Anything happen recently with Chex Quest or the fandom? (Also about the music.)

Started by pikmintaro, February 02, 2015, 11:05:54 PM

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Quote from: noob1234 on February 05, 2015, 02:51:12 AM
Have you played the latest beta of The Lost Quest? Those are really really good maps.
EDIT: That came out in 2010, so you saw it already o.o
But since then:
Community Quest
Umm, that's about it. :/

Ehhh I'm not sure about the Lost Quest, I wasn't looking for mods back then, but I'm downloading it along with the community thing now.

Quote from: Awesomedude249 on February 05, 2015, 12:43:20 PM
Pikmintaro, you should play one of The Slimeinator's mods. They're challenging, but they're awesome! Also, if you want ME to release anything new, there is a little project I'm working on, it's basically the first map of ANQ. My early alpha release was very short, I'm gonna release two new levels in maybe...A week? Possibly.

Yeah I'll play whatever you release, also are the mods all in the downloads section? I could go looking through the forums for stuff, but I'm not sure which threads they would be in.


QuotePikmintaro, you should play one of The Slimeinator's mods. They're challenging, but they're awesome! Also, if you want ME to release anything new, there is a little project I'm working on, it's basically the first map of ANQ. My early alpha release was very short, I'm gonna release two new levels in maybe...A week? Possibly.
In my opinion I don't like slimeinators's mods because I think that they are almost unplayable and they are to challenge. For example Ninja Gaiden for the nes it is not unplayable but challenging. I also don't think Slimeinator's mods are horrible I think he has potential.


No offense, but to critique mods and have it make sense, you should probably MAKE A MOD first, to see how hard it is to actually make one. I do agree with you though.
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to