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This is a project I've already brought up in other corners of the internet, but I figured it would only be fair to properly announce it to the actual Chex Quest community. Here's a screenshot of it:

Basically, this is an attempt to backport the official Chex Quest 3 over to vanilla. This is not actually a mod of the original Chex Quest, but rather of Ultimate Doom using a trick involving secret exits to shorten episode lengths and with a special DeHackEd patch applied which is mostly a recreation of Chex 3's DECORATE stuff. It can also run as standalone in some ports.

I released a trailer for it a few months ago on YouTube, which can be found here (the description and pinned comment also contain a bit more info about the mod):

So far, the entirety of the first and second episodes have been converted to vanilla (though a few levels may still need to be touched up a little) as well as the first three all of the levels of the third episode. For the first episode, since I couldn't cut down that episode's length to any lower than 7 levels I also added small levels before and after the "real" 5 levels which serve as rough representations of the intro/ending cinematics. I'm hoping they can eventually also have MIDI versions of the intro/ending cutscene's background music but I'm not that good at music transcription despite my other music skills. I made a MIDI version of the intro and ending music for that myself.

I'll try to post updates about this project to this thread whenever further developments happen.

Music upload:

Release candidate trailer:

Downloads (RC4.1):

For DOS:
For source ports:
Modding version:

Also see the website for more information, links to old versions and a modding guide.
Chex Quest and Related Topics / Re: Deep Dream Chex Quest
Last post by King Ezra The Wise - December 02, 2023, 07:42:55 PM
So what's new in version 2.0 besides the quality of life improvements
Chex Quest and Related Topics / Deep Dream Chex Quest
Last post by cqfan - November 28, 2023, 06:03:41 PM
Long time member, mostly lurker, rare poster.  Was scouring the internet for DOOM wads, and came across this trippy mod for Doom called Deep Dream.  Lo and behold, when I went to download the file, it turns out they had done the same modification to Chex Quest! I did not see a topic about it here, so figured I would share.  It appears as though it works best with the original Chex Quest wad, but it does (mostly) work with the newest version, albiet the newer textures do not carry over.  It's definitely worth checking out.
Chex Quest and Related Topics / Re: Chex Quest HD!
Last post by chexman107 - October 26, 2023, 09:17:01 PM
I wonder if Chex Quest HD will make updates before 2.0, such as fixing bugs.
Chex Quest and Related Topics / Re: Any OG CQ crew still left?
Last post by xbolt - September 13, 2023, 08:05:26 PM
Hey, I know you! Ayo, what up?

(15 years of Zorchin' Alive? Holy crap)
Chex Quest and Related Topics / Re: Any OG CQ crew still left?
Last post by Boingo the Clown - September 12, 2023, 12:31:12 PM
I remember you.


Traffic has been slow here since CQHD came out, but it is not entirely abandoned.

People still come here.
Chex Quest and Related Topics / Any OG CQ crew still left?
Last post by Rushnerd - September 12, 2023, 01:59:51 AM
Just having a bit of fun coming back here after years and years as I do.
I see the forum is still active and I'm not sure anyone remembers me, but I remember everyone back in the heyday. You guys are awesome and just wanted to chime in!
Star Wars: Dark Forces is getting a remaster soon and made me remember how much I love Chex Quest to death and this community. Never stop.
Enjoy my crapposting here from 2007 haha
The Lost Quest / Re: Chex Quest: The Lost Quest...
Last post by 75 - September 11, 2023, 02:38:59 PM
No, we don't.

For some reason Arch does though, in version 21.1 he removed the flem pillars, we decided not to backport that change

That "Changes from v21.1 that were omitted for design reasons:" section is for things that didn't get backported.
The Lost Quest / Re: Chex Quest: The Lost Quest...
Last post by Boingo the Clown - September 11, 2023, 02:02:43 PM
Hmmm.  Have you got something against the flem pillars?
The Lost Quest / Re: Chex Quest: The Lost Quest...
Last post by 75 - September 11, 2023, 01:39:08 PM
Thanks to Acts19quiz for working on this new release!

Download link:

Changes for r05:// Acts 19 quiz September 11, 2023
  Changes from v21.0 to v21.1 that were implemented:

- E1M1: Remove excess 3D sector tags.

- E1M3: Remove excess 3D sector tags.

- E1M4: Remove excess 3D sector tags; raise the walkway to the Orange Key to be above the flem.

- E1M5: Remove excess 3D sector tags.

  Changes from v21.1 that were omitted for design reasons: (these are things we didn't take from Arch's v21.1 patch)

- E1M1: Remove the flem pillar that lowers a sector, and instead operate it by pressing a wall.

- E1M2: Remove the flem pillars.

- E1M3: The High Jump Boots were removed. The green force field deactivation switch was moved from the room the boots were needed for into the preceeding hall. The old room was converted into an optional secret room (unmarked as such) with new items.

- E1M6: Remove the flem pillars that lower a sector, and instead operate it with a walk-over linedef.

  New fixes and improvements:

- General: Fixed key pickup messages; add missing dbigfont, IFOG, and QUAD sprites; fix MISL Propulsor sprites facing the wrong direction (an old chex.wad bug); Flemegaus Loricatus no longer hits other Flemoids; BRIGHT states added and removed for appropriate actors.

- E1M#: Mark inaccessible linedefs as invisible to the map; remove deprecated Doom Builder 3D mode spawns; 8-player co-op starts; unpeg doors; misc. map cleanup.

- E1M1: Fix things not spawning in Deathmatch; fix the end boardwalk's 3D roof; remove key messages and bump sounds whenever players walk in front of key doors; adjust sector brightness near the ending lights; fix an exit sign's improper sector references; add (uncollectible) items to the end to better align with E1M2's start; add a Deathmatch start for no other reason than to prevent crashes if the game mode gets switched to Deathmatch; remove non-functional 0-height sectors.

- E1M2: Fix things not spawning in Deathmatch; fix non-functional sound blocking at the Breakfast secret; remove excess "Line Horizon" that wasn't fully formed; a secret area had two sectors marked as secret; add (uncollectible) items to the end to better align with E1M3's start; remove 0-height sectors.

- E1M3: Fix things not spawning in Deathmatch; clarify non-functional teleporters; fix a Flemegaus Commonus not teleporting; mark a stray linedef as "Impassible"; add (uncollectible) items to the end to better align with E1M4's start; remove 0-height sectors; more consistent textures.

- E1M4: Add missing TeleGlitter generator; clarify non-functional teleporters; fix softlock caused by floor not raising; move Flemoids that can't move because they're clipping past linedefs; fix improperly joined sectors that prematurely alerted Flemoids in another room; mark a room boundary as impassable; remove 0-height sectors.

- E1M5: Fix things not spawning in Deathmatch; add missing teleporter from the end of E1M4; make windows impassible; fix a cliff's improper sector references; add (uncollectible) items to the end to better align with E1M6's start.

- E1M6: Add missing TeleGlitter generators; fix things not spawning in Deathmatch; fix sectors tagged as moving that shouldn't be; add (uncollectible) items to the end to better align with E1M7's start.

- E1M7: Remove problematic room with extra Flemoid and line trigger; remove excess TeleGlitter generator; remove 0-height sectors.