Chex Quest Fan Forums

Chex Quest => Chex Quest and Related Topics => The Ultimate Chex Quest => Topic started by: 75 on January 27, 2011, 09:26:25 PM

Title: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 27, 2011, 09:26:25 PM
Post your map ideas here, complete or uncomplete

Make maps in whatever engine or format you like, using the TUCQ Doomu.wad
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: ChexCommander on January 27, 2011, 09:29:58 PM
Just do you know all this about Boingo's stuff? haha
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 27, 2011, 09:56:54 PM
Oh, I talk to him a lot in the chat.

Also, I coded a GLDEFS lump, I'm thinking he'll just modify it.. I don't think he'll want to start over.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Boingo the Clown on January 28, 2011, 08:47:10 AM
Actually, although I am switching to GZDooM eventually, for the time being I would like to suggest working on levels that work for regular DooM.  They can be switched over later.  Also, follow the KISS rule for now.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: QuadrumpusGuy on January 29, 2011, 09:46:37 AM
I'm working on an improved version of E2M1 at the moment
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 29, 2011, 01:50:28 PM
Quote from: Boingo the Clown on January 28, 2011, 08:47:10 AM
Actually, although I am switching to GZDooM eventually, for the time being I would like to suggest working on levels that work for regular DooM.

Boingo, that doesn't seem like a very good idea, Chex3.wad requires GzDoom, if you wanted to switch to Chex3.wad later from chex.wad or your doomu.wad, you'd have to rename tons of textures and patches.

Is it really worth it? Chex3.wad already has all the new sprites, sounds, code, and original maps in it, doesn't it make more sense to build off of chex3?
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Boingo the Clown on January 29, 2011, 06:39:46 PM
Levels can be switched over later.
Keep it simple for now.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Atariangamer on January 29, 2011, 11:05:21 PM
Boingo, did you ever make a Doom Builder configuration for TUCQ? I know that TheGreenAvenger did awhile back, but I can't seem to find his.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: mob720 on January 29, 2011, 11:25:09 PM
I dunno if you should use the CQ config, all the sprites for things don't show up and it annoyed me when I used it. On top of that, it wasn't made with any engine in mind (if not Legacy) and some Things still might not be correct.

If you really wanted it I might have it on my old PC, but it may be a while before I could get it if it's there.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Atariangamer on January 30, 2011, 12:09:36 PM
No, TGA had his designed especially for TUCQP2B3: Legacy linedefs, all correct descriptions and numbers...including all the glows and stuff.

I'm about to message him, he might still have it, and then I'll try to convert it to DB2.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 30, 2011, 12:18:36 PM
I made a GzDoom config for my mod that I put on here (NOT the skulltag mod, the dual weapons mod), it could be adapted to the un-modified Chex 3 base pretty easily. In fact, it might work as is. It has all the decorations renamed, and all of the chex3 monsters have the right names too.

EDIT - I said chex, I meant chex 3... oops
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Atariangamer on January 30, 2011, 09:22:50 PM
But I am not looking for GZDooM, chex3, or regular chex...doom works for regular chex.

I'm looking for the TUCQ configuration that TGA made to help his mod (based in TUCQ) to show all his available objects in TUCQ.

I might just use newmaps...they're the same base and all.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 30, 2011, 10:07:05 PM
just thought I'd offer the GzDoom config  ;)

I distinctly remember seeing what you're talking about, but I don't remember where I saw it  :facepalm

It'll come to me eventually. I thought it was in the chex quest gallery, but it's not.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Atariangamer on January 30, 2011, 10:13:22 PM
It was in the downloads section, but I think its corrupted

EDIT: Hey, its not! how do I make this work with DB2? ><;

Link for the interested:;sa=view;down=56

To my knowledge, this has Legacy linedefs and sector actions, and (almost) all things and objects.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 30, 2011, 10:21:22 PM
Quote from: Atariangamer on January 30, 2011, 10:13:22 PM
now how do I make this work with DB2? ><;

you don't, the orginization structure is totally different. I took a look at it, and it would actually be faster (and less bug prone) to remake it if you wanted to use it in Doombuilder 2
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Atariangamer on January 30, 2011, 10:28:43 PM
...oh gosh how ><;

These DB2 configs look like they're designed to make use of doom defaults, while the old config basically rewrote it all...

...I wonder how well DB1 still works.

EDIT: works perfectly with the Vista tips. Forget the new stuffs, I'm going back to what I, knew.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 30, 2011, 10:31:45 PM
If you're using windows 7 or Vista... be careful and save often.

