Chex Quest Fan Forums

Chex Quest => Chex Quest and Related Topics => Chex Pack => Topic started by: MajorSlime on November 01, 2011, 10:50:14 PM

Title: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 01, 2011, 10:50:14 PM

I'm working on a set of maps as a bonus for the CQ Skulltag Pack. Note that these are an ADD-ON.

Basic idea is this:

So, those are the main points.

Currrently, i've got one map in the works, SES01.






MAP      [||||      ]
CODE     [||||||||| ]
GRAPHICS [||||      ]
MUSIC    [X]

Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on November 02, 2011, 08:24:32 AM
I like most of this idea, I was thinking of a money system for my survival maps

I'm not sure what you mean about having it cost money to open new areas, and I believe it's a bad idea to rely on other players to revive you with the money they are using to buy ammo/weapons/secret areas;

I had a better idea for reviving players:

When the player loses all of his health, freeze him and have him fall to the ground, players can revive him by shooting him with zorch, just like the captives.

When he is "dead", he has the option to immediately respawn, if he has some lives left. However, if he chooses to immediately respawn, he goes back to the start (and I was considering removing all of his weapons).

If he is revived by another player, he keeps all of his weapons, and starts back right where he was immobilised.

Another idea is to give players the ability to revive other players by shooting them.

This could be too difficult to implement, if it is, I'll wait for a newer engine to do this
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 02, 2011, 05:00:05 PM

It could be just possible with some clever 'thing' rigging...

Actually, what do you think about automatic revival at the end of each wave (unless everyone is dead), but you lose all your weapons and items? I'd probably have the zorching idea or something...

And by open new areas, I mean you pay some 'bounty' and a roadblock (not necessarily literally) opens up, allowing access to a new area. There will be some that automatically open up, but most of them you have to pay for.

Oh, I also forgot, weapons will be upgradable. As to how much, IDK at this point.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 02, 2011, 11:14:29 PM
Also, can you please put SpawnIDs on the ammo?

What i'm working on is sorta impossible without them >_>
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on November 03, 2011, 05:34:17 PM
SpawnIDs? Why can't you use Spawnspot() or Spawn()?
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 03, 2011, 06:13:33 PM
Because its not working >_>

On that note, what should I use for minizorch ammo (as in, the name)? I tried "ZorchClip", which is what it said in the decorate definition, but it didn't work.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on November 03, 2011, 06:57:25 PM
You should use "zorchclip", you'll be able to pick up "minizorchammo", but it won't give you ammo for the minizorcher/rapid zorcher/etc.

How was it not working? Did it fail to spawn?
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 03, 2011, 06:58:32 PM
Failed to spawn.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on November 03, 2011, 07:01:20 PM
Check your spelling, I just used "summon zorchclip" and it worked

If you spelled it right, paste your code here and I'll look at it tomorrow or the day after.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 03, 2011, 07:05:16 PM
NVM, fixed :facepalm

Apparently, you have to multiply the z-coordinate by that random obscure number as well. >_<

Also, what did you think of the new ideas I added up there?

And is anyone else gonna comment on this?!
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: noob1234 on November 04, 2011, 11:06:31 PM
even though I'm a noob, YES! awesome idea :whale
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 04, 2011, 11:32:00 PM
Thanks, noob.

BTW, 75, the map is going great. I'm not gonna let anyone else make maps for this (sorry) because the code is pretty much entwined with the map. Though, I might possibly be able to convert one if someone DOES make a map... If anyone out there does, though, please wait until the first ones finished so you have a model. Back on subject, if you want to test the map with me sometime, 75, let me know. Current progress can be found in first post.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on November 05, 2011, 01:43:40 PM
Your ideas are good, but the success of this depends entirely on how you implement them.

I haven't been online very often, and that won't change until after I graduate in December. However,  post  or send me a PM telling me when you can test this, and I'll tell you if I'll be home.

