Using a git build of gzdoom, I tried playing the strife maps with TUCQR6. I couldn't change weapons properly, and the new enemies were having a spaz attack (no offense to you british).
Ironically, TUCQR5 as a pwad to doom.wad ran better. The first problem was nonexistent. The second problem remained.
Here is a video of the second problem
Considering Strife hasn't been active in forever, I doubt this will ever be addressed :P
Although someone could make an unofficial patch if they wanted... Looks like a case of sprite botching to me but IDK
Well, Strife's maps were designed for Doom Legacy. I don't know if it could be GZDoom problems with it.
Right! Derp. Yeah, that would do it... And probably not easily fixable...
Thing is, I could have sworn that map was working properly in an earlier version of (g)zdoom (maybe zandronum, idk).
Do the Strife maps have custom weapons?
When T.U.C.Q. was in Legacy it used a DEHackEd patch, and Strife's levels likely would have too.
In order to get T.U.C.Q. working properly as an IWAD in GZDooM I had to redo the weapons as part of the DECORATE lump, and define the weapon slots. I am pretty sure that would break any weapons using DEHackEd. In fact, I found that weapons created in DEHacKed were not being selected, because GZDooM was ignoring them in favour of the DECORATE versions. For example, in (the current unreleased versio of) DeiMWolf (uses the same sorts of changes as T.U.C.Q.) there was a problem with switching weapons. If I picked up the MP40 I could not select it. Eventually I discovered it was because the pickup was being applied to the DEHackEd version of the weapon, but I was only able the switch between the DECORATE versions. If the Strife levels are using DEHackEd based custom weapons, this is probably what is happening.
Adding dehacked patch strife_levelpack.wad:DEHACKED
Script error, "gzdoom.pk3:dehsupp.txt" line 318:
Invalid state range in 'LostSoul'
Maybe Strife was trying to do the same sort of nonstandard hacking I was doing in Legacy.
Legacy did not have the DECORATE lump, but it did hide the Heretic tables below the DooM tables, and I got things working by hacking those tables.
If Strife tried the same, that would cause the error you experienced.
I tested the wad with zandronum 1.2.2 and it works perfectly. Tested it in zandronum 2 build 140112-1124 and it's broken again. Must be a change in zdoom 2.5
I am afraid I am unable to fix the problem then.
I recomend you try playing with T.U.C.Q. Phase II beta 3 and DooM Legacy v 1.42.
I remember Strife having a double shotgun. (A large Zorcher in each hand), but that's all the weapons I can remember.
I'm pretty sure he did some crazy dehacked stuff in his levels. Those spider flemoids he had were originally the doom barrel if I recall correctly. I would imagine that there is a good chance he had some heretic edits in there too.
How the heck does he mix this stuff?!?!? He has to tell me his secrets!!!
Probably just using some DECORATE and DeHackED stuff.
No DECORATE, that only exists in zdoom.
It's not necessary to "mix" stuff in zDoom/Zandronum, since you can declare actors from scratch rather than re-using frames.
Oh, sorry. I didn't know decorate wasn't in GZDooM. I don't do hardly any GZDooM.
... No, DECORATE is in GzDoom; GzDoom is based off of zDoom. DECORATE is not in Legacy.
Quote from: ChexMaster2109 on September 27, 2014, 03:07:27 PM
... No, DECORATE is in GzDoom; GzDoom is based off of zDoom. DECORATE is not in Legacy.
GzDoom is a
superset of zDoom,
everything in zdoom is in gzdoom, but gzdoom has some things that zdoom doesn't have. zDoom took some of the ideas in DEHACKED and extended them to make DECORATE, which is not based on frames at all and has more actions to choose from.
Legacy is a strange engine that isn't really related to them except that it's based on Doom and uses some Boom extensions. Because it lacks any way to define new actors, you need to use DEHACKED, which basically just allows mod authors to RE-ARRANGE frames (you can't create new frames) and re-arrange Vanilla Doom actions.
Quote from: 75 on September 27, 2014, 09:40:10 PM
Legacy is a strange engine that isn't really related to them except that it's based on Doom and uses some Boom extensions. Because it lacks any way to define new actors, you need to use DEHACKED, which basically just allows mod authors to RE-ARRANGE frames (you can't create new frames) and re-arrange Vanilla Doom actions.
Legacy is not simply a strange engine. Back in 2000 when I first joined the online DooM community Legacy was THE premier DooM source port, and ZDooM was a distant second. Legacy was the best at the time, and that is why I became so attached to it.
Unfortunately, Fab and Boris, the original developers of Legacy, left the project and development on Legacy stagnated and ground to a halt, while development continued on ZDooM, allowing ZDooM to catch up to and eventually surpass Legacy over the next few years. Remember, if you use features such as 3D floors, water, coloured sector lighting, or player skins in ZDooM, these features all came from Legacy. In fact, at one point I asked about a problem with the changing colours in player skins and the answer I got back from the ZDooM team was they could not fix it because the code for skins was taken directly from Legacy, and they didn't want to fool around with it.