I remember DB1 wreaking havoc to my maps on my x64 Vista laptop. Windows 7 might be a little better.

It's actually not that hard to make a new config, just look at how another config did it, it's mostly just adding new actors and renaming things.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: LAZ Trooper on January 30, 2011, 10:32:47 PM
Eh, I reconfigured a few DB2 configs in my day... wasn't hard.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 31, 2011, 02:19:49 PM
( (
( (

Did a little more on E1M6, I was originally going to have Chexter walk through a little civilization on Bazoik, but I might just have him hike over the terrain.

Bazoik is a desert planet with really bright sunlight. If I can find the right graphic for it, I'd like to have two or three bright suns in the sky.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: ChexCommander on January 31, 2011, 03:44:30 PM
Quote from: 75 on January 31, 2011, 02:19:49 PM
( (
( (

Did a little more on E1M6, I was originally going to have Chexter walk through a little civilization on Bazoik, but I might just have him hike over the terrain.

Bazoik is a desert planet with really bright sunlight. If I can find the right graphic for it, I'd like to have two or three bright suns in the sky.

Bazoik with sunlight? o_O
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Replica on January 31, 2011, 06:23:49 PM
To be honest, I always saw Bazoik as a dark, barren waste land with a colony on it.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 31, 2011, 06:37:53 PM
hmm, actually, if you look at the ending video at around :25, there's a little bit of blue at the horizon, which would only be there if the planet had an atmosphere. Not to mention, the colonists were breathing something, no atmosphere means the planet's surface exists in vacuum.

If there wasn't a sun (i.e., if the planet was dark all the time), there couldn't be water, slime, or any liquid at all, since any liquid would freeze without a sun. The flemoids would be flemsicles!

Not to mention, the captives would be frozen too. Also, why would they build windows in E1M4 and grow plants there if there was no sunlight?

The terrain of Bazoik (specifically in the exterior of E1M4 in Chex 3) seems to be that of a desert. The parched rock floor and lack of vegetation suggest low water levels.

I'd consider that pretty reasonable proof that E1 takes place in a desert, with a sun and atmosphere. The sun has to rise sometime  ;)

EDIT - I didn't think of all this before I made it, I had to look a little more carefully to make sure I didn't go against something already established. I didn't, yay!
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Replica on January 31, 2011, 07:30:39 PM
Well, I didn't mean that there wasn't a star; I'm... not really sure what I meant. I guess I meant dark during the game...?

The idea of three stars makes no sense though...

75, your map is really flat. (No offence) and since it is outside, on a landscape; I suggest you use advanced slopes like thing 1504 to make it look more landscape like.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on January 31, 2011, 08:04:01 PM
the flat parts aren't done yet, when it's finished, there's going to be lots of cool rock formations and sheer cliffs in the background, and a lot more terrain to walk over. I mostly wanted to show the bridge and that little oasis in those screenshots.

The three star thing is just something I thought would be cool. It's not canon, but it's not contradictory.

It's no less likely than having one star, or two stars in the sky, since we don't have a galactic map to tell us the surroundings of Bazoik, and every bazoik map took pace at night.  ;)

Scientifically, it's definitely plausible to have three stars close to a planet. Earth doesn't, but if you visited a planet near the galactic core, or another place with a high concentration of stars, it's very likely you'll have more than one star in your sky. It depends on what else is in Bazoik's solar system.

(astronomy is one of my favorite subjects, can you tell? :))

Don't worry, I wouldn't do a multi star system on this level if it looked bizarre or alien. It would have to blend with the environment in a way that fit chex quest, and my idea.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: ChexCommander on January 31, 2011, 08:23:06 PM
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: mob720 on February 01, 2011, 08:51:01 PM
Woah, can I have that sky texture? I need it for a map of a Roman Bath house... Doom 2's sky is too yellow
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on February 01, 2011, 11:18:19 PM
I'm not sure. I forget where I found it, it might've been in one of the slimeinator's old projects. Either that or it's from the lost quest.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: The Green Avenger on February 03, 2011, 12:14:48 PM
Wow, you ever get the feeling that some people (ie, 75) go out of their way to be unhelpful?  If it is so easy to redo the configuration, why don't you make it and give it to someone who has made it abundantly clear that he is not interested in Cheezy Doom?  I know you have an agenda and all, but Boingo's pretty well stated that he's not going to be Cheezy yet.  Helping out the people who are ACTUALLY LISTENING would be appreciated.

