Chex Quest HD!

Started by Chukker, April 18, 2016, 08:51:39 AM

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Just wanted to mention, a few guys at doomworld came up with some wiki pages that will give you more details on the weapons, enemies, etc.

Weapons page:
Monsters page:
Items page:

Each one of these has links with a lot of detailed information about each enemy, weapon, etc.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord:


This is beyond fantastic. Nice work Chukker! I'm really looking forward to this.
I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like peanut butter.

If I had to choose between the real world or the Chex Quest Fan forums; I'd choose the Chex Quest fan forums.


Wanted to drop in and say it looks amazing! Can't wait for it and it's great that a dev is still interested 20 years later :)
Still looking at my maps every now and then...


Quote from: mob720 on April 20, 2016, 10:23:28 PM
Wanted to drop in and say it looks amazing! Can't wait for it and it's great that a dev is still interested 20 years later :)

About 10 or 11 months ago, Gorea, Flurb, Pikazec, Rushnerd, TMOB, and Atari showed up.
This month, Chukker shows up.
A couple days later, wayc shows up.
Now, Mob720 shows up.

Why do we have so many old members stopping by recently?
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to


Quote from: Awesomedude249 on April 19, 2016, 04:42:57 AM
Who is working on the music? Is it Andrew Benson like last time?

Andrew has given me a verbal "yes" to helping out. He's super busy with work, family and musical career on the side so how much he can do remains to be seen. I also have an industry collegue who does music and sound design and knows Unreal who has volunteered to help out.


This is unexpected and awesome!

Will need to keep eyes on this, for sure...
Don't take me seriously. In fact, don't take me at all!


Quote from: Chukker on April 21, 2016, 07:12:04 PM
Quote from: Awesomedude249 on April 19, 2016, 04:42:57 AM
Who is working on the music? Is it Andrew Benson like last time?

Andrew has given me a verbal "yes" to helping out. He's super busy with work, family and musical career on the side so how much he can do remains to be seen. I also have an industry collegue who does music and sound design and knows Unreal who has volunteered to help out.

Well, wayc is back to this forum after nearly 9 years (!) and he's gotten better at remixing so if he makes more song remixes and you have his permission, you should use those.
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to


If I may...
Um, I don't know if this has been handled...
Bootspoon: Random between 1 and 5, multiplied by 3
Super Bootspork: Same but at the rapid speed of the Rapid Zorcher
Mini Zorcher: Same damage as bootspoon
Large Zorcher: Same damage as Bootspoon iterated 3 times, 1 for each puff
Rapid Zorcher: Same damage as Mini Zorcher at speed of Super Bootspork
Zorch Propulsor: Projectile damage of 20-160 with explosion calculation up to 128 damage at center, 128 map units out.
Phasing Zorcher: Projectile damage of 5-40
LAZ Device: A bit complicated. Initial projectile: 100-800 damage, each of the 40 'hitscan' rays causes 15 times a random between 1 and 8, i.e. 15-120.


xbolt, this NEEDS to be in the history. Since Chukker made it, it's an official reboot of the first CQ.
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to


Words cannot describe how blown away I am with this project!
This is completely unexpected and I anxiously look forward to seeing more and would love to contribute in any way I can.
CQHD Community Dev


Oh man, I feel like screaming. This looks like it's gonna be great! I'd like to offer up my programming skills in theory, but honestly I'm not sure I can do anything as significant as netcode or the like.

(Also my secret return from lurking after three and a half years! Can't believe we're still here!)
College is a thing. Also do job. Much hard work for to paying of games.


Incredible! Wow, Chukker! :D


I decided to sticky this topic as it is made by one of the official developers and is official Chex Quest canon.
I used to be the new guy that no one talks to, now I'm just the vaguely familiar guy that no one talks to


A tiny update, got Chex Warrior rigged and applied run and idle animations:

FYI, these aren't meant to be actual in-game animations, just some placeholders while I work out the kinks in the rig and bone weighting.


Wow, needless to say it looks great. Even if they're placeholder animations, I like how his head bobbles a little bit inside the suit. Makes it really seem like a dude wearing armor.
Still looking at my maps every now and then...