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Lounge Ideas

Started by QuadrumpusGuy, November 04, 2010, 07:14:01 PM

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:whale :caineware :ninjaware :whale :caineware :ninjaware



I'm trying to figure out if I want it to fire railgun shots of ginger ale liquid or if I want it to shoot cans of Ginger Ale... what do you guys think?


Ginger ale cans. With a little splash damage. Perhaps make it like poison? (code it into the purple lampposts pain state)

are you going to give it a specific damage type, so it does small damage to normal stuff and large damamge to lampposts?
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.



then that should be easy, just code it into the special pain state, use variables or custom inventory for cooldown, and damage it every time the loop comes around.
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.


How about ginger ale cans that explode with ginger ale when they hit something? Ginger ale grenades, if you will.
"I don't cook, either. Not as long as they still deliver pizza." -Tiger Woods


Perhaps more like a rocket launcher?


I still think there should be a super shotgun hidden down there somewhere. Have chexter blow them away doom style.  8)
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

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Perhaps!  8)

I may make secret rooms with a weapon spawn spot in there. (Mainly in the West Wing)


Why spawn spot? Why not just use regular weapons, since this is going to be cooperative, right? You can just set it so that the weapon stays when picked up (in the flags).
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.


Yeah, That's what I meant.

Okay, little update for the Ginger Ale Gun. There will be an alt fire for it. You will be able to shoot shots of Ginger Ale, or shoot cans of it out at the enemies (The Cans will explode)

Also, does anyone have any good suggestions for the sounds of the can exploding.

LAZ Trooper

Quote from: ChexCommander on November 18, 2010, 05:24:26 PM
How about ginger ale cans that explode with ginger ale when they hit something? Ginger ale grenades, if you will.
If you hadn't said that, I would've. I actually had another idea for ginger ale awesomeness, but it would be hard to sprite and would be a very slow weapon. The basic idea: the ammo is cans of ginger ale, and you hold on in your hand, and when you press fire, you shake the can for a few seconds, and then open it so it sprays. Yeah, kind of hard to make...
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hmmm... it wouldn't be too bad, as you can reuse the can image.

as for the sound, maybe just a regular, short, qiuck, explosion? (excuse is compressed gas)
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.


Nothing new with the lounge... Does anyone want to work on it and add some stuff to it? I can send you a Download if you want to work on it.