That said, expect a DB2 version of the TUCQ config file sometime this afternoon.  You have been warned; it's Legacy.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on February 03, 2011, 03:25:19 PM
Quote from: The Green Avenger on February 03, 2011, 12:14:48 PM
Wow, you ever get the feeling that some people (ie, 75) go out of their way to be unhelpful?  If it is so easy to redo the configuration, why don't you make it and give it to someone who has made it abundantly clear that he is not interested in Cheezy Doom?  I know you have an agenda and all, but Boingo's pretty well stated that he's not going to be Cheezy yet.  Helping out the people who are ACTUALLY LISTENING would be appreciated.

That said, expect a DB2 version of the TUCQ config file sometime this afternoon.  You have been warned; it's Legacy.

Boingo IS interested in GzDoom, he told me several times that he's going to only use Legacy to get back into mapping.

My only "agenda" is making maps for TUCQ. If he really wanted legacy, I would be mapping FOR LEGACY. Do you think I'm making maps in GzDoom just to waste my time? It's not like I'm trying to sell GzDoom, he's the one who wanted to switch.

For somebody calling me out for not listening and being unhelpful, you don't seem to be good at those things yourself. Get a grip.


here's what he said in his other topic

QuoteSince I am going to relearning what I forgot, I am going to be going back to Legacy for now until I get used to editing again.  When I get more comfortable with editing again I may try to make the switch to GZDooM again.  Only time will tell.

but he was a lot more decisive when we were talking in the chat. If he changed his mind, that's fine, I can probably convert my stuff, but the last I heard, he definitely intends to switch to GzDoom eventually
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: ChexCommander on February 03, 2011, 04:18:54 PM
Quote from: 75 on February 03, 2011, 03:25:19 PM
Quote from: The Green Avenger on February 03, 2011, 12:14:48 PM
Wow, you ever get the feeling that some people (ie, 75) go out of their way to be unhelpful?  If it is so easy to redo the configuration, why don't you make it and give it to someone who has made it abundantly clear that he is not interested in Cheezy Doom?  I know you have an agenda and all, but Boingo's pretty well stated that he's not going to be Cheezy yet.  Helping out the people who are ACTUALLY LISTENING would be appreciated.

That said, expect a DB2 version of the TUCQ config file sometime this afternoon.  You have been warned; it's Legacy.

Boingo IS interested in GzDoom, he told me several times that he's going to only use Legacy to get back into mapping.

You must remember, this is a very old project, and it may not be worth it in Boingo's mind for him to switch to GZDoom when so much is done in Legacy. I'm not saying anything on his behalf, but I must say that I haven't found coronas and dynamic lighting as epic as those in any mod since, either on Legacy or on GZDoom.  "Only time will tell" is a very true statement.

Anyways, guys, just chill out, please. I just want to see Boingo getting back into modding and mapping before a whole flame war erupts on engines and techniques. Yelling at each other won't help that.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: The Green Avenger on February 03, 2011, 06:47:24 PM
I wasn't so much referring to your interpretations of what Boingo said, so much as the fact that AG had been asking for help, and you first tried to push him to use GZDooM, then told him that making a configuration file for DooM Builder 2 was not that hard, even though he made it abundantly clear that that was not his forte.  I was pointing out that, although you suggested that it was easy, you hd done very little to actually help AG find what he needed.

That said, it's all good.  For the time being, though, Boingo is sticking with Legacy, and has requested maps to be more or less compatible with Vanilla DooM.  Legacy generally lends itself better to more basic modification, so I'm sticking with that for the time being.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Want to know the funny thing about all this? You're all wrong. (Well, 75 got the GZDoom right....)

Quote from: Boingo the Clown on January 28, 2011, 08:47:10 AM
Actually, although I am switching to GZDooM eventually, for the time being I would like to suggest working on levels that work for regular DooM.  They can be switched over later.  Also, follow the KISS rule for now.

Boingo never said Legacy, he said Regular DooM. He also said that he is switching to GZDoom at the beginning of the topic. Since 75's specialty is GZDoom, I'm sure Boingo thrust away his map because it isn't Doom. Now for AtarianGamer, he just said he would use DB1 and that it works fully on his compy. This isn't exactly a major problem, and certainly isn't worth an argument.

