Knee Deep in the Chex

Started by Ether Bot, January 03, 2017, 11:46:16 PM

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Ether Bot


So I've started up a new project to celebrate the new year: Knee Deep in the Chex. A remake of the first map from The Ultimate Doom but for The Ultimate Chex Quest.

This is not going to be a remake of the first episode or anything, just the first level. Not everything will be the exact same either, because some things that make sense in Doom don't make sense in CQ. I'm trying to pull over the design philosophy as well as the sort of style...

This is an experiment for me in getting the hang of level design again.

TUCQR6 can function as an IWAD to run this mod on, but if that sounds too complicated and you dislike command-lines you can select both TUCQR6.wad and "Knee Deep in the CHEX.wad" at once and drag them onto gzdoom. If you run both at once, than you can select "doom.wad" as the IWAD.

It should also work on any engine TUCQ works on.

Supports Co-Op, up to 6 players, and has difficulty settings.

This is probably the final version, unless you guys notice some bugs or anything like that. The map is finished, the secrets are marked, co op is supported properly (tho no deathmatch) and it has difficulty settings throughout now![/b]

Tell me what you think!

Project is being continued, hopefully, over here:
When In don't, doubt!

Ether Bot

I don't want to sound rude or desperate or anything, but I worked pretty hard on this. It'd be nice to at least hear somebody say they played it, or even that the mod sucked so I could at least have a point of reference. A project without any feedback from anyone but my own biased self can't help but feel like a completely wasted effort.
When In don't, doubt!


Whoops, looks like I missed the edit. Note that editing a topic doesn't mark it as "unread" in the forums, I'd recommend posting a new reply when you make major changes to the wad instead of just editing the topic in the future.

I saw this when you posted it with Version 1, there wasn't much there so I figured I'd wait for a more complete version, now that it's here I'll give this a playthrough soon.

(I still need to play Roofi's wad but this one's pretty short so I can probably get through it quickly)
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord:


Your link to version 3 doesn't seem to be working.


I managed to download it before the link broke (see attached, it was called "Redundant.wad" for some reason).

I'm assuming it wasn't taken down deliberately -- Ether Bot if you deleted it on purpose sorry about that, let me know and I'll remove the attachment if this is the case.

Also I have version 1 somewhere as well if you still want it.

[attachment deleted by admin]
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord:

Boingo the Clown

Sorry about that. I didn't see the post until just now.

I will give it a try today.

{EDIT: Looking good so far! I especially like the big slime blot in the courtyard. Most people would have done it as a recessed pool, but you did it as a big raised blob spreading out on the floor. I really like that, and I hope you realize I am going to steal that idea some time in the near future.  ;) The wide plane seen from the armour room is pretty nice too.

The blue key wasn't working for some reason. (sratches head)

Keep us updated on your level as it progresses.}

Ether Bot

It's called "Reduntant" because that's shorter than "Knee Deep in the Chex" and also because its gameplay is sort of the same as Doom's first level so it's "Reduntant"
Get it?
Also the link was not intentionally taken down, I'll see what I can do about that.

I also considered naming it "Phob-os" like a kind of phobos themed cereal, but cereal puns are far too corny (rimshot)

When In don't, doubt!

Boingo the Clown

Would you consider doing maps based on the other ones in the episode?

Ether Bot

Quote from: Boingo the Clown on January 18, 2017, 03:03:33 PM
Would you consider doing maps based on the other ones in the episode?

Like I could consider it. I I don't have much better to do honestly haha. I just finished my main mod project over at Doomworld... As a side note, the link above is fixed and I edited the level a bit. Nothing major though, there was a pain sector in the final room that I got rid of because it wasn't supposed to be a pain sector....
When In don't, doubt!


Hey I tried it out as well, although I downloaded it from your original post (Phobular.wad). I think the player1 start is in the wrong place, and there are two, so I'm inclined to believe the player is supposed to start in the room modeled after Hangar's starting room. :)

One thing I would suggest is to try to use more odd angles. Back in the day when Doom was new, id really wanted to showcase the new engine tech, which meant they weren't restricted to 90 degree angled rooms like in wolfenstein. Other than looking just at E1, I'd look at DTWID and Romero's new maps for other examples, if you haven't done so already.

Other than that, I like the decorating you did to recreate some of Doom's props, like the two tech pillars in the side room. The translucent middle textures with the light in the middle looked high tech. I also liked the slime in the outdoor area, like what Boingo was saying. Keep it up, if you make more maps based on E1 that'd be pretty cool.
Still looking at my maps every now and then...

Ether Bot

Quote from: mob720 on February 05, 2017, 12:29:09 AM
Hey I tried it out as well, although I downloaded it from your original post (Phobular.wad). I think the player1 start is in the wrong place, and there are two, so I'm inclined to believe the player is supposed to start in the room modeled after Hangar's starting room. :)

One thing I would suggest is to try to use more odd angles. Back in the day when Doom was new, id really wanted to showcase the new engine tech, which meant they weren't restricted to 90 degree angled rooms like in wolfenstein. Other than looking just at E1, I'd look at DTWID and Romero's new maps for other examples, if you haven't done so already.

Other than that, I like the decorating you did to recreate some of Doom's props, like the two tech pillars in the side room. The translucent middle textures with the light in the middle looked high tech. I also liked the slime in the outdoor area, like what Boingo was saying. Keep it up, if you make more maps based on E1 that'd be pretty cool.

That advice about doom style mapping there is something I never noticed so thank you! But I would argue that Chex Quest actually has a lot of 90 degree angles in it.

the link above is updated with the proper playerstart
When In don't, doubt!

Ether Bot

When In don't, doubt!