Should I get rid of LMS01?

Started by 75, September 18, 2010, 01:45:30 AM

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What do you think of LMS01? Be sure to tell me why.

5 stars - Legendary
2 (33.3%)
4 stars - great
4 (66.7%)
3 stars - passable
0 (0%)
2 stars - boring
0 (0%)
1 star  - awful
0 (0%)
0 stars - *vomits
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 6


I'm thinking of getting rid of LMS01. It's not very fun to play on, and not very visually appealing.

If you don't remember which one that was, here's a screenshot

What do you guys think? If somebody has a convincing case to keep it, It'll stay.
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Keep it!

I think its nice, and very fun to play on. I think its just getting boring because we've played on it too much, as its one of the few completely finished maps.
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.


5 STARS!  I absolutely LOVED playing around with this level!  Can't imagine how awesome playing DM in there would be! :whale
:whale :caineware :ninjaware :whale :caineware :ninjaware

LAZ Trooper

It's a great map, keep it. It's just sometimes a little big...
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I really like it. You should keep it. Maybe It's possible to add CTF.  :whale


keep it!!
its awesome! it doesnt look bad! the only thing is the grates, its not fair having the railgun being able to fire through it but nothing else.


Quote from: noob1234 on September 19, 2010, 04:29:59 PM
keep it!!
its awesome! it doesnt look bad! the only thing is the grates, its not fair having the railgun being able to fire through it but nothing else.

actually, any hitscan (really fast bullet-like) attack can go through. The minizorcher, large zorcher, super large zorcher, rapid zorcher, ultra rapid zorcher, rail zorcher, liquid zorcher, and ghettoblaster can all go through grates.

The Propulsor, zorch launcher, phasing zorcher, CL zorcher, laz device, and frozen orb will not go through grates/fences.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

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ghettoblaster? if it's the radio,  :D, if not, ???
what about chain lightning/caustic? (I'm assuming no)
can melee go through?
does splash damage go through?
imo, it should be all or none.


75 says Caustic will not be in there (In place for something else I am assuming)


yeah, and i'm pretty sure all those except splash are no, too. he doesn't really have a choice; its a built-in thing, and it probably wasn't even made like that on purpose.
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.


Quote from: noob1234 on September 19, 2010, 09:53:41 PM
ghettoblaster? if it's the radio,  :D, if not, ???
what about chain lightning/caustic? (I'm assuming no)
can melee go through?
does splash damage go through?
imo, it should be all or none.

The ghettoblaster is the radio.

Projectiles larger than a pebble will not go through. I consider zorcher shots from the minizorcher/rapidzorcher/etc. to be something like light energy - so thin it can easily pass through grates.

Melee might go through, if you can get somebody to stand right next to the grate and wait for you to punch them  XD
That happens so infrequently, I don't think it would be much of an issue.

Splash damage does go through, although the projectile causing that blast will not.

I like it this way, because it makes no sense for propulsor "rockets" or slimeballs to fly though fences/grates, but it also makes no sense for the railgun to get hung up on grates and fences, since its partcles are microscopic.

Quote from: ChexMaster2109 on September 19, 2010, 10:06:22 PM
yeah, and i'm pretty sure all those except splash are no, too. he doesn't really have a choice; its a built-in thing, and it probably wasn't even made like that on purpose.

Actually, I can change it fairly easily. I can make it so that only hitscan attacks go through, both hitscan and projectiles, or nothing.

Quote75 says Caustic will not be in there (In place for something else I am assuming)

I do plan on having a new weapon, but for right now, yes, the caustic is out.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

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oh, i thought that was built-in. anyway, yeah, i like it too.
Shh!  I'm taking a break from reality.


I guess ur right about the size thing, but that means the F.O.'s little radiative thingys should go thru, and also the C.L.'s projectiles, but I guess you have to make it for all projectiles or none.
when I said melee, that is what i meant :D


yeah, I wish I could make it so the CL's and FO's projectiles went through, but I can't do that, AFAIK, without having every projectile go through.

EDIT - I'm going to keep it, so I'm locking this topic.
"Give us those nice bright colors, give us the greens of summer, makes you think all the world's a sunny day."

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