That being said, I will reiterate what Boingo stated that he wants you to do for his wad. Build your map in Doom. That means if you're going to start a new map, you should do it in Doom (Probably Ultimate DooM, because it is the same thing), not legacy nor GZDoom. Now I'm sure if you were already making a map with those ports then that isn't a problem either? (Just a note, although I favor GZDoom, this isn't biased. I'm not sure if he would accept it in legacy, because it would be much harder to convert to GZDoom. (that is Hexen Format.))

*sighs* Now I really sure this isn't what Boingo wants to read the next time he enters this topic. He quit because the CQFF had irritated him a lot in the past, and now that he started it back up and we're arguing with each other, which will probably irritating him again. So please, just make maps, and stop yelling at one another.

Now I have a question, what is the KISS rule?
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: xbolt on February 03, 2011, 07:40:00 PM
Quote from: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Now I have a question, what is the KISS rule?

Keep It Simple, Stupid. ;)
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:55:32 PM
Quote from: xbolt on February 03, 2011, 07:40:00 PM
Quote from: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Now I have a question, what is the KISS rule?

Keep It Simple, Stupid. ;)

Thanks... I guess. :'( *Sniffs*
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: ChexCommander on February 03, 2011, 07:56:30 PM
Quote from: xbolt on February 03, 2011, 07:40:00 PM
Quote from: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Now I have a question, what is the KISS rule?

Keep It Simple, Stupid. ;)

Yep, and Replica, you're right, if all the maps are done in plain ol' DooM we wouldn't have to argue about all this engine mess, AND we're following the KISS rule. XD
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on February 03, 2011, 08:30:51 PM
Quote from: The Green Avenger on February 03, 2011, 06:47:24 PM
AG had been asking for help, and you first tried to push him to use GZDooM, then told him that making a configuration file for DooM Builder 2 was not that hard, even though he made it abundantly clear that that was not his forte.  I was pointing out that, although you suggested that it was easy, you hd done very little to actually help AG find what he needed.

I only vaguely remember a TUCQ configuration, I don't remember where I saw it. If I remembered, I would have told him.

I'm pretty good at making doombuilder configs, so when Atari asked me if he could use a DB1 config in DB2, I looked to see if there were any differences between a DB1 config and a DB2 config, and there were quite a few, so I suggested he make his own Legacy doombuilder 2 config instead of modifying the DB1 one.

I honestly did everything I could think of to help him out except show him how to make it, it's not like I just shoved GzDoom on him.

Quote from: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Since 75's specialty is GZDoom, I'm sure Boingo thrust away his map because it isn't Doom.

not true. He didn't tell me to switch to legacy when I showed it to him. He just told me to wait a bit.

QuoteNow for AtarianGamer, he just said he would use DB1 and that it works fully on his compy. This isn't exactly a major problem, and certainly isn't worth an argument.

I agree... There's no point in discussing it if DB1 works fine on his computer.

That being said, I will reiterate what Boingo stated that he wants you to do for his wad. Build your map in Doom. That means if you're going to start a new map, you should do it in Doom (Probably Ultimate DooM, because it is the same thing), not legacy nor GZDoom. Now I'm sure if you were already making a map with those ports then that isn't a problem either? (Just a note, although I favor GZDoom, this isn't biased. I'm not sure if he would accept it in legacy, because it would be much harder to convert to GZDoom. (that is Hexen Format.))

There's something bothering me about him accepting maps in Doom format, and I didn't rush to convert my map because of it.

The main issue here is the IWAD. What is going to be used? Chex Quest 3? Doomu.wad (TUCQ's IWAD)? Chex.wad?

The IWAD is especially important because every IWAD has an almost completely unique set of texture names, especially in the Chex2 textures.

I've converted maps from all three IWADs, and to put it in perspective, I had to change almost every single texture and flat to make it work with a different IWAD. It's easier with find and replace mode, but it still took me about an hour per map or more.

So, Boingo needs to decide on an IWAD....

Just based on resources, Chex 3 a lot of sprites and patches exclusive to that game. It's not impossible to import them, but it wouldn't be easy, there's about 70 new patches, and probably a hundred new sprites. Boingo might not want all of them. Also, Chex3.wad only works with zdoom/GzDoom.

Another problem with chex3 is that some of its actor definitions are poorly coded. This makes assigning GLDEFS a nightmare (I took care of that, though, so Boingo doesn't have to mess around with that), sometimes you have to assign them to both the doom actor and the chex actor.
I'd like to see a better IWAD for chex, honestly.

I'm tempted to work on one, maybe I'll start a topic on the zdoom forums.