Also, you can send me the wad over PM or e-mail and I'll play through it when I have time; I understand why you would want to show me it online in a server, but it's your best chance of getting me to play this if you want feedback on it soon.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 05, 2011, 02:28:41 PM
Yeah, its sorta meant for more than one person XD Although, I could change how many monsters spawn depending on how many people are playing...

Anyways, definitely want to try on a server, especially after what happened last time >_<

The map is still in early stages, but as it gets better i'll send you a PM with what times would be good. I"m actually rather happy with the layouts I have so far, as they both provide cover and do not hinder your ability to dodge (usually)
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 08, 2011, 08:07:29 PM
Map update for SES01

Code is nearing completion. It is mostly done, but the monster spawning code is buggy. It will probably get a revamp sometime, and be completely re-written.

New progress on the map, which now includes 3 areas; Spawn Cavern, Front Lawn, Botanical Hall. Botanical Hall probably needs to be redone and widened.

As for graphics, well, not alot of progress, but i've got one :D just haven't implemented it >_>

The map IS playable atm, though (at least until about round 5 or 6), so let me know if you feel like playing it, 75, and i'll try to get that arranged. If anyone else wants to test, I say go for it, but I can't host. Send me a PM if you REALLY want the file. (still quite buggy and unfinished looking)
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on November 08, 2011, 11:24:25 PM
I'll play it when you're ready, CM, do you want me to play this version?
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 08, 2011, 11:49:17 PM
If you have the time. It IS playable, just a little buggy, and looking unfinished atm. I'm available anytime after noon pacific time this Friday, if you are.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on November 09, 2011, 04:53:59 PM
I'll be gone until after 6 PM EST on Friday

I'm available to host servers on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday evening, Saturday evening, and Sunday
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 09, 2011, 07:17:40 PM
Friday evening works the best for me, but I suppose Thursday evening is possible for me (note I'm going by Pacific time here, so after 6 on Friday would actually be like 2 for me, which is perfect)
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on November 17, 2011, 11:16:53 PM
Map Update 2 for SES01

Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on December 07, 2011, 01:04:49 AM
Map Update 3 for SES01

Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on December 07, 2011, 07:59:13 PM
I haven't forgot about this, I'll have more time to test this after the 20th of December
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on December 13, 2011, 06:56:05 PM
Conversion to cooperative succesful!

Also, monster spawning code finally done and FLAWLESS!

Prepare for screenies when I get a couple new sections done.

@75: You better prepare to have your mind blown after the 20th >:D
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on February 11, 2012, 02:27:37 PM
Map Update 4 for SES01

Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on February 12, 2012, 12:50:29 AM
I noticed a lot of flat areas, be sure that your enemies don't just walk to their deaths.

Also remember that fighting hordes of flemoids alone is not entertaining, put them in interesting places so that fighting through the map isn't just a repeated procedure of shoot, run for cover, shoot again, until all the flemoids are gone.

Each flemoid has its own use, and you should use that to your advantage to force the player to think while fighting instead of just knocking down lines of enemies.

I can't be sure just from the screenshots that you are just making a repetitive fighting scenario, I wanted to tell you this because iit is something I noticed recently in other wads and it is a gameplay style to avoid.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on February 12, 2012, 01:55:52 AM
Hmm, i'll keep that in mind. A little note though, these are just the beginning areas. The best weapons you have here are a rapid zorcher or a large zorcher. Currently, your only fighting Commonus through Bipedicus, except for maybe the further areas. (Unless you stay in one spot, that is)

The thing that is varied with this map is the areas and unique stuff, you'll get what I mean when you play.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on June 14, 2012, 07:07:26 PM

