All right, so I have admittedly not done anything worth noting involving Chex Quest for a while, minus a few small edits to my older maps. Right now I am majorly stalled, and the possibility of me finishing the first episode of CoFP before I go to college is getting smaller and smaller. I need something new to do just to get me back into Chex Quest, and this is my idea.
Using the original Chex quest maps, I want to go back to basics and make a fragglescripted movie giving a quick-take on the entire CQ storyline. Yes, it could be quite an undertaking, but, given what I want to do at the end of my first episode of CoFP, I need to brush up on my DeHackEd, XWE, and DooM Builder anyway.
Basically, I'm not asking for approval, for support, or even for someone coming in saying 'If you really want to do this, switch to GZDooM' (News people: Senior year, no time to learn ACS, if you want anything it's gonna be for Legacy. Just cuz it's Legacy don't mean it ain't awesome.). Crud, I don't even want partners, I've never had any to work with me on CoFP. All I want is in-jokes that I can use in the movie. I already have a few of my own that I plan to add to the mix, but I want you to give me ideas as to funny situations, jokes, and general CQFF related stuff I can add. As I do not intend for anyone to play the game (By movie, I mean movie, no gameplay.), I have some room to work.
So, here's where you can tell me what you would like to see in the upcoming movie,m and I'll tell you how impossible is and how horrible a person you are for suggesting it. Not really, I really want to know what the community would like to see.
That is all.
In Chex City, one of the lamposts is purple.
In the Meteor Spaceship, there is a mass of Flemoids. One of them is a Red Bicedipus.
That's all I can think of at the moment.
Weird, I don't get the first one...
Quote from: The Green Avenger on December 10, 2008, 01:14:09 PM
Weird, I don't get the first one...
Read the introductions forum. You'll get it. XD
Oh right, I remember now, lolz.
Telefraging, if possible.
This is certainly a creative and good idea. :)
The Purple Lamppost could have been the true mastermind behind all the invasions. And what about that suspicious Fry Cook from Chex Quest 2?? O_o
I got a great script for this thing...i'll hafta write it down and give it to ya.
I'd like too see the script too (once finished), out of curiousity.
lol, YES! @ the fry cook. :P
I'm thinking I might even do one of those old fashioned 'doorway chases' from old movies, where there are a whole bunch of doors and two people keep on going back and forth through the doors following each other :P
Lol! This sounds like a great idea!
Maybe someone gets lost in the maze in the Arboretum?
If A Chex Quest Movie Was Made, it'd have to be on Bazoik. Probably made in the same style that Doom was made too.
If we want the entire storyline, then he'd also have to "shoot" on other locations like Chex City, and he may also want to use the Chex Quest 3 locations, as well.
As far as ideas go, perhaps some cameos of CQFF members would be nice, as well as animations of the intro and end videos of Chex Quest.
I likely will use CQ3 locations. That would involve some texture porting and modifying the CQ3 maps so that they look right in Legacy, but it is possible. The into/outro movies might be harder to do, but possible.
As for Chex City, yes, I will use that. I should use all of the maps, but we'll see how that goes. For now, I'm just shuffling and creating things for use in the movie. If any of you want to contribute to this effort (like, if someone could make a decent-looking purple lamppost :P), feel free. I'm looking to do the scripting myself, though. Graphics is where I need help.
As for cameos from the CQFF, it might be possible. I'll look into it.
For now, I'm just going to work on a preview to upload to YouTube to show I'm serious. :D
Quote from: Silence_I_Kill_U! on December 15, 2008, 04:59:28 PM
The Accent is cool indeed. :P
Back to the Fry cook thing, why is he smiling when there are flemoids all around him?? He is the only one who isn't slimed besides the Chex Warrior.
Quote from: QuadrumpusGuy on December 15, 2008, 05:57:53 PM
Back to the Fry cook thing, why is he smiling when there are flemoids all around him?? He is the only one who isn't slimed besides the Chex Warrior.
Maybe because the invasion there just started.
Quote from: Manny Cav on December 15, 2008, 06:02:01 PM
Quote from: QuadrumpusGuy on December 15, 2008, 05:57:53 PM
Back to the Fry cook thing, why is he smiling when there are flemoids all around him?? He is the only one who isn't slimed besides the Chex Warrior.
Maybe because the invasion there just started.
