Any Flemoidus Calamus sprites?

Started by Zorchdude, August 15, 2008, 04:25:29 AM

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Quote from: Zorchdude on August 16, 2008, 09:46:07 AM
Thanks, Captain Ventris. :) That's a great idea.
Also, Replica, don't even TRY. I don't poke your sprites with a 30km wooden spoon. They just aren't... Chex Quest. :(
Thanks, Slimeinator. Maybe you could ask RedBicedipus to draw you up the other two. :)

*Cough* Actually, I have one for my mod already. Any, I do beleave it is Chex Questish. But whatever. :) Have fun trying to find another. You wont find many people interested. Or very good.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Really, theres only one good spriter here...and alot of them who try. IMO, at least replica is trying.

I would try, but I can get NOTHING Chex Quest-y out of it...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Hmm... No offense to Zorchdude or Replica.

Replica, my intentions were not to jump ahead of the line... spriting is one of my passions and I've been bored and figured maybe my skills could be of use.

Zorchdude... The project sounds fun, but I'm gonna have to withdraw.  Thanks for the opportunity.  I don't want to get in the middle of this....  Good luck on your game, I'll be sure to check it out when it is complete. 

Replica, keep doing your thing.  My work has been laughed at in the past, but that didn't stop me, and what I do now blows the past stuff outta the water anyhow.  If you backtrack a bit, in Richie's old forum the Chex Quest 4 graphics were a topic of ridicule, and rightly so... they WERE bad.  Remember, when you present any form of art, you have to be able to accept criticism.  Otherwise we'd have a bunch of two-faces walking the earth.  The way Zorch did it I feel wasn't the right way... better to have been in private...  It isn't right to call people out like that.

Might I suggest taking comments with a grain of salt... If you like your stuff, then that's all that matters....

Sorry if anybody feels insulted, that's just how I see it.

Now I'm gonna go back to work on my projects, seeing as how I'm "not that good."   :D

Ya gotta laugh at yourself from time to time, otherwise you'd end up giving up on a lot of things.


I thought it was 0. ???
Anyways, you can use cyan even though it doesn't APPEAR in that colour. :P
Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, BRAIN!

The Slimeinator

Sometimes you've got to go where everybody knows your name.

James 1:5

Manny Cav

Quote from: Atariangamer on August 16, 2008, 09:29:31 PM
Really, theres only one good spriter here...
Oh, I wouldn't say that. I can think of a few more names than just one that fit your description. ;)
Quote from: Notiswas on August 17, 2008, 12:34:15 AM
Now I'm gonna go back to work on my projects, seeing as how I'm "not that good."   :D
I don't recall anyone saying that about you. I'd like to see you finish so I can get a better taste of your current work, if for no other reason.

I also agree with everything you said on the criticism.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


Quote from: Atariangamer on August 16, 2008, 09:29:31 PM
IMO, at least replica is trying.

*Cough* eerrr. lol Lets see, Strife, Chucker... thats it. :/

And Notiswas, I'm not offended. Your advice actualy helped alittle. :)
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Lemme edit that statement. There is 3-4. Slime (can make things look CQ), Strife (hes an artist anyway), Chucker (the original), and maybe notiswas (I wanna see what he can do CQ styled).

Now, you have anything yet?
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Quote from: Zorchdude on August 16, 2008, 09:46:07 AM

Also, Replica, don't even TRY. I don't poke your sprites with a 30km wooden spoon. They just aren't... Chex Quest. :(

My thoughts are with Notiswas and Manny on this, and I agree with what he said about criticism too.

But I thought that comment was rather harsh, Zorchdude.  Like he said, mabey a PM would've helped.  Smashing people outright isn't right, IMO.

But anyways, hope you get someone to draw up your sprites, don't want this to become a flame war...
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods


Quote from: Atariangamer on August 17, 2008, 01:12:43 PM
Lemme edit that statement. There is 3-4. Slime (can make things look CQ), Strife (hes an artist anyway), Chucker (the original), and maybe notiswas (I wanna see what he can do CQ styled).

Now, you have anything yet?

Happy to help, Replica.  :)

Atariangamer, I'll start to whip somethin' up in a few min.  Thanks for the support. ^  Also thanks to everyone else for understanding and taking an interest.  I figure I might do a lil representation of an intro screen or something presenting the Chex Warrior and some flemoids... and maybe a couple sprites.  Give me a couple days at the most.


Awww... :/

Why'dya leave? I'm unhappy. I've spent 8 hours being driven on wrong turns on the motorway, scrabbling around without a mouse and for what? This? :/

SERIOUSLY. Why does EVERY TOPIC I MAKE THAT I DON'T CLOSE GOES OFF TOPIC? ><; It's annoying. And then things collapse around me. I've been looking for ages for a suitible CQ LS replacement, and when I find one no one makes sprites for it. I'm ARNGY!
Pinky and the Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, Brain, BRAIN!

Manny Cav

The Slimeinator made a pretty decent lost soul replacement that is used in his TNCQG2. My simplistic strategy is simply to make the Larva the demon (in other words, the Cycloptis and the Larva don't share the demon/spectre position), and make the Cycloptis the lost soul.
R.I.P. The Game
January 3rd, 1937-
January 7th, 2010


You did make a flemoid ball creature.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.



I do know that Dvader made (or used) a few...his mod is always worth getting for what he's done.
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


No offence, but I really don't think this is better (or even close) to being better then mine.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.