The reason Legacy seems like the odd man out today is because while its development stalled, ZDooM's continued, and so many other project, such as Skulltag, CSDooM, and others started being based off of ZDooM rather than Legacy.
Legacy never had a DECORATE lump. Way back in 2000 (before the DECORATE lump even existed) I requested the Legacy team expand the thing and frame tables. This would have allowed users to add new monsters and decorations via DEHackEd, essentially functioning as a version of DECORATE. Sadly, this request was ignored.
As noted earlier, I did figure out how to hack into the Heretic tables that were hidden below the DooM tables and use them to good effect.
However, now that the project has been switched over to GZDooM, the custom hack editing I was doing no longer works, and had to be removed.
That is probably why the changes Strife made no longer work.
I've gotten permission from Strife for me to port his level pack's to GZDoom. More info soon.
EDIT: Hm, I'm rather confused here. Strife Level Pack 1 seems to have a bunch of texture issues in even the original TUCQ Phase II Beta 3 running in Doom Legacy. I remember having this problem before. Is there some texture pack I'm not loading or something? I haven't checked Level Pack 2.
EDIT2: I've found the problem. I was using doom.wad instead of chex.wad as an IWAD. Silly me.
However, I found something else interesting while I was looking into the history of the level pack. Scroll down a couple posts here, ( and you'll see that the original three maps in Level Pack 1 were meant to be submissions for levels in TUCQ! Specifically, they were meant for Episode 3 and/or 4.
Also interesting is that the first post in the topic ( mentions a map called "Surface of Bazoik". The image link sadly seems to be dead, or at least I can't access it without an account on Imageshack. If anybody could see what it looks like I'd love to find out, even if it turns out to be a level already in Level Pack 2! (Which would be cool too as all four of those levels don't have names it seems.) Unfortunately, I can't seem to come across the original topic for Level Pack 2 at this point. If anybody could find that it'd be appreciated, even if there isn't much else to find out about the project from it!
Well, I signed up for an ImageShack account, but when I tried to view the image WITH an account, the same thing happened that happened when I tried to view the image without an account.
Then, when I got to the end of the video, it didn't show the image.
BTW, TrueDude, that same topic from 2006, has a download of the beta. I bet that beta has surface of Bazoik on it. You can download the beta yourself and try it, I can't run it because A: I have linux
B: My computer is probably not powerful enough.
C: I tried to install GZDooM on here, it says to put my WADs in the GZDooM directory, at Home/username/root/gzdoom
Yet when I tried
cd home/username/root/gzdoom
It didn't work.
So someone with GZDooM should test out strife's beta to see the surface of bazoik map.
If you do find the map,
Nope, unfortunately it's not a beta with a missing stage, it's just the version that we already know of.
I was using Image Shack for a while, but then the free service stopped letting me upload stuff and started asking for money. Since I have a website of my own,, that I am already paying for, I just said those two little words that rhyme with "bucket" and stopped using Image Shack altogether.
Heh heh heh...
I too have my own website, yet I also have an Imgur account, which is free. I use it for all my image hosting needs.
For a brief period of time I switched from photobucket to imageshack because photobucket's user interface literally became unusable for my thousands of images.
Then a few months later imageshack decided to mess up their UI too, now for some reason, any time I visit imageshack to view any image, no matter what it is, it always shows me the same picture of an owl.
I'm glad I have ifocserv and imgur for images...
C: I tried to install GZDooM on here, it says to put my WADs in the GZDooM directory, at Home/username/root/gzdoom
ignore it. Really it doesn't matter at all. At best it saves you about three characters. Every single doom port that I know of, and even vanilla doom itself can be ran by specifying the path to a wad, and considering the short directory names in linux it's not hard to do.
Throw your wads in ~/wads/,
run gzdoom like this:
~/gzdoom/gzdoom -iwad ~/wads/doom2.wad -file ~/wads/yourpwad.wad
note that ~ is a shortcut for "/home/yourname/"
B: My computer is probably not powerful enough.
If you start up gzdoom and don't get EXTREMEFX ( you're probably clear to run just about anything on this website.
If you're using a laptop and you have a graphics coprocessor chip (I don't really consider them video cards) remember that you might need bumblebee to get your computer to use it for gzdoom.
If you DON'T have a graphics coprocessor or some kind of video card, well, best of luck with integrated graphics... sometimes it works.
Quote from: TrueDude on November 09, 2014, 08:09:33 PM
I've gotten permission from Strife for me to port his level pack's to GZDoom. More info soon.
Again I remind you that you already have a lot of open projects, and warn you not to get unfocused, it's best to do one thing well rather than have 10 things 10% done.