That's a possibility, though there were no customers at his Diner, unless he was closing up... lol... just a thought XD
Anyone know how to post images?? I see the Insert Image Button, but i do not know how to use it. lol.
Purple Lamppost!
To post an image, put the img tags around the url of the image.
Awesome, dl'ing.
Once again, if anyone else wants to contribute to the GFX, feel free. Once I get my act together (should happen tomorrow, lots of free time), I'll post a list of things I want.
Quote from: xbolt on December 16, 2008, 06:39:10 PM
Purple Lamppost!
To post an image, put the img tags around the url of the image.
Thanks :D
I was gonna post a picture too, but oh well!! XD
I'll get a picture of the Fry Cook soon, unless someone get's it first XD
i dont get it your making a chex quest movie what?
Fregglescripted movie, like the intro to Newmaps or CoFP.
Oh i get it XD.
Oh, mercy, that MUST be in there. ;D
I loved helping Xbolt making "WAZZUP!" ;D
Yes, Manny's right! THAT MUST BE IN THERE!
You should have him go down an alleyway, and at the end of it are a bunch of slimed chextars with a big red "FAIL" on the wall behind them ;D
Your Skill Is Not Enough.
Here's an idea: What if, like in Newmaps, the programer(s) talk(s) to Chexter, or maybe a commonus uses a cheat code and transforms into a Maximus?
XD That would win so hard...
Quote from: matthias720 on January 19, 2009, 12:12:41 PM
or maybe a commonus uses a cheat code and transforms into a Maximus?
:D brilliant!
along those lines Chexter could be in a really intense fight scene against a bunch of flemoids and says something along the lines of "it's at times like these I wish I weren't on Super Slimey."
That is truly the funniest thing I've ever heard.
About Chex Quest that is.
I like it! :D
Yeah, I'm still working on this. I'm currently about 25% done with a 'trailer' I'm making for it, and I'm working on the script for the movie itself while I'm working on that. Currently, I'm adding in SFX and custom GFX for the trailer. I'm not going to give a release date for the trailer, much less the movie, but I think the first should be done before January is out.
will be looking forward to it. :)
I'd like that!
Quote from: The Green Avenger on January 20, 2009, 11:33:12 PM
but I think the first should be done before January 2010 is out.
Fixed. ;D
Anyone here know how to use the 'change texture and effect' linedef actions?
And very funny, XBolt... :P
I dunno about the Boom linedefs, I use FS setlinetexture ( for that, along with a light modifier (
And thank you. Always good to know that someone found my jokes funny. ;D
Yeah, I had tried to use that way, but the FS config file for DooM Builder and that page are at odds. Guess which one as right. :D
Have you considered including the Flembomination or Lord Snotfolus in the movie?
They'll be there, if I ever get that far. I already have a few gags lined up fr their use, so I should hope they'll be there. :D
Sounds awesome. I look forward to the trailer. I love making trailers and previews for my own movies, usually more than making the actual movie. :D
meybe doom marine makes a cameo?
chexter:wrong wad, buddy
doomer:my mistake
chexter:no problem*walks away*
doomer:*turns around a corner into an ambush of flemoids and gets slimed* *makes his catchphrase death scream*
Quote from: GameMaster on January 27, 2009, 07:21:50 PM
meybe doom marine makes a cameo?
chexter:wrong wad, buddy
doomer:my mistake
chexter:no problem*walks away*
doomer:*turns around a corner into an ambush of flemoids and gets slimed* *makes his catchphrase death scream*
Duke ges zapped into chex city
Duke: wow man. These guys are worse looking than i thought
Chex: um.....
Duke: hey you! can you tell me where the strippers are?
Chex Worrior zaps Duke away
Quote from: spacemarine288 on January 28, 2009, 01:20:54 AM
Duke ges zapped into chex city
Duke: wow man. These guys are worse looking than i thought
Chex: um.....
Duke: hey you! can you tell me where the strippers are?
Chex Worrior zaps Duke away
That's not sketchy at all....
Quote from: GameMaster on January 27, 2009, 07:21:50 PM
meybe doom marine makes a cameo?
chexter:wrong wad, buddy
doomer:my mistake
chexter:no problem*walks away*
doomer:*turns around a corner into an ambush of flemoids and gets slimed* *makes his catchphrase death scream*
Drop the wtf and this becomes a great idea. (Chex is supposed to be G rated, so we don't want anything that even hints at anything like that). I wouldn't mind a Doom Dude cameo.
