Here is yet another important thread carried over from the old forum:
Below is a list of things I already plan to do, and will be updated periodically to include new things I either just thought of, or suggestions from the thread that I think I can do. Ideas listed in white are ideas of my own. Ideas listed in purple are from suggestions posted by others in this thread. Ideas listed in red are ones that I have been implemented.
- More snot on the walls where ever possible, especially in areas with lots of flemoids.
New, larger rock textures for E1M5 to aid in better texture alignment and to reduce repetition.- Add random blocks to the edges of the passages in E1M5 to reduce the visual impact of the vertical side walls, and make the level look more cave like.
Finsh up the police barriers on E2M4- Add a script triggering linedef that will make the Chex Warrior say, "You can not go this way." and other other similar phrases to indicate to the player that he can not go down the extended street. on E2M4
- Make the snot walls at the ends of the second street look more messy and random.
- Add transitions, such as teleporters or doorways, to the ends and / or beginnings of levels, in order to give the impression that the levels are connected.
- Complete the last of the crown and baseboard detailing on E1M1.
Build out the computer consoles (currently wall textures) on E1M3.- Add computers in some of the labs on E1M3.
Several desks and counters using the red cabinet texture throughout the game have grey cement sides. These need to be replaced with textures more consistent with desks and counters.- The default grey wall texture is ugly, and appears on way too many walls in the game. These need to be replaced with new texture that are appropriate to the buildings they are on.
- More art works, artifacts, and fossils need to be added to the museum.
The walls around the hedge maze should be lowered, and the rear side of the museum should be visible from the maze.Provided it does not slow the game down, a layer of transparent textures should be added to the hedges making up the hedge maze to make them look more leafy, similar to the way the vines on E1M4 were built up.- Implement difficult levels on E2M5 if possible. This may be difficult, because E2M5 is already decently challenging in its current form.
- Add the detailing to the rest of the teleporter backgrounds like the ones on E1M3.
Create new textures for the diner on E2M1. (No. I am not going to steal Chuck's.)- Create a new Cinema level. (No. I am not going to steal Chuck's.)
- Finish redoing the dark grey area of E2M3 as a storage area filled with crates.
- Finish the skybox on E2M1
- What the heck is that dark grey maze thing doing in a museum? Will this be detailed later, boingo? I could never understand what exhibit that was...
And why you need a yellow key to get into it. I think you should totally delete that section and add a more interesting exhibit. --Lucius OctaviOn - Would it be possible to make ammo a bit easier to find in the higher difficulty settings? -- Strife
More to come ...
(By the way, feel free to add suggestions here. If I like them I will add them to the list.)
UPDATE!TUCQ To-Do List additional items added on Friday, June 7, 2024.
Record voices
Make music
Make intro animation
Get the secret exit workingMore flasks
More lab equipment
Add old-fashioned Computers in the big round room
Different coloured books for the red key room
Make sloshing slime texture
Smashed beaker/flask flat?
File cabinets
Table/desk/cabinet texture to be redone in colours other than red. Gad! I am tired of those red cabinets everywhere!
Add visual interest to the blue key room. It's too plain and empty.
Build out walls; blackboards and analysis thingieAnimate computer textures
Make a version of the orange wall that is not orange for the secret exit room.Make new steps texture.
Animations in Hydroponics
More varied items in hydroponics
A retaining wall (railroad ties?) around the raised bed in the first room at the top of the elevatorMore trees and other crops in the greenhouse
New types of tree
More detail on the vines in the mazeElevator down to the mines.
New Mines door texture
Finish the texture realignment
Create some original wallsnot textures
Create a texture of citizens stuck in a wall of snot as in the original outro
More animated snot river textures?
Flying bats (harmless)?
An item that makes falling water sound
An item that makes running water sound
An item that spawns splashes and throws snot chunks randomly for the bottom of the snotfalls
Items that make citizens' calls for help
Create the master slime pillar
Create additional slim pillars
A script that removes all other slime pillars when the master pillar is zorched away
Possibly make extant monster teleport destinations functional on the highest difficulty levels?
Make some hanging snot like CQ3 has.
Make an addition to snotfall animation. The current version seems to appear from nowhere and does not tile.
Record voices
Make music
Make animation
Make the stinking level
Make the stinking level
Add Truedude's level
Start making alterations as needed
Create a new version of the flembrane
Record voices
Make music
Make animation
E1M9 (secret level):
Make the stinking level
Make music
Hope the music doesn't stink
Record voices
Make animation
Make bacon and eggs frying on the diner grill
Animate the fry cook?
