[OLD] Chex Skulltag pack P14 reviewed on Captain Ventris' livestream show

Started by 75, October 22, 2010, 11:53:52 AM

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I just talked to him in IRC, he's going to put a review of the game at 5 PM EST (4 PM Central) today.

Tune in if you're interested

zdoom topic - http://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=27372

direct link to livestream - http://www.livestream.com/captainventrispresents

I'll be at work, but I might get to catch some of it.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

You can find me on the CQFF discord: https://discord.gg/AgNhjem