Quote from: spacemarine288 on January 28, 2009, 01:20:54 AM
Duke ges zapped into chex city
Duke: wow man. These guys are worse looking than i thought
Chex: um.....
Duke: hey you! can you tell me where the strippers are?
Chex Worrior zaps Duke away
The strippers thing, though... definitely not G. :-X
Havin Flynn Targat(sp?) as a cameo would be great...maybe in a leftover level XD
and I'd like a duke nukem refrence, but probably not like that...mebe grab his horrible "born to be wild" kareoke and have it play with him behind a window or something XD
wtf could be "what the frag"
lol, lets have chexter or someone fall into a HOM
XD classic jokewad stuffs...
but only works in software...and the camera stuff requires not gonna work unless we do it w/o seeing it.
Quote from: GameMaster on January 28, 2009, 08:37:40 PM
wtf could be "what the frag"
The common viewer won't know this, though, so we had still best leave that part behind.
Quote from: GameMaster on January 28, 2009, 08:37:40 PM
lol, lets have chexter or someone fall into a HOM
This would be pretty funny, too, but as for the technical limitations that Atariangamer brought up, the way I'm thinking of to get past that is to fabricate a HOM. It's not a HOM as far as the technical definition goes, but we could make a normal part of a map look like one when it is not.
I had an idea...have one guy turn a corner talking then instantly stop (with a logoff of an error). then they figure out there's a hom, and run through the area with their eyes closed XD
Yeah, with the little sparkly red fairy dust particles that float up when someone logs off due to a disconnection. ;)
Quote from: Atariangamer on January 29, 2009, 04:30:39 PM
I had an idea...have one guy turn a corner talking then instantly stop (with a logoff of an error). then they figure out there's a hom, and run through the area with their eyes closed XD
I was going to suggest forcing it to automap (real strategy--like in Chex Quest 2, when you need to get past the red door thing), but is that possible in a project like this, to force it to automap? :-\
...i'm not exactly sure, but the answer may most likely be no...though you can simulate it, it wont move unless you really do a bit too much coding...
I really have no clue what you are talking about.
How about we have Chexter enter a room that has "Lord snotfolus trapped in a hypno room(HOM), and you must zorch him"
If anyone can guess what WAD I'm making fun of, you get +2 LOLZ.
Quote from: Batmanifestdestiny on January 31, 2009, 11:10:29 AM
How about we have Chexter enter a room that has "Lord snotfolus trapped in a hypno room(HOM), and you must zorch him"
If anyone can guess what WAD I'm making fun of, you get +2 LOLZ.
wow.wad. And it's an illusio-pit, not a hypno room. But you're close. ;)
All right, I don't like to do this, but I'm giving myself a week's grace. I was supposed to finish polishing this thing today, but instead me and my dad were working with heavy destruction equipment, and I got little done. So, as I need to polish and, at the same time think I can throw in some extra little scenes to the trailer which require some slight GFX work on my part, I'll hold back on the trailer for a while longer.
Still, it's coming nicely, and everything is A-Okay.
Quote from: xbolt on January 31, 2009, 12:56:47 PM
Quote from: Batmanifestdestiny on January 31, 2009, 11:10:29 AM
How about we have Chexter enter a room that has "Lord snotfolus trapped in a hypno room(HOM), and you must zorch him"
If anyone can guess what WAD I'm making fun of, you get +2 LOLZ.
wow.wad. And it's an illusio-pit, not a hypno room. But you're close. ;)
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int lolz;
for(lolz <= 3)
I think you forgot a pair of parentheses. I could be wrong, mind you, but, just my opinion.
fixed, sorry.
And... That wasn't what I was thinking about.
Quote from: The Green Avenger on January 31, 2009, 09:03:05 PM
And... That wasn't what I was thinking about.
What programming language are you thinking of?
...oh wait,
now I see it!
So, trailer comming sometime in the comming month? EXCELENT!
Quote from: Atariangamer on February 01, 2009, 01:12:40 PM
So, trailer comming sometime in the comming month? EXCELENT!
EXCELLENT, actually. (Spelling Nazis fail it, beat ya to it, guys)
But, this sounds purty awesome!