Change the orientation of the girders in the large hangar. Chuck was right. They make more sense going the other way.
Change the girders to make trusses
Raise the height of the hangar a little
Finish the airport tower
Make textures for and finish the other skybox buildings
Make more skybox buildings
Replace the landing approach light towers. They are terrible. It is my fault for making a sprite with a public domain model.
Implement the clock tower puzzle
Street lights and signs (Thanks for the idea Darkstone)
Make amusing storefronts based on the names of various CQFF members
Make department store and boardroom maze
Make new animations for theatre screens
Make a texture of the theatre front based on the now-defunct Capitol Theatre downtown. (RIP) :'(
Animated marquee
New "coming soon" posters
Work on the textures for that blasted fountain drink dispenser
Maybe do a texture of some poor usher snotted to the wall
New textures/better textures for the interior of the theatres
Try and figure out how to explain that CQ3's theatres are based on mine and not the other way around.
Continue making the new textures for the exterior of the museum based on the old former library downtown
Work on fixing up that darned totem pole texture
Add more exhibits to the museum such as
...hanging pterodactyl
... The girl with the Chex earing
... something cubist
... a giant crystal
... trilobite
... an aeroplane?
Redo the stone background on the ichthyosaur
Make pedestal textures
Finish the short-circuited fusebox
Add even more crates to the storage area
Finish the extra detailing in the hedges in the hedge maze
Build a voxel police car outside the exit of the hedge maze
Intermission screen: Chex guy driving the police car as indistinct scenery whooshes by in the background.
Make more amusing storefronts based on CQFF member names
Make a few different types of brick for more variation between buildings
Ummm ... More detailing?
Voxel and/or texture-based pipes that run along the walls and ceilings.
Lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling
Wires along the ceiling for lightbulbs
Add secret level exit
Implement the scripting for the fuse-based quest.
Create fuse sprites
Create fuse panel textures
Finish the two quest sections.
Introduce Minimus
Finish the stinking level Dagnabbit!
Make the stinking level, you fool!
Make Dirty brick textures or use the one I already made for Vilecore.
Boarded up windows
Garbage can sprites
Garbage bag sprites
Textures for billboards for Brand X Cereal
Brand X doors
Introduce Gyro
Make the stinking level!
Record voices
Make animation
Make the stinking level!
Record voices
Make animation
Note: This may be the longest and most difficult animation to make. A large number of citizens are hurried into an emergency shelter while soldiers nervously stand outside. Meanwhile, The Commander, Dr. Erdbeere Muesli, and Chexter discuss who could be responsible for the flemoid invasion. (Spoiler: It's Doktor Flemming.)
Level by Truedude needs to be added, then modified
Outdoor rain effect needs to be added
Skybox needs to be added
Lightning and thunder effects need to be added
Dialogue needs to be added
New textures required
PFUB1 and PFUB2 replacements are needed.
Create skybox
Create sprites for gigantic flemoid monster
Create sprites for IFOC defense force fighters
Create a radio dialogue between a Galactic Control officer and General Mills. "Launch the fighters! Launch the fighters!"
Make a level, stupid!
Finish the tower
More giant flemoid and fighter sprites
Sprites, voxels, or animated textures for planetary defense guns
Work on sprites for:
Flemoidus Gyro
Flem Balloon
Super Cycloptis
Flem pod
Quadrumpus with armour
Dr. Flemming
Flemoidus Rhinus
Flemoidus Minimus
Flemoidus Dervish
Planetary Defense Guns
IFOC fighters
Rescuable IFOC citizens
General Mills?
Dr. Erdbeere Muesli?
Improved teleport glitter
Wandering dog?
Wandering cat?
Wandering mouse?
After litterally years of procrastination, I think the next thing on the To Do list is to get a version of T.U.C.Q. that is fully working in GZDooM.
Feeling a bit progressive, eh?
Quote from: Boingo the Clown on September 23, 2012, 08:22:32 AM
After litterally years of procrastination, I think the next thing on the To Do list is to get a version of T.U.C.Q. that is fully working in GZDooM.
GZDoom? That would be awesome. 8)
Actually, It most likely doesn't need to be for GZdoom, as normal ZDoom supports 3D floors now...
GZDoom still has a lot of interesting GZDoom specific features ;)
Yup. GZDooM also supports my old Fraggle scripts, so I won't have to learn ACS scripting until I am ready, which is a definite advantage too.
I will be finished the switchover of DeiMWolf very soon. Then I can get at the conversion of T.U.C.Q. right away.
Well, sir, I wish you the best of luck. Also, GZDooM DeiMWolf will be interesting!
