<Old Sketches>
I was cleaning my apartment on Monday and I came across an old sketch of a flemoid I called the super cycloptis at the time that was supposed to be a cacodemon replacement.
(It is just a coincidence that Chukker thought of a cacodemon replacement with the same name.)
I thought you might want to see this and the original drawing I did of the Super Cycloptis.
There are supposed to be three arms on SC but I didn't draw the third one.
As you can see by the doodles on either side I was thinking of something a little more flying saucer like than what I ended up with in the main drawing. In fact I was thinking of something more along the lines of this ship from an episode of Star Trek: http://images.wikia.com/memoryalpha/en/images/1/17/Lazarus%27_spaceship.jpg
What are your thoughts on this flemoid? Any suggestions?
Anyway, here is the original sketch of Flemoidus Gyro:
Here is the photo series of a maquette (study model) I made out of plastercine that was very useful:
In addition to finding the super cycloptis drawing, I also found the drawings I had made on animation paper that were used to make the test sprites of Flemoidus Gyro. Some of them are in pretty bad shape.
Still, they should be useful for work on any new animation work I come up with to create sprites. As long as the animation peg holes are still there and I can flatten the pages out with an iron they are still good.
</Old Sketches>
<New Sketches>
I was checking out the CQ wiki page for User-created Flemoids yesterday when I saw two flemoids based on my original concept of the Flemoidus Gyro and the Flem Balloon, functioning as lost soul and pain elemental replacements respectively. Although I had spoken of the flem balloon often and freely, I had never come up with a sprite or drawing of it. After all, how hard can it be to imagine a group of gyros riding in a balloon made of phlegm?
Anyway, after seeing the entry I decided to sketch it out pretty much as I had always imagined it.
I also wanted to try another version of the Super Cycloptis
This version doesn't look bad but I am not satisfied with it. The "belt buckle" looking thing at the front is a hatch that opens to shot flem balls and is an enlarged version of the one on the original sketch. The front central arm was removed. I was influenced by that Star Trek ship to build a section on the back with tail fins as seen in the smaller drawing to the right. The "shoulder" ring is bulky and kind of ruins the flying saucer look I was hoping for, and for some strange reason I just can not shake the feeling that it looks too much like the robots from The Black Hole (http://billwardwriter.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/blackhole-vincent-bob.JPG).
What do you think?
</New Sketches> (for now)
Possible future sketches: Flemoidus Dervishus (a spinning flemoid that replaces the DooM II chaingunner), my version of the Flembrane as a worthy final ep1 boss, and Doctor Julius Flemming, the main villain of T.U.C.Q..
Quote from: Boingo the Clown on January 26, 2011, 07:37:45 PM
I also wanted to try another version of the Super Cycloptis
This version doesn't look bad but I am not satisfied with it. The "belt buckle" looking thing at the front is a hatch that opens to shot flem balls and is an enlarged version of the one on the original sketch. The front central arm was removed. I was influenced by that Star Trek ship to build a section on the back with tail fins as seen in the smaller drawing to the right. The "shoulder" ring is bulky and kind of ruins the flying saucer look I was hoping for, and for some strange reason I just can not shake the feeling that it looks too much like the robots from The Black Hole (http://billwardwriter.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/blackhole-vincent-bob.JPG).
That new Super Cycloptis of yours is super spiffy! :whale
The back wing looks nice, but I think I shouldn't stick out to much, from what I see it looks like it a bit longer than it is wide and Doom I pretty sure can't have rectangular 'things'.
The hatch looks nice, but I curious how your planning on animating it when it attacks. I think having the hatch open up like window blinds would nice and it would not require a lot of frames.
The gyro and flem balloon look cool, and I kinda like your super cycloptis, but the first version better (IMHO). However, as far as functionality goes, the MK.II is probably the best design.
I really like the Flem Balloon. It's both logical and cartoon-y. It gets a :whale
These look absolutely Brilliant! Especially the Flem Balloon!
I really like the Mk. II! The whole hatch idea is quite spiffy, to paraphrase from Arch.
I'm interested in those models you actually created; that's neat that you could actually sculpt your idea! And, of course, the Flem Balloon is very nice.
Super snazzy stuff right there.
I like your Gyro model.
Quote from: ChexCommander on January 27, 2011, 02:49:58 PM
I'm interested in those models you actually created; that's neat that you could actually sculpt your idea! And, of course, the Flem Balloon is very nice.
The Gyro model recently (just a few months ago) went to the great dust bin in the sky, or, more likely, the Storington landfill. After a few years sitting on my entertainment unit the plasticine dried out, the head fell off, parts got squished, and the whole thing got covered in fuzz. It wasn't a pretty sight.
It still lives on in those photos ...
Quote from: Boingo the Clown on January 27, 2011, 07:14:37 PM
Quote from: ChexCommander on January 27, 2011, 02:49:58 PM
I'm interested in those models you actually created; that's neat that you could actually sculpt your idea! And, of course, the Flem Balloon is very nice.
The Gyro model recently (just a few months ago) went to the great dust bin in the sky, or, more likely, the Storington landfill. After a few years sitting on my entertainment unit the plasticine dried out, the head fell off, parts got squished, and the whole thing got covered in fuzz. It wasn't a pretty sight.
It still lives on in those photos ...
Model of flemoid = awesome, even if it is departed. Didn't id do that when making doom?
@laz: yeah, they made a few models, took rotation pictures, and used...monster fuzz program (I think that's what they called it XD), and put em in game.
These possibilities of new flemoids is making me want to make another mod with a whole ton of lots of different flemoids in Slimeinator-level difficulty... but I already have a few mods going that aren't anywhere near completion... Although this one might not be too hard.
I don't think the shoulder ring ruins it, but I do agree that the tailfins are too big. otherwise, it's good!
Something I sketched yesterday.
I like it. I like a new Flemoid, and I think it would be formidible - could also be done throwing slimeballs out in a difficult to avoid X pattern using DECORATE (that would be a challenge) but I see it's for the chaingunner.
It reminds me of something... something... hm.
It is based on a creature from Star Trek The Role Playing Game from back in the 1980s, also called a dervish. The difference is this one shoots flem balls from its tentacles, wheras the ST:TRPG version had tooth filled mouths on the ends of it tentacles and would basically tear off chunks of flesh from its victims as it spun.
I think my version is more child friendly.
Nice work as always, one question though:
How does the Dervish move when it's not spinning? It doesn't seem to have any legs, were you thinking of having it hop around? That would be pretty funny.
Prepare to laugh then.
(grins) I can't wait to see it.
Have it leave a slimy trail that disappears after a minute. XD
Quote from: Boingo the Clown on March 20, 2016, 04:28:31 PM
Prepare to laugh then.
Brilliant, I'm looking forward to seeing it too
Great concept! Can't wait to see it in action!