Okay, so I've got a little problem. The map lags in the beginning area due to a large open area, and tons of geometry (I like to detail things XD). I can't really take any more geometry out (I've already taken a lot), so do you guys have any ideas of how to go about this? Like, how to partition it so that not all the geometry shows at once or something?
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: noob1234 on June 14, 2012, 10:11:07 PM
Erm, I'd have to see the map, but making separate rooms?
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on June 14, 2012, 10:20:41 PM
I would, but its just not feasible for this. I'm thinking I might be able to do something along those lines though.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: noob1234 on June 15, 2012, 03:53:51 PM
Hm... As I said, I'd have to see the map, but if you want to keep a big open area... you might need to divide it into 2 or more smaller spaces, maybe you could strategically place columns or something
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on February 08, 2013, 01:55:55 AM


That's right, I have a teaser image for the new room I've been working on  ;D

75, what do you think of the shape? Due to the way the upper areas work, its easy to dodge large sprays of flem from the lower areas, and vice-versa, but not too easy. Also, its large enough for players not to feel cramped, and has some unique geometry so as not to be boring. I'm working on adding stalagmites/tites to the ceiling (can never remember which is which).
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: Boingo the Clown on February 08, 2013, 06:54:41 AM
How very cruel you are.

I have been wanting to do a large open area with lots of flemoids for as part of E1M6 of T.U.C.Q., but I hadn't done it yet, because I couldn't focus the look in my mind enough to actually build the level. 

No you show me a screen shot that is almost exactly what I had in mind.

You are very cruel.

You make me cry.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on February 08, 2013, 05:07:10 PM
I'd need to play it to say much about it. I'd rather you sent it to me, it looks nice but your enemy placement will make or break this map.
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on February 08, 2013, 05:43:57 PM
K, thanks for the input 75. Do you have any suggestions for enemy placement, or should I figure that out on my own?

lol, Boingo. You can use the room if you want :P
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: 75 on February 08, 2013, 06:19:35 PM
I can try (it would be faster for me to critique what you've already done than to guess on what you may do, since I can't be sure what's decorative and what's passable, also which direction you come form)

Generally, it's best in doom and doom-like games to be fighting enemies that are as close to you as possible, it is much more exiting to be dodging in and out of a horde of enemies than to be fighting enemies that are stuck on ledges (unless you're fighting enemies that don't use slow, non-homing projectiles), since these enemies don't really fare as much of a threat to the player and generally they aren't even worth killing/zorching, since if you run away they can't follow you, and their projectiles are too slow / dumb to cause a threat to you.

Also, remember that doom's and chex's weapons are not great sniper weapons, generally, except for the railgun. The most heavily armored/ largest health flemoid I'd put on a ledge would be a bipedici, you should be able to defeat ledge enemies with a single large zorcher shot, otherwise you'll just take needless damage trying to defeat them, and you'd be better off just running past them.

It's possible that they could be easy money for extreme survival, though; can't say much on that until I play it. there could be some benefits to easy money in extreme survival, for stragglers to get back into the game, but part of me opposes deliberately making the game easier and more repetitive, even for a good cause, I'd recommend avoiding that grinding/farming at any cost, personally.

You could do a lot with the flat area, just be sure that you don't put a small army in there that march like British soldiers towards the players, three rows of bipedici with armor are no harder than one row (just more time consuming, and you don't want to add filler!), since they can't shoot through each other.

generally, remember to make it so that the player can't ever retreat to a safe area and sit somewhere, idly shooting flemoids as they walk up to them. My focus lately in my mapping has been to keep unconditionally safe areas out of fighting areas so that players have to rely on their own speed to stay alive, and can't just run to a hiding spot when the combat gets too intense. It's quite nice, you can't really do that in any game except Doom engine based games that I know of.

EDIT - Also, I think shells should be rather rare, the SSG and SG are sort of swiss army knives, they can be used in any situation, I've been experimenting with making them a premium, it seems to improve the game, though I'm not sure of that yet.

Hope that helps
Title: Re: Extreme Survival
Post by: MajorSlime on February 08, 2013, 10:01:20 PM
Hmmm... thats nice advice, thanks. Gives me some ideas...