The Vilecore Conversion Thread (Keeping Track)

Started by Boingo the Clown, February 24, 2016, 08:57:06 PM

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Here's some pictures so there's proof I've gotten this done so far:




And I've also begun work on getting MAP19 getting completed as well:



I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to



We can add MAP22 to the "pretty much complete" list.

Also, I might, MIGHT have found someone to compose a few new tracks when possible. So that's exciting.

Boingo the Clown

I have been troubleshooting and tweaking the levels TrueDude has been sending me before marking them as "finished", but he has been sending them to me in such rapid succession that I am having trouble keeping up.

When I do catch up, and when I get that last texture for MAP05 done, I will throw another interm release together.  I promise.

MAP11 is finished.  As dumb as it sounds, it took me longer to troubleshoot it than it did for TrueDude to do the conversion.
MAP12 is finished.


It doesn't say it on the map list, but I've managed to pump out maps 16, 17, and 18 the past week.

King Lunar

Wow, it's been about 6 years since I've been active here! Nevertheless, my brother TrueDude asked me if I could compose a new track for MAP09 that had influences from Caverns of Bazoik and Sewer System so I concocted this for the project:


I wonder how many changes were made while I was gone?  :whale


Quote from: WindowsVistaLover5570 on December 03, 2016, 09:45:44 AM
I wonder how many changes were made while I was gone?  :whale
Not many, the fact that this thread is 3 months old should have given you a clue :P
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to

Boingo the Clown

Blame me.

I have been distracted with a physical project since the end of September.

I have been making bangle bracelets for my nieces for Christmas using recycled High Density PolyEthylene (HDPE) from old detergent bottles.  It is a lot of work and very time consuming, and I can only complete one every few days.

First I save my own HDPE bottles, bottles from friends and family, and collect more from recycling bins around the neighbourhood on recycling day.

The bottles have to be cleaned, their labels removed and the adhesive cleaned off, which takes time.

The bottles then have to be cut up into fingernail sized pieces, which is very time consuming, and the colours seperated.  (It take 3-6 bottles just to make one bangle blank.)

The plastic bits are then recombined into various colour combinations, and melted in large soup cans and compressed to create blanks.

The blanks are then lathed into rough bangles, and sanded with sandpaper and sanding meshes up to 12000 grit (!!!) to get them smooth and glossy.

Then the bangles are parted off and sanded with a sanding drum on the inside.

It is an absurd amount of work, but the results are very nice.

So I am afraid I have not been working on my DooM related projects, other than some work on Doktor Schabbs for DeiMWolf a few weeks ago.

I have also been working for the Salvation Army for the last couple of weeks to raise a little cash, and helping my brother out cattering dinners.

I will also admit playing a lot of Minecraft lately.

Other than Minecraft, I have been fairly busy lately.  I will try to get my CQ projects running again as soon as I am able to.


Quote from: Boingo the Clown on December 05, 2016, 10:50:24 AM

I will also admit playing a lot of Minecraft lately.

THAT I can understand (I did it while I was gone as well).


I should mention that I haven't had much time to get on the computer myself, and with how many maps I pumped out in a short time I've been a bit burnt out. Maybe next year I can get a few more done, though.

Boingo the Clown

Now that Christmas is over, and I am done with the bracelets, that it is time to pick up my projects again, especially Vilecore.

I hope there will be more progress to report soon.


Has there been any significant progress since January that would be worth making a new release for?

Boingo the Clown


I got pressed into helping me father throughout the months of February, March, and April. I really didn't have much time to work on aything.