Quote from: ChexCommander on February 02, 2009, 04:23:13 PM
Quote from: Atariangamer on February 01, 2009, 01:12:40 PM
So, trailer comming sometime in the comming month? EXCELENT!
EXCELLENT, actually. (Spelling Nazis fail it, beat ya to it, guys)
But, this sounds purty awesome!
Coming, actually. (ChexCommander failed it, he missed one)
Quote from: Batmanifestdestiny on January 31, 2009, 08:39:29 PM
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int lolz;
for(lolz <= 3)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
void LOL_Creator( int num_lols );
class lulz
std::string ROFL;
std::string LOL;
std::string ROFLROFLROFL;
LOL = "LOL";
std::vector<lulz> LOL_vector;
int main()
int input;
std::cin >> input;
std::cout << "IMMA FIRIN' MY LOLS!\n";
std::vector<lulz>::iterator lol_iter;
for(lol_iter = LOL_vector.begin(); lol_iter != LOL_vector.end(); ++lol_iter)
std::cout << (lol_iter->ROFL) << std::endl;
std::cout << (lol_iter->LOL) << std::endl;
std::cout << (lol_iter->ROFLROFLROFL) << std::endl;
return 0;
void LOL_Creator( int num_lols )
for (int i = 0; i != num_lols; i++)
I was bored. Anywho, can't wait for some sort of trailer/movie!
Quote from: The Slimeinator on February 02, 2009, 11:10:50 PM
Quote from: ChexCommander on February 02, 2009, 04:23:13 PM
Quote from: Atariangamer on February 01, 2009, 01:12:40 PM
So, trailer comming sometime in the comming month? EXCELENT!
EXCELLENT, actually. (Spelling Nazis fail it, beat ya to it, guys)
But, this sounds purty awesome!
Coming, actually. (ChexCommander failed it, he missed one)
D'oh! I -1/2 myself for that. ;)
Quote from: DOS4dinner on February 03, 2009, 01:01:39 PM
Quote from: Batmanifestdestiny on January 31, 2009, 08:39:29 PM
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
int lolz;
for(lolz <= 3)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
void LOL_Creator( int num_lols );
std::vector<lulz> LOL_vector;
class lulz
string ROFL;
string LOL;
LOL = "LOL";
int main()
int input;
std::cin >> input;
std::cout << "IMMA FIRIN' MY LOLS!\n";
LOL_Create (input);
std::vector<lulz>::iterator lol_iter;
for(lol_iter = LOL_Vector.begin(); lol_iter != LOL_Vector.end(); ++lol_iter)
std::cout << (lol_iter->ROFL) << std::endl;
std::cout << (lol_iter->LOL) << std::endl;
std::cout << (lol_iter->ROFLROFLROFL) << std::endl;
return 0;
void LOL_Create(int num_lols)
for (int i = 0; i != num_lols; i++)
I was bored. Anywho, can't wait for some sort of trailer/movie!
What the ruddy heck?!
Quote from: ChexCommander on February 03, 2009, 07:06:32 PM
What the ruddy heck?!
The code works...(Now, at least--there were a couple of typos). The C++ won't bite you :P
I'm currently trying to learn C++ via internet tutorial :D
lol, internet
Don't this bring back memories...
For internet courses, I've found some really good ones. Besides the ownage MIT ones, of course.
Quote from: ChexCommander on February 04, 2009, 04:18:15 PM
For internet courses, I've found some really good ones. Besides the ownage MIT ones, of course. (Burn me!)
Burn that link! Kill it with fire! That tutorial is using Visual C++ 6! That's the worst--and I mean
the worst--IDE/Compiler in existence! It doesn't follow ANSI/ISO standards!
Oh, and I think this thread got derailed.
...*turns to TGA*
"yeah, we need a diversion...and ya might wanna hurry it up. They're starting to go off the rails on crazy trains..."
Quote from: Atariangamer on February 04, 2009, 08:03:26 PM
"yeah, we need a diversion.."
It's the first day of Spring and I don't see the movie. :'( I just want to see the movie. :'(
its been dead.......
Or TGA's just not been workin' on it lately...or just wants to tease us for a while...
srsly, why dont ya just ask him!
Why don't YOU ask him?
I have, and last thing i've heard was that he's getting bogged down IRL.
Well then, that's that. We can't interrupt stuff in RL for a silly little movie. (Not calling the movie silly, just saying that there are things out there more important)