and chukker made some 3D models...
There have been a few mod releases here and there too.
Quote from: noob1234 on February 03, 2015, 12:26:33 AM
Quote from: pikmintaro on February 02, 2015, 11:05:54 PM
And then there are some random songs that don't seem to be in any of the games with names like NAVAL, COMMAND, and OUTPOST does anybody know what those are from? I think it's a bit strange they were on the soundtrack and yet they don't seem to be in the games.
Hi! Welcome back!
And you seem to have the songs in the right order. The other songs are from the "stolen" (unofficial) Chex Quest 3.
And maybe you got it from the Chex Quest Gallery? (That's where I got mine, and those songs are in it for me too.
Also, nothing official has happened... I guess Scott Holman visited the forums, and chukker made some 3D models...
There have been a few mod releases here and there too.
Woah quick reply! thanks, anyways I did a little more searching and like you said found the same soundtrack on the Chex Quest Gallery, I also can see why it's called "Stolen" CQ3 since most of it seems to be from HACX, but was the music from HACX or did whoever put it together make the music himself?
Aaaand looks like Imageshack isn't working anymore gotta remove my sig :P
EDIT: Also I wanted to make sure that ver 1.4 is the latest CQ3 right? I mean there's not really much to update on it (Unless there were bugs I didn't know about.) and I just want to make sure I had the latest version.
1.4 probably is.
For a while there, there was some multiplayer stuff going on, but it seems to have died down. That's too bad, I was having fun making the Capture Point Maps.
The music wasn't from HACX, but it was sourced from random MIDIs from the internet.
I remember hearing about some sort of artist who made the song "OUTPOST"...But I forget his name. Pikmintaro? I was looking at old topics and found your name some places.
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on February 03, 2015, 02:01:56 PM
I remember hearing about some sort of artist who made the song "OUTPOST"...But I forget his name. Pikmintaro? I was looking at old topics and found your name some places.
Yeah I played Chex Quest a lot when I first got in the cereal along with Chex Quest 2, then I played it on and off for awhile, and then around 2010 I decided to look it up again and found that there was the official Chex Quest 3, and that's when I made an account here, but I've used the name Pikmintaro on websites since like 2003 or 2005.
These forums have EXISTED since 2003.
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on February 03, 2015, 08:41:35 PM
These forums have EXISTED since 2003.
Yeah and I wish I found them back then, I could have had a lot more fun talking with fellow fans.
EDIT: I wanted to ask one more thing (SORRY!) but how do you get the chexterhouse wad thing to work? I've tried it on ZDoom and Chex Quest 3, but it doesn't seem to work on any of them, I just wanted to ask you since it seems like you are the one who uploaded it.
Oh, that thing. You have to press the key right below ESC, that will open the console. Then type in "MAP MAP01" in the console and press enter. If you think that sucks, it was one of my first maps, I make better ones now.
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on February 04, 2015, 03:01:41 PM
Oh, that thing. You have to press the key right below ESC, that will open the console. Then type in "MAP MAP01" in the console and press enter. If you think that sucks, it was one of my first maps, I make better ones now.
Ok thanks, are your other maps in the downloads too? I just noticed that one in the main Chex Quest downloads and wanted to see what his house looked like.
A New Quest is the only other one, and it isn't very good. Each level is super short, and there are barely any flemoids. I make MUCH better maps now, I've improved alot over the last year.
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on February 04, 2015, 08:14:13 PM
A New Quest is the only other one, and it isn't very good. Each level is super short, and there are barely any flemoids. I make MUCH better maps now, I've improved alot over the last year.
Where are your others at? I want to check out some Chex Quest maps because I've played tons of Doom ones already.
Have you played the latest beta of The Lost Quest? Those are really really good maps.
EDIT: That came out in 2010, so you saw it already o.o
But since then:
Community Quest (
Umm, that's about it. :/
Pikmintaro, you should play one of The Slimeinator's mods. They're challenging, but they're awesome! Also, if you want ME to release anything new, there is a little project I'm working on, it's basically the first map of ANQ. My early alpha release was very short, I'm gonna release two new levels in maybe...A week? Possibly.
Quote from: noob1234 on February 05, 2015, 02:51:12 AM
Have you played the latest beta of The Lost Quest? Those are really really good maps.
EDIT: That came out in 2010, so you saw it already o.o
But since then:
Community Quest (
Umm, that's about it. :/
Ehhh I'm not sure about the Lost Quest, I wasn't looking for mods back then, but I'm downloading it along with the community thing now.
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on February 05, 2015, 12:43:20 PM
Pikmintaro, you should play one of The Slimeinator's mods. They're challenging, but they're awesome! Also, if you want ME to release anything new, there is a little project I'm working on, it's basically the first map of ANQ. My early alpha release was very short, I'm gonna release two new levels in maybe...A week? Possibly.
Yeah I'll play whatever you release, also are the mods all in the downloads section? I could go looking through the forums for stuff, but I'm not sure which threads they would be in.
QuotePikmintaro, you should play one of The Slimeinator's mods. They're challenging, but they're awesome! Also, if you want ME to release anything new, there is a little project I'm working on, it's basically the first map of ANQ. My early alpha release was very short, I'm gonna release two new levels in maybe...A week? Possibly.
In my opinion I don't like slimeinators's mods because I think that they are almost unplayable and they are to challenge. For example Ninja Gaiden for the nes it is not unplayable but challenging. I also don't think Slimeinator's mods are horrible I think he has potential.
No offense, but to critique mods and have it make sense, you should probably MAKE A MOD first, to see how hard it is to actually make one. I do agree with you though.