Anyway... moving on

BOTH Chex3 and doomu.wad have all of the E1 and E2 textures defined in a way so they don't conflict. Chex.wad doesn't have the E2 textures, which pretty much eliminates chex.wad as an IWAD.

The problem with Boingo's doomu.wad, though, is that it thinks it's ultimate doom. When he switches to GzDoom, that IWAD will screw things up, and assign dynamic lights to things that don't need them (like the slime fountain) and make other bad things happen.

That could be remedied by getting zdoom to accept Bonigo's IWAD as a separate IWAD. It's worth a try, I guess. It wouldn't be too hard to reprogram the actors for zdoom. If it's an IWAD, it's as simple as adding them to zdoom.pk3

Either Doomu.wad or chex3.wad would work fine for TUCQ. As long as Boingo knows what he needs to do, he'll avoid having to redo huge parts of his code and/or renaming a ton of textures.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Replica on February 03, 2011, 09:00:57 PM
Quote from: 75 on February 03, 2011, 08:30:51 PM
Quote from: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Since 75's specialty is GZDoom, I'm sure Boingo thrust away his map because it isn't Doom.
not true. He didn't tell me to switch to legacy when I showed it to him. He just told me to wait a bit.

That was a mistake, actually. I meant this: "Since 75's specialty is GZDoom, I'm sure Boingo isn't going to thrust away his map because it isn't Doom."  :D

About the Iwad, I am most certain that Boingo will continue to use Doomu. If you open TUCQ's wad, you'll find out why. During Boingo's beta phase, he had renamed all the textures to better names, rather then doom ones. He had also added the sprites renamed, and all that from CQ2. To be honest, I'm not sure if he would consider adding CQ3 to TUCQ, becuase he had already made his Flemoid designs and the story. I suggest for now to do what we did before CQ3 came out; use doomu as the iwad and then use added graphics in DB2 from the beta wad. This is of course just a educated guess, and I don't know for sure if he is still doing it that way.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Atariangamer on February 03, 2011, 10:32:17 PM
Weird. All I wanted was the configuration so I could get the object defs. Since Legacy was packaged with it, thats what I wanted (not to mention Legacy being very close to regular vanilla Doom...its Boom with a few extra things that I rarely use anyway).

Also, I'm operating under the status of the project back when it was last touched: Phase 2, Beta 3. I'm running all my test stuff just like that, Legacy 1.44. Currently, however, I could swap my current test map to GZDooM in seconds, as it uses only a few 3d floors.

Not to mention...the game has changed. Legacy 1.44 has built in Chex compatibility, none of this dehacked stuff. Boingo's dehacked is still needed to make his mod work, but you can now plug chex.wad in with no problems, and full action (just like GZDooM).

and FURTHERMORE: This is Boingo's project. We aren't to dictate rules, make assumptions on his words, or anything like that. He said Regular Doom. Forget future plans that we have no final ideas, only hints based on words that are of thoughts that may change rapidly. In fact, sourceports shouldn't be the focus of this topic. Put those in another topic. Lets get this back on track to Boingos request of Regular Doom maps. I don't care (and neither does Boingo, probably) how you get those maps made, but regular doom is the match...

sorry for sparking the flamewar <_>
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: The Green Avenger on February 04, 2011, 08:21:11 AM
Look, it's all good as far as I'm concerned.  That said however, there's something I want to point out just for kicks and giggles, just because it was so amazingly false on so many points.  See:

Quote from: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Want to know the funny thing about all this? You're all wrong. (Well, 75 got the GZDoom right....)

Quote from: Boingo the Clown on January 28, 2011, 08:47:10 AM
Actually, although I am switching to GZDooM eventually, for the time being I would like to suggest working on levels that work for regular DooM.  They can be switched over later.  Also, follow the KISS rule for now.

All well and good, until you note:

Quote from: Boingo the Clown on January 26, 2011, 04:51:36 PM
Since I am going to relearning what I forgot, I am going to be going back to Legacy for now until I get used to editing again.  When I get more comfortable with editing again I may try to make the switch to GZDooM again.  Only time will tell.

Quote from: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Boingo never said Legacy...

See above, eighteenth word...

And finally:

Quote from: Replica on February 03, 2011, 07:33:23 PM
Want to know the funny thing about all this? You're all wrong...
...Boingo never said Legacy, he said Regular DooM.