Defs keep us posted.
Do you plan to add the real CQ3 to TUCQ (cant remember if youve said yet)
I plan on continuing with the storyline I had worked out (with the help of Mark Pendly) several years ago , including the expanded episodes. The story predates the creation of CQ3, so it does not match up.
I have not yet started working on T.U.C.Q.. I will not start working on it until I have finished converting DeiMWolf over to GZDooM, which should only be a matter of days now. When I do get it converted over there will probably be nothing actually new in the first release, just everything properly working. After that I will have to start working on new stuff.
yeah I'll want to try DeiMWolf in GZDoom. And TUCQ for that matter... and good luck, and nice to see this is active again (:
Just popped in to wish you the best of luck with the TUCQ transfer to GZDoom. :)
I hope I can have something that is a straight conversion done before Christmas.
Keep your fingers crossed.
As far as my limited knowledge goes...only the teleporter light bars won't convert well. All else should be cake, but again, good luck!
mmm... and those can be converted somewhat easily (although maybe not exactly done in the same way)
Quote from: Atariangamer on October 15, 2012, 06:56:10 PM
As far as my limited knowledge goes...only the teleporter light bars won't convert well. All else should be cake, but again, good luck!
Oh man, the teleporter lights! I remember how awesome they looked the first time I played TUCQ.
And FraggleScript! GZDoom supports FS now? Brings me back to Newmaps and TGA's stuff.
EDIT: Just read the conversion thread. Nicely done so far, Boingo!
Quote from: Atariangamer on October 15, 2012, 06:56:10 PM
As far as my limited knowledge goes...only the teleporter light bars won't convert well. All else should be cake, but again, good luck!
I was just asking about how to replicate the effect in GZDooM on the ZDooM forums.
Make the Chex font sheet into a zdoom font lump. That way, you can type names into MAPINFO lumps, and it will generate it's own slime font versions of the text.
EDIT3>> Make the teleport tube texture one-sided, and facing away from the middle (not into. >.< I made a typo before), and put a fullbright tag on it. It looks like the Legacy tube that way. I can make you a tube texture if you really need one. Also, implement the actual slope on E1M1 instead of those ministairs that lead to the landing pads from the lobby, please. All the weapon definitions are messed up, so I cannot switch weapons. I think it'd be nice if the Biped and Commonous made goo noises instead of zorcher sounds.
Maybe make have other ventilation shaft passages in the vents that you can't go down, since it's a bit odd that the vents don't actually connect to anything other than two different rooms in most cases. I'd also love to see what you turn the brown room outside the main hangar into. I always imagined it was some kind of waiting area like in an airport.
If it's possible, you could make the plants in the Arboretum actually floating in water rather than look like paintings on a wall like they are now.
Quote from: TrueDude on February 05, 2013, 09:57:24 PM
If it's possible, you could make the plants in the Arboretum actually floating in water rather than look like paintings on a wall like they are now.
Believe it or not, that is something I have wanted to do for years, and even tried at one point. I had not been able to do it in Legacy because translucent textures (glass) for some reason would not show sprites behind them. GZDooM does not have that problem, so it is quite likely that I will build tanks in the near future.
Make the buildings in E2M4 have different heights, and different colors perhaps, to make it not look like one really long building perhaps. Also, make the first room you teleport to in that stage possibly linked to a window of a building, and maybe make it look more like it has a purpose rather than just some brown room. (An office of sorts perhaps?)
Believe it or not, I have been thinking about those exact things. I do not know how much I can do with the problem for a while though.
Very minor thing: if I load up TUCQ with Doom II as an IWAD (Mostly by accident when using ZDL) the title music and intermission themes use Doom II's instead of TUCQ's. I think you could set it so no matter what you load the game up with it'll play TUCQ's music instead, though I'm unsure how you do that. (I think in the MAPINFO?) Otherwise it runs perfectly in Doom II so making the mistake of loading it with that IWAD doesn't seem to be cause any problems.
I will look into it.
Add Bazoiks surface outside of the Arboretums window. Maybe add windows to Storage Facility or Laboratory as well.
Also, maybe see if you can try to put fog in the refrigerators in Storage Facility and see how that looks. Like a fog that covers the floor. Maybe even reduce the lighting a little to match. (Or not...) Adding windows to the upper area where you get the yellow key would be nice too, since you can jump out them if you please and it'd be consistant with other parts of the game to have a glass paned window.
Rolling fog on the floor would require a new DECORATE actor or two, but it wouldn't be too hard to create some based on already existing cloud spawners and +FLOORCLIP
Quote from: TrueDude on February 20, 2013, 01:14:37 AM
Adding windows to the upper area where you get the yellow key would be nice too, since you can jump out them if you please and it'd be consistant with other parts of the game to have a glass paned window.
Tried it. Hated it. Undid it. (Two weeks ago)
Oh, another thing I just realized, using TUCQ with either the Ultimate Doom IWAD or Doom II IWAD in GZDoom gives you a mouse cursor made specifically for them on the menu... which is the decapitated bloody head of Daisy the bunny. I don't know how you can replace the cursor, but since I've seen it done once I assume it's possible.
You can change the cursor in the options menu. One of the cursors is the Chex cereal piece.
Oh, I didn't know that. Thanks.
Options > Mouse Options > Cursor
Click on the style type until "Chex" comes up.
I feel I should mention that when going through TUCQ assets, at least in Release 5, I noticed TEKWALL4 and FLOOR5_4 are from the old stolen Chex Quest 3. They should probably be removed. There may be other relics from the old CQ3 that I assume you put in when you planned on porting those maps to TUCQ.
EDIT: Another idea I thought of, you should try adding in some brightmaps. It'd look good on textures like the lights in Caverns of Bazoik, and you could add them to the flemoids eyes, which would kinda add a fun cartoony factor to them, since whenever it'd get dark in a room you'd only be able to see their eyes walking around in the pitch black.
I had actually started working on that for one of my own ideas. I also made brightmaps for the zorch effects. I forget how much I finished. If anyone's interested, I can upload whatever I did.
Brightmaps eventually.
I just checked, and I apparently only did the Commonus, Flembomination, and Lord Snotfolus, although I presume you won't use the last two as they're CQ3?
Just thought of this, you could make the floors in the museum reflective. For example. ( Would make a neat effect if you can pull it off.
A video tutorial on how to do so. (
Quote from: TrueDude on February 21, 2013, 09:35:53 PM
I feel I should mention that when going through TUCQ assets, at least in Release 5, I noticed TEKWALL4 and FLOOR5_4 are from the old stolen Chex Quest 3. They should probably be removed. There may be other relics from the old CQ3 that I assume you put in when you planned on porting those maps to TUCQ.
EDIT: Another idea I thought of, you should try adding in some brightmaps. It'd look good on textures like the lights in Caverns of Bazoik, and you could add them to the flemoids eyes, which would kinda add a fun cartoony factor to them, since whenever it'd get dark in a room you'd only be able to see their eyes walking around in the pitch black.
Thanks for pointing out the flat and wall texture. They are now removed.
Brightmaps are definitely in the future some time.
Quote from: TrueDude on February 20, 2013, 07:15:15 PMOh, another thing I just realized, using TUCQ with either the Ultimate Doom IWAD or Doom II IWAD in GZDoom gives you a mouse cursor made specifically for them on the menu... which is the decapitated bloody head of Daisy the bunny. I don't know how you can replace the cursor, but since I've seen it done once I assume it's possible.
LOL! This is ten years late, but I changed the menu cursor to a zorcher quite some time ago. It works much better than the Chex piece. I don't know if it was in the last release or not.
Okay, folks! I spent the last few days coming up with a whole diaper load of new things to add to the list.
TUCQ To-Do List
Record voices
Make music
Make intro animation
Get the secret exit working
More flasks
More lab equipment
Add old-fashioned Computers in the big round room
Different coloured books for the red key room
Make sloshing slime texture
Smashed beaker/flask flat?
File cabinets
Table/desk/cabinet texture to be redone in colours other than red. Gad! I am tired of those red cabinets everywhere!
Add visual interest to the blue key room. It's too plain and empty.
Build out walls; blackboards and analysis thingie
Animate computer textures
Make a version of the orange wall that is not orange for the secret exit room.
Make new steps texture.
Animations in Hydroponics
More varied items in hydroponics
A retaining wall (railroad ties?) around the raised bed in the first room at the top of the elevator
More trees and other crops in the greenhouse
New types of tree
More detail on the vines in the maze
Elevator down to the mines.
New Mines door texture
Finish the texture realignment
Create some original wallsnot textures
Create a texture of citizens stuck in a wall of snot as in the original outro
More animated snot river textures?
Flying bats (harmless)?
An item that makes falling water sound
An item that makes running water sound
An item that spawns splashes and throws snot chunks randomly for the bottom of the snotfalls
Items that make citizens' calls for help
Create the master slime pillar
Create additional slim pillars
A script that removes all other slime pillars when the master pillar is zorched away
Possibly make extant monster teleport destinations functional on the highest difficulty levels?
Make some hanging snot like CQ3 has.
Make an addition to snotfall animation. The current version seems to appear from nowhere and does not tile.
Record voices
Make music
Make animation
Make the stinking level
Make the stinking level
Add Truedude's level
Start making alterations as needed
Create a new version of the flembrane
Record voices
Make music
Make animation
E1M9 (secret level):
Make the stinking level
Make music
Hope the music doesn't stink
Record voices
Make animation
Make bacon and eggs frying on the diner grill
Animate the fry cook?
Change the orientation of the girders in the large hangar. Chuck was right. They make more sense going the other way.
Change the girders to make trusses
Raise the height of the hangar a little
Finish the airport tower
Make textures for and finish the other skybox buildings
Make more skybox buildings
Replace the landing approach light towers. They are terrible. It is my fault for making a sprite with a public domain model.
Implement the clock tower puzzle
Street lights and signs (Thanks for the idea Darkstone)
Make amusing storefronts based on the names of various CQFF members
Make department store and boardroom maze
Make new animations for theatre screens
Make a texture of the theatre front based on the now-defunct Capitol Theatre downtown. (RIP) :'(
Animated marquee
New "coming soon" posters
Work on the textures for that blasted fountain drink dispenser
Maybe do a texture of some poor usher snotted to the wall
New textures/better textures for the interior of the theatres
Try and figure out how to explain that CQ3's theatres are based on mine and not the other way around.
Continue making the new textures for the exterior of the museum based on the old former library downtown
Work on fixing up that darned totem pole texture
Add more exhibits to the museum such as
...hanging pterodactyl
... The girl with the Chex earing
... something cubist
... a giant crystal
... trilobite
... an aeroplane?
Redo the stone background on the ichthyosaur
Make pedestal textures
Finish the short-circuited fusebox
Add even more crates to the storage area
Finish the extra detailing in the hedges in the hedge maze
Build a voxel police car outside the exit of the hedge maze
Intermission screen: Chex guy driving the police car as indistinct scenery whooshes by in the background.
Make more amusing storefronts based on CQFF member names
Make a few different types of brick for more variation between buildings
Ummm ... More detailing?
Voxel and/or texture-based pipes that run along the walls and ceilings.
Lightbulbs hanging from the ceiling
Wires along the ceiling for lightbulbs
Add secret level exit
Implement the scripting for the fuse-based quest.
Create fuse sprites
Create fuse panel textures
Finish the two quest sections.
Introduce Minimus
Finish the stinking level Dagnabbit!
Make the stinking level, you fool!
Make Dirty brick textures or use the one I already made for Vilecore.
Boarded up windows
Garbage can sprites
Garbage bag sprites
Textures for billboards for Brand X Cereal
Brand X doors
Introduce Gyro
Make the stinking level!
Record voices
Make animation
Make the stinking level!
Record voices
Make animation
Note: This may be the longest and most difficult animation to make. A large number of citizens are hurried into an
emergency shelter while soldiers nervously stand outside. Meanwhile, The Commander, Dr. Erdbeere Muesli, and Chexter discuss who could be responsible for the flemoid invasion. (Spoiler: It's Doktor Flemming.)
Level by Truedude needs to be added, then modified
Outdoor rain effect needs to be added
Skybox needs to be added
Lightning and thunder effects need to be added
Dialogue needs to be added
New textures required
PFUB1 and PFUB2 replacements are needed.
Create skybox
Create sprites for gigantic flemoid monster
Create sprites for IFOC defense force fighters
Create a radio dialogue between a Galactic Control officer and General Mills. "Launch the fighters! Launch the fighters!"
Make a level, stupid!
Finish the tower
More giant flemoid and fighter sprites
Sprites, voxels, or animated textures for planetary defense guns
Work on sprites for:
Flemoidus Gyro
Flem Balloon
Super Cycloptis
Flem pod
Quadrumpus with armour
Dr. Flemming
Flemoidus Rhinus
Flemoidus Minimus
Flemoidus Dervish
Planetary Defense Guns
IFOC fighters
Rescuable IFOC citizens
General Mills?
Dr. Erdbeere Muesli?
Improved teleport glitter
Wandering dog?
Wandering cat?
Wandering mouse?
Quote from: Boingo the Clown on June 07, 2024, 08:31:00 PMOkay, folks! I spent the last few days coming up with a whole diaper load of new things to add to the list.
That is
quite the laundry list. Shopping list?
Wish you luck, spritework and artwork was the single biggest barrier to me actually completing anything.
Same here.