Funny thing; I would have been right even if he hadn't said Legacy.  Note:

Quote from: The Green Avenger on February 03, 2011, 06:47:24 PM
Boingo is sticking with Legacy (Proven above), and has requested maps to be more or less compatible with Vanilla DooM (aka, Regular DooM).  Legacy generally lends itself better to more basic modification, so I'm sticking with that for the time being.

So yeah, someone was right...  Amazing, was that me?
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on February 04, 2011, 01:41:40 PM
Boingo said he's going to start with legacy, he never said he's going to stay with legacy, and he's said many times he's going to switch to GzDoom, although not publicly. This post is my final warning to everyone who thinks they should start making Legacy maps for TUCQ.

Quote from: atariangamer
Forget future plans that we have no final ideas, only hints based on words that are of thoughts that may change rapidly.

Just to make it clear, he told me about his desire to switch to GzDoom seveal times over the course of a couple weeks. He didn't just mention it in passing.

Now... (not to Atari in particular) If you or anyone else have heard Boingo say he has no intention of switching to GzDoom, more recently than Jaunuary 27th, 2011, aside from the vague things he posted in this topic, please make it known now. Otherwise, it's just a matter of whether you believe me or not. I'm not debating this based on what he said or did five years ago, or what he might or might not feel about a given engine, based on what he said or did five years ago.
He said to me that he plans on switching to GZDoom.

If you fail to see the sense in that, there's not much I can do. Go ahead and make maps for legacy. I hope you don't mind converting them.

I'm going to keep developing for GzDoom unless he tells me otherwise.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: The Green Avenger on February 04, 2011, 01:55:09 PM
I think we've made it quite clear; we plan to map for Legacy, not because we think it is staying in Legacy, but because it's easier to make Vanilla Doom maps for Legacy.  End discussion.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on February 04, 2011, 02:17:36 PM
Quote from: The Green Avenger on February 04, 2011, 01:55:09 PM
I think we've made it quite clear; we plan to map for Legacy, not because we think it is staying in Legacy, but because it's easier to make Vanilla Doom maps for Legacy. 

You made it clear now, at least.  :facepalm

As long as everyone knows what he told me, and doesn't try to make it seem like he didn't say it.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: ChexCommander on February 04, 2011, 04:18:49 PM
Done, guys?

Good. I thought so. Now back to working with regular DooM and not arguing over the engine for Boingo's mod.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Boingo the Clown on February 04, 2011, 09:08:56 PM
Okay I changed the rule.  Everyone can use whatever port they are most comfortable with.

You can stop arguing now.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on February 05, 2011, 02:04:18 PM
A note about the IWAD : Boingo said yesterday that map submissions should use doomu.wad from TUCQ as their IWAD, along with resources from P2B3.wad

@Boingo- Perhaps you should split or delete this topic and make a new one?
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Atariangamer on February 05, 2011, 10:54:58 PM
that or just edit it. maybe I can grab richie to delete the argument posts and keep the legit ones.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: noob1234 on March 02, 2011, 11:41:00 PM
I didnt know where to post this, so...
Whatever happened to Super Chex and his 3D models??
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: 75 on March 02, 2011, 11:51:53 PM
I contacted him trying to get the models, he said he'd post them the day after.

That... was several months ago  :facepalm
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on June 28, 2011, 10:30:43 AM
Has anybody thought of asking Strife to use maps from his two map packs for this? Maybe with the exception of the arena map, all of them are very high quality.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: ChexCommander on June 28, 2011, 09:34:23 PM
Quote from: TrueDude on June 28, 2011, 10:30:43 AM
Has anybody thought of asking Strife to use maps from his two map packs for this? Maybe with the exception of the arena map, all of them are very high quality.

Strife's grown-up and with a child; I mean, I'd love to talk to him again, but it might be tricky to get in contact. You never know, though.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Replica on June 28, 2011, 09:49:46 PM
Quote from: ChexCommander on June 28, 2011, 09:34:23 PM
Quote from: TrueDude on June 28, 2011, 10:30:43 AM
Has anybody thought of asking Strife to use maps from his two map packs for this? Maybe with the exception of the arena map, all of them are very high quality.

Strife's grown-up and with a child; I mean, I'd love to talk to him again, but it might be tricky to get in contact. You never know, though.

Nah, it isn't hard to find him. He's really active at this forum. Just join up and shoot him a PM.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on June 29, 2011, 09:33:23 AM
I've also seen him a lot at this forum, ( too. Though wouldn't be easier just to  send him an email anyway? Heck, he's answered a PM I sent him from here once during one of his long absences.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Replica on June 29, 2011, 11:32:23 AM
I've tried emailing him before, and he says he doesn't check his mail all that often.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: ChexCommander on June 29, 2011, 12:56:32 PM
Quote from: Replica on June 29, 2011, 11:32:23 AM
I've tried emailing him before, and he says he doesn't check his mail all that often.

Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on July 01, 2011, 02:50:45 AM
By the way, if Boingo reads this, how is the conversion to GZDoom been going?
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on October 24, 2012, 08:41:47 PM
Quote from: TrueDude on June 28, 2011, 10:30:43 AM
Has anybody thought of asking Strife to use maps from his two map packs for this? Maybe with the exception of the arena map, all of them are very high quality.
I still think this would be a good idea. E1M3 would make a great E2M9 or Episode 4 map, and the others could fit in plenty of places throughout Episode 1-3.
(They're here ( for anyone who doesn't know/doesn't have them.) Plus it'd be nice to be able to play those levels again, since Legacy doesn't work on Windows 7. (Which I have)

Another idea: Boingo, you originally started converting the stolen Chex Quest 3 levels to TUCQ before they were discovered to be stolen, didn't you? (If I'm wrong my bad) You know, you could just ask one of the people who originally made it if it's alright for the maps to appear in TUCQ. I would really love this, since I grew up with that version of Chex Quest 3 and it's really nostalgic for me. (Plus that'd be another five levels, give or take depending on how many you choose to use) Here's ( one of the creators websites, as linked from the official website for the Serenity/Eternity/Infinity trilogy.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Boingo the Clown on October 24, 2012, 09:06:30 PM
I think someone had mentioned some of the stuff in that CQ3 was stolen, but then I looked around and dicovered the sources of the rest of the stuff, and got the word out that it was stolen stuff.  It was in T.U.C.Q. very briefly until I discovered the truth about it, and it was never in any of the releases.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: noob1234 on November 13, 2012, 12:17:42 AM
Quote from: TrueDude on October 24, 2012, 08:41:47 PM
since Legacy doesn't work on Windows 7. (Which I have)
Huh?! works for me...
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on February 05, 2013, 11:40:25 PM
What if, as a penultimate level in Episode 3 or 4 (Since it'd make Thy Chex Consumed make more sense as a title), there's a giant flemoid in space, like a Flembomination that's a hundred times the size of the original. It's so big, in fact, that in order to zorch it, Chexter has to get inside of it and zorch it inside out somehow. The walls and floors would be flem mostly, but there'd also be parts with eyeballs sticking out of the walls, and partially and fully mechanical areas too. (Think like Clanker in Clanker's Cavern.)
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Boingo the Clown on February 06, 2013, 06:18:19 AM
Actually, there is supposed to be a giant fight to the finish with the mad scientist (The "cereal killer" of episode 3) who brought the flemoids to the CQ universe similar to the battle with Korax at the end of Hexen.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on February 06, 2013, 04:23:15 PM
Yeah, I know, I was saying penultimate though, which would be the level before the last level. However, it could probably fit anywhere within the episodes, it'd probably just be best in the later stages of one of the later episodes since it wouldn't really fit in Episode 1 or 2, nor would it really be good near the beginning of any of the episodes.

Maybe it'd make a good secret level?
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on February 10, 2013, 11:33:08 PM
I had an idea for a room for E1M6, maybe a starting room. Didn't really have any ideas past it but I figured it was kinda a cool room that could be used as part of a layout of sorts.

Download (

Anyone can use it for their own attempt at E1M6 or whatever.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on February 21, 2013, 11:06:14 PM
I found a somewhat old map pack of mine for Doom and thought four of the levels could potentially be reworked into parts of TUCQ maps. I halfway converted them myself, but they probably need a lot more work past what I've done. I will note, since they're only half converted, there's still some odd texture placement and Doom II objects and enemies that don't exactly work right.


Download (

I will note, E1M3, which is probably the best one, actually featured in a Doom II megawad, but only in an extra ZDoom-only bonus content part. (MAP37 of this mod ( Still, I think it transferred somewhat well to TUCQ.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on February 24, 2013, 09:31:14 PM

Doing a bit of preliminary work on an Asylum/Prison level to submit, and this time I decided that I'm actually gonna try and make a good map before submitting and not throw together something in a few minutes to submit. Also I hope I'm not being annoying by posting so much in this sub-forum the past few weeks.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: MajorSlime on February 24, 2013, 11:03:17 PM
Hmmm.... interesting idea, but asylum/prison in a "children's game"? I don't think it really fits into CQ's style...
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on February 24, 2013, 11:35:48 PM
Hey, I'm just going by what Boingo said he planned for E3M1. (
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: MajorSlime on February 25, 2013, 01:25:39 AM
I guess... :/
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on February 25, 2013, 02:42:27 AM
I dunno, doesn't seem that bad to be... I mean, it's not like me or Boingo would make it dark and gritty. In fact, I decided to kind of switch things up from what you'd expect and have the asylum look nice and sterile. (Like in the pictures) Though, in the end it's really Boingo who will decide how it'll look really I suppose. Still, I'm staying away from the whole flickering lights, horror style you usually see.

On a semi-related note, I'm pretty proud of the 3D floors that I have in use in part of the map that's not in the pictures, even if it isn't really that special or detailed. Mostly because it's the first time I've used 3D floors.

EDIT: Finished most of the map layout:


I took some story liberties and set it on an island ala Alcatraz, hope you don't mind.


Sky pic.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: MajorSlime on February 25, 2013, 05:13:55 PM
Looks pretty nice, but perhaps those flat gray walls could use some sprucing up? They kinda blend into each other.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on February 25, 2013, 10:43:46 PM
Finished the map for the most part. ( Only things I could think of it needing would be actual security cameras linked to the security room like in Duke Nukem 3D, some of the switches in the final part aren't animated, and could probably use some more detailing here and there, such as as signs signifying what the different areas are, and the final two doors being labelled as something like "Special Prisoners".

EDIT: Oh, and it's on E3M1.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on October 09, 2013, 04:47:54 PM
Gonna donate my E1M4 from the Community Quest (, since that projects dead and it's better it potentially goes to something than rot. It's kind of a mediocre level looking back, but you may find some use for it.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Boingo the Clown on October 09, 2013, 07:48:52 PM
I like that idea.

I need new levels if I can get them.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Awesomedude249 on March 03, 2014, 02:04:01 AM
Hey, Boingo, I'm making a map that is like a house and, you can use my level as a base for one if you want. i will give it once i'm done.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Awesomedude249 on March 21, 2014, 11:14:15 AM
I'm making an E1M6 as well, and i'm making it kinda similar to TrueDude's Design. I'm working on it now, in fact.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: TrueDude on July 18, 2014, 03:08:02 PM
For E2M2, you could try to design it off of older theaters form back in the day, like this one for example. (
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Awesomedude249 on July 18, 2014, 05:54:38 PM
I should make a chex quest version of the game "The Theater"...
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: noob1234 on July 18, 2014, 06:05:15 PM
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on July 18, 2014, 05:54:38 PM
I should make a chex quest version of the game "The Theater"...
You do realize that's fake, right?
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Awesomedude249 on July 18, 2014, 08:15:34 PM
The game is not fake, it is actually real. I've seen gameplays and pictures of the CD.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: noob1234 on July 18, 2014, 11:05:05 PM
On the Internet, that's not enough. Just another creepypasta
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Awesomedude249 on July 19, 2014, 11:25:38 AM
Okay, well the game is NOT real, but I was talking about the fan-made version that was made because the game wasn't actually real.

Now, let's get back on topic!
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Awesomedude249 on January 07, 2015, 11:35:17 PM
Bumping this topic...

Hey Boingo! I want to map E1M6 once I can get Doom Builder again...Probably by sometime in March will I actually have set up DB and completed the map.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: DestroyedEDGE on November 01, 2015, 01:49:24 PM
Even though most of my maps are bad (really bad. You should see them.), I was thinking of making E2M7, E3M1, and E4M3.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Awesomedude249 on November 02, 2015, 01:39:29 PM
Not to be a hypocrite or anything but the last post was 11 months ago.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: noob1234 on November 05, 2015, 12:57:08 AM
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on November 02, 2015, 01:39:29 PM
Not to be a hypocrite or anything but the last post was 11 months ago.
I believe Boingo is still taking submissions, so this topic is still valid. :P
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: xbolt on November 05, 2015, 09:55:45 AM
Also, the no-bumping guideline doesn't usually apply to stickied threads.
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Awesomedude249 on November 05, 2015, 05:20:00 PM
Title: Re: Map ideas/suggestions/submissions
Post by: Boingo the Clown on November 05, 2015, 06:20:18 PM
Yeah.  That would defeat the reason for bumping